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  1. Go F'N Hawks. I hope they blow out the Tommie's and their holier than thou facade. They are the most arrogant school in the Summit. They can't go to the Big East soon enough for me.
  2. It shows Cass County population of 194,000 in 2025 and the actual estimates for 2024 show a little over 200,000 already. These 2050 plan may be a bit low the way it looks.
  3. The kid backing up Cam Miller right now, Nathan Hayes, is 6’4, very athletic and has a rocket for an arm(reportedly three the baseball in the low 90’s in high school. You would think UND would find someone like that whe would rather play right away than back up for 3 years before they get a shot.
  4. It’s gonna come down to can Montana State stop the RB Thies. The USD QB is too soft to play in the cold. If he gets pressured at all and sacked he will fold like a tent.
  5. He is not
  6. Maybe D) second offensive play of the game for UND down 7-0 and Romfo keeps the ball and loses a yard on a hard hit by Moestart. I think that may have made Romfo a little hesitant to hold onto the ball and if he isn’t running he is not going to beat a good team.
  7. Maybe D) second offensive play of the game for UND down 7-0 and Romfo keeps the ball and loses a yard on a hard hit by Moestart. I think that may have made Romfo a little hesitant to hold onto the ball and if he isn’t running he is not going to beat a good team.
  8. Maybe D) second offensive play of the game for UND down 7-0 and Romfo keeps the ball and loses a yard on a hard hit by Moestart. I think that may have made Romfo a little hesitant to hold onto the ball and if he isn’t running he is not going to beat a good team.
  9. I don’t disagree. I don’t think NDSU will win at USD either.
  10. Haven’t looked at your schedule but I don’t foresee beating either SD school.
  11. I could see Jody going back to WDAY. Don’t think he is interested in relocating right now and don’t see a lot of other opportunities in the broadcast world in the area.
  12. NDSU has offered him too. For what it is worth, yes, Richman is hard to play for. But the ones in the portal so far I am okay with. Skunberg had a good run but his time was up. Morgan can go. To be completely honest it was a 50/50 option if it would be a bucket or a turnover every time they forced it into him. He will not be a major contributor at a P5 school if he gets a big NIL offer like is speculated. If Federson, White or Wheeler-Thomas go, I will be more upset.
  13. Is that now 2 8th graders and a 9th grader? Or were the Horace kids a freshman and sophomore?
  14. Maybe have to start a 28-29 recruiting thread.
  15. I see Kacie scored half of the teams points again tonight. Is there anyway they are any better next year after she graduates? Not sure the kids from Horace can enroll that early to help Mail out.
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