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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. I do like what Mr. Hillsboro has done with the Nakota logo idea. It looks great. I'm not a fan of that nickname, but I do like that logo design. If a similarly sharp design can be done with the new nickname, it would help people get over the loss of the Sioux name more rapidly. (I'll still wear my Sioux stuff....but, a new name is needed for the current generation. Soon...)
  2. Thought maybe somebody here lives in the Fargo area and might be of help. http://www.inforum.com/content/ndsu-asks-help-search-missing-first-year-student
  3. How dare he steal that now popular Colorado phrase...
  4. My hopes for the Screaming Weasels have been dashed.
  5. Gotta quit putting your feet on the coffee table...
  6. If you plan on seeing UND play football, I would suggest drinking more than that...
  7. I predict that you will have heartburn while watching UND beat Stoney Brook 29-27.
  8. Well, at least the Vikings are # 1 in something! http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/13/upshot/what-the-numbers-show-about-nfl-player-arrests.html?_r=0&abt=0002&abg=1
  9. Jeez.. down to the Broncos. All my other teams stunk it up this weekend!
  10. Have fun! I'm rooting for my Vikings. Suck as they may...I'm still a Vikes fan. I'll wear my Alan Page jersey today. The greatest man to ever wear an NFL jersey.
  11. I'm with you on this. AP should know better. This isn't just a "regional tradition". It's childbeating. 1 year suspension is in order at a minimum.
  12. Bad loss. Can't sugarcoat it at all. Hopefully, Bubba & company can move on and keep repairing this program. Otherwise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmXWZFPvCAU Over and over and over and over...
  13. But....are you watching the game? (okay..that was uncalled for...)
  14. Hayduke

    FBS games

    Good info. I looked at Tech's schedule and didn't see any Rocky games scheduled outside of Colorado Mines and BHSU. Now, I get it.
  15. I concur! Good suggestion, Eric!
  16. I hope all the FU fans have a great time at GameDay this morning. Seriously. It is an honor for the state of North Dakota. Then, I hope God has a hand in helping his/her team, the Immaculate Conception Word Holy Cows, defeat the Buffalo in the FU dome.
  17. Goodell will want to wait til the video goes public before taking any action to cover his own butt. Jeez, the next thing you know, AP will start committing credit card fraud and land in front of a judge in Jamestown, ND. It's a Minnesota tradition.
  18. They probably are having GameDay in Fargo to increase the number of surveillance cameras needed for the players from the College of Home Economics...
  19. Naw, I just think he may be a business associate from his days of glory on the FU baseball team...
  20. The next thing you know, you are going to dare and support the UND Women in Volleyball while they play a match in....FARGO. You degenerate.
  21. You going? If you do, I'll send you that extra $1.00!
  22. I enjoyed that final drive to beat the zoomies. I think Bohl will have the talent they have peaking this season. Unfortunately, it's not nearly enough talent to win the MWC, but maybe enough to go to a bowl game...or a "Bohl" game.
  23. Ah, I see Auburn acquired an academic all-American.
  24. I don't know. Those 0-2 Cyclones gave Kansas State fits yesterday. Not that i want to give the University of Home Economics props, but...just sayin...
  25. Are they playing Immaculate Reception? Or is it Immaculate Conception?
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