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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. What? That player wasn't even drunk and hitting on somebody's girlfriend. he didn't even drag him into an alley to fight. He didn't even plead guilty to a criminal charge! Oh, wait...the suspension wasn't up to the administration at the University of Agriculture and Applied Science. That's why he got suspended!
  2. Of course. That is the purpose of the land grant institution called the University of Agriculture and Applied Science. Their mission isn't, however, to prop up criminal athletes as if they are "heroes". They are losing focus of their mission. If it continues, it will end badly for the University of Agriculture and Applied Science.
  3. I posted that earlier..(no problem) I have found that several fans fo the University of Agriculture and Applied Science football team wish that young journalist harm. They'd like to "bash his nuts in". I guess because their "hero" got away with it while drunk in an alley in Fargo, they probably figure it's okay to physically assault someone.
  4. Fans the University of Agriculture and Applied Science's football team are apologists and enablers. They feel that criminal activity is justified in order to uphold the "glory" of tier II championships. They feel that these lower tier championships somehow make their school more prestigious. Unfortunately, it appears that the administration of the University of Agriculture and Applied Science also feel the same way. They have always had an inferiority complex. It would be kind of funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Top tier championships, lower tier championships...it doesn't matter. That's not what makes your school prestigious. Having good academic program that are relevant to the needs of the state and the nation...that makes your school prestigious. Athletics are a marketing tool. That's all they are. I enjoy them, but I don't expect potential employers to look at my resume and say, "Gee, that Hayduke graduated from UND...and their hockey team is good! He's hired!" I enjoy college sports, but I am not a fan of actions of athletes that think they are above the law. That includes the times at UND when some athletes would what little fame they had achieved and skirt the law. But, at UND the coaches and administration crack down on athletes that go out of bounds. That's why we don't see nearly as much in Grand Forks as we do from Fargo, where the University of Agriculture and Applied Science looks the other way and allows criminal behavior to go unpunished. Because athletics is a marketing tool, allowing criminal behavior to be ignored puts the wrong message about the university to the public. Ultimately, negative public reaction to the athletes undisciplined criminal activity allowed by the the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences will surpass the supposed "prestige" of the lower tier championships. It's not worth it to allow this to continue. If it continues, this will end badly for the University of Agriculture and Applied Science.
  5. The University of Agriculture and Applied Science, (ranked lower than 200 academically in the world..) is gonna get their a$$es handed to them..... Even their criminals won't help them.
  6. I can't find the bowing smiley face icon...but you earned it!
  7. Here is from a website from a very popular class for the football players at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. Mr. Collins, the instructor for COM 362, Design for Print, had to adjust the instructions because of the football team for "Choosing a Photo" as you will see in this website: http://www.ndsu.edu/pubweb/~rcollins/362design/choosingphotos.html 3. Other flaws. Photos taken with flash on camera, if it's obvious, generally should be rejected. Photos without idents are seldom printed, except in advertisements. Photos used for any purpose but editorial (journalism) must have model release. You can't download photos from the net for print without permission. "Royalty free" photo sites don't necessarily mean "free." Lots of free photos are available on the net, but much of it looks too generic for professional use. Avoid mug shots, if possible. Seriously...just can't make this stuff up...
  8. Many fans of the University of Agriculture and Applied Science football team have expressed a wish to do physical harm to the young man that wrote this very truthful opinion piece on why Bohl chooses to let the criminal play football tomorrow: http://www.ndsuspect...55#.Uh_BP9I3vXo So, they want to hurt this kid for writing this truthful piece in the AAS school paper. Just like the same player that punched out the young man in the alley by the bar. Pathetic. They have not only lost their moral compass, they have destroyed hope of restoring it.
  9. Maybe the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences is doing the Fargo Police Department a favor. After all, instead of having expensive databases with mug shots, all they have to do now is just give a witness a copy of a football program. It's gotta be much easier to find criminals that way!
  10. Let me tell you who is not laughing. 1. The young lady who was subjected to the "penis wave" at the mall by a football player from the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. 2. The executives at Best Buy who had members of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences football team arrested for stealing from their store. 3. The people of North Dakota that legitimately signed the election petition only to find out that football players from the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences illegally signed names to those petitions. 4. A young man that was beaten senseless by a football player from the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. No, these victims aren't laughing about the criminal activities of the football players from the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. But, what they really aren't laughing about is the lack of accountability for their actions, which of course is the fault of the administrators at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. This lack of accountability just demonstrates that there is no moral compass driving that school. But, as long as the "glory" of tier II championships is there, the fans of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences do not care. Again, a lack of a moral compass. They just want to forget these events happened and that future criminal activity is almost guaranteed with the football team of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences.
  11. Yeah. You can't backtrack on that statement. What was said was said. It just shows how the moral compass at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences is broken.
  12. Are you seriously comparing the swinging of a penis at a young girl in a mall, theft of items at Best Buy, committing fraud by faking signatures on petition for a ballot initiative and the beating of a man in an alley to an accidental pregnancy? Is there no doubt now that the moral compass of the football fan of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences is broken? That's pretty frickin' warped...
  13. No. Apparently, what the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences lacks is a mother that will actually discipline their wayward children. Instead, they raise kids with no moral compass.
  14. Okay, let's address this issue. 1. You don't like your school being called by its proper name, "The University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences". 2. You don't like that I say there is nothing wrong with the name, "The University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences.". Then, my only conclusion is that you have issues with the name of the school, "The University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences". What you should have issues with, is how the administration of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences ignores the criminal activity of the football players. There seems to be a broken moral compass with the fans of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences football team.
  15. I see. You prefer to sweep these crimes "under the rug". Congratulations! You may have passed the first test in becoming and administrator at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences!
  16. I'm glad you aren't embarrassed by the name. You shouldn't be. But, that is the name. The University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. I didn't make it up. However, your football players did the following. 1. They swung a penis at a young woman in the mall. 2. They stole from Best Buy. 3. They committed election fraud by faking names on petition drives. 4. They committed assault while drunk in an alley by a bar, beating someone unconscious. What's worse is that the administration at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences don't seem to care. They care more about tier II championships. There is no honor in that way of thinking.
  17. So, what you are saying is that you would pay me the value of an education at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences if I would just quit using their official name? Well, I guess that would be a big fat zero dollar check!
  18. That's a lot of research for nothing. Many of those are former names. Maybe they all are, I don't know. Heck, I wouldn't bother looking it up. The current name (That means now...) is North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. Which, apparently, is some kind of embarrassment for you. That's too bad. The criminal activity and support of it by the administration of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences should be embarrassing. But, with the lack of a moral compass for the fans of the football team of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, it's not surprising.
  19. These are facts. To be honest, just about everyone outside of the sewing circle at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences knows these are facts. Twisted logic is to believe otherwise. National championships won at the FCS level and below are lower tier championships. Anybody that thinks otherwise does not have a firm grip on reality. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not true. The fans of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences bragging up their 10 lower division championships to Kansas State fans is like the National American Legion Baseball Champs going to Fenway Park and saying "Look at us, we won 10 national American Legion Championships!" right before their first three batters whiff on insane breaking balls that they can't handle. I support UND football. But, I am a realist. They should have moved up to I-AA years and years ago. Finally, they are in the Big Sky at the FCS level. I am glad they are there, but that is where they should have been years ago.
  20. It was changed to that name in 1960. That's 53 years ago, not 80. That's their name. North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. That's reality. If you don't like it, tough. Kansas State fans are laughing their butts off over the fans of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences' fans bragging of their lower tier "10 National Championships". KSU has played at the highest level of college football, well, for over 100 years. The University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences football team will have played their 10th game at that level on Friday. 10 games at that level in over 100 years. Big deal. That is reality. If you don't like it, tough.
  21. I have to admit, at least you show some pride in that name. The University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences is what it is. Nothing wrong with it. Except with their current flexibility with morality.
  22. Let me see... You know, I don't refer to them at all. Mainly because I don't go trolling on their website. You know, like telling people at an FCS school that is about to deliver a pounding that "We have 10 national championships...we are AWESOME!" That's the way the fans from the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences roll.... Yeah, on the drive back on Saturday morning keep telling yourselves about those 10 lower tier championships while your butts hurt all the way back home from Manhattan.
  23. It's their official name. http://ballotpedia.o...Sciences_(1960) Look it up. The North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. It's not my fault they have no pride in it. Or anything else for that matter.
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