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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. Not an article. It was an opinion piece. (Just to clarify.)
  2. Hayduke

    The Truth

    So, what you're saying is....there is still a chance? Right?
  3. 100 % correct. Only children kick and scream when they cannot get their way.
  4. Ah, they will always remember their first experiences, won't they? (I can't even count the number of times I was high fived, heard "Go Sioux" wearing my gear all over the US and abroad. These rubes are so, so clueless...)
  5. 9%? Not bad for the University of Agriculture and Applied Science. D-1 in name, but in reality we all know it's second tier. That's pretty impressive for that level of football. 72% for UND Hockey. That's to be expected. It's one of the elite college hockey programs in the nation. I was curious, so I looked it up. Ohio State ....32 players in the NFL. Based on 85 scholarships: 38% That's to be expected from an elite football program in Division 1 sports.
  6. I can't say I blame him. What a weird thing for a college administrator to have to deal with every day. If I was in his position, I might want it all to vanish too. But, I'm not. I'm a pesky alumnus that will wear his Fighting Sioux gear to games when they are called the Fighting Screaming Weasels. (I'm holding out hope...)
  7. Good post. Did you run into any third class felons trying to pawn themselves off as representatives of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences?
  8. Does UND want to be a real D-1 school? I would hope so. To do so, it takes $$$. Marketing and branding is not a joke. Profit from the sale of UND gear is down. Obviously because the Sioux logo is vanishing and nobody wants those ugly damn shirts/jerseys that just have "North Dakota" on them. UND's athletic budget...the spending...is at about 22 million dollars. Schools like Colorado State University spend about 34 million. Wyoming spends about 27 million. Want to play with the big boys...gotta have more revenue which equals more spending. CSU and UW aren't even the big boys. Yet, UND can't match them. Personally, I have 7 Sioux hockey jerseys. 8 Sioux hoodies...20...yes 20 Sioux caps... winter caps, cell phone covers...t-shirts...on and on... all with Fighting Sioux name and logo. Stuff that can't be as easily found now. I have it for myself. I'll wear them proudly. But... I want to see UND grow into a strong D-1 school. This generation in school needs a nickname/mascot...whatever. Something beyond "North Dakota" to brand the school. It is needed for marketing purposes. The name Fighting Sioux is no longer an option. It's dead. Get over it and move on. Let this generation have their name. We had ours. Don't be selfish and continue to act like petulant children. Grow up.
  9. Lots of hard feelings about this problem. But, it's the bitter pill that needs to be swallowed. Nowhere on my University of North Dakota diploma does it say, "Fighting Sioux". You have to accept it for what it is and move on.
  10. Great game.. glad to see it tightening. OSU is for real.
  11. I believe some lawyer guys here pointed out that they have to do limited releases to keep the copyright, trademark, etc... Lest if fall into the hands of evil doers! I was checking out the three amigos that have co-sponsored the bill to extend the "no nickname can be chosen for awhile" legislation. Or, as I like to call it, the "Let's screw over UND for no good reason" bill. I wanted to see if they had a dog in this fight. http://www.inforum.com/news/legislature/3653673-und-president-nickname-bill-not-helpful "The bill is co-sponsored by Rep. Rich Becker, R-Grand Forks, Rep. Mike Schatz, R-New England, and Sen. Kelly Armstrong, R-Dickinson." So, Schatz is a Minot State alum. But, the other two, Becker (BS @ UND, MD @ UND) and Armstrong (BS @ UND, JD @ UND) at least have a direct connection. I was kind of hoping there wouldn't be UND people involved in the sponsoring of this bill. I would have thought they would at least have a bit of knowledge of the negative repercussions for the school and athletic department. I was wrong...
  12. Who will win tonight? I say the Oregon Ducks will be the D-I football champs. A win by 10 over Ohio State. That high powered and fast paced offense will be too much for Urban Meyer and crew...
  13. Agree. I'll hang onto my Sioux gear. But, the current students need a nickname. It's not fair to them. Or the athletes. It's over. Choose a name. Do it this spring semester. Implement it by fall of 2015.
  14. Good game. What a run by the Fargo school. Hats off to them. All class 3 felons may now remain in Texas...
  15. Watching at a sports bar in Ft Collins. Eating a bizun burger. Some University of Agriculture and Applied Science fans here grinding their teeth...
  16. Hayduke

    gas prices

    $1.559 at Costco in Timnath, Colorado. That's for reals, folks...
  17. Totally forgot about those two schools. Man, the whole face of Class B in North Dakota has changed.
  18. It's got to be indoors. It's going to be expensive. There are no "cheap" options. *IF* it would happen, go big...or don't bother.
  19. Frickn' Cowboys. I'm still bitter. Nate Wright was pushed off by Drew Pearson! Dammit! Go Lions!
  20. Good point. With the new rules we anticipate from the Power 5 conferences, the FCS is going to be the new D-2... A move to a lower tier FBS conference will probably put UND in the same position as the current FCS. But, that move is still going to take a different mindset and a lot more cash. I'm not sure if UND, the alumni, supporters and fans are up to it.
  21. not that this really matters but... BU lost to this Undet 18 team and UND just smoked 'em. Even though these are exhibition games, does anyone think UND will regain #1 in the polls?
  22. This: It's a pipe dream right now. But, if UND were ever to go FBS (which I seriously doubt will happen anytime soon...) this is what is needed. You want to play with the bigger boys, ya gotta cough up the bigger $$$. Outside of hockey, I don't think UND has that mindset. Which isn't such a bad thing. Colorado State University is building a 43,000+ stadium on campus. Cost will be over $250 million, which will put that university close to $1,000,000,000 in construction debt (Provided that they don't raise the money immediately for the construction cost of the stadium. Which, they won't.) Yes that is one BILLION in overall construction debt. http://www.coloradoan.com/story/sports/2014/06/22/can-csu-afford-borrow-build-stadium/11231863/ Tuition costs at CSU are going through the roof. Somehow, they are gaining in students. They will be at 40,000 students in the next 5 years...unless it all comes crashing down around them. Between the population increase in Colorado and marketing the university to out of state students, they'll probably get there. But, at what cost? I think I'd rather see UND stay in an FCS Big Sky Conference than go to a lower tier FBS conference. Just my $.02.
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