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Everything posted by BigGreyAnt41

  1. The W probably means win. I read somewhere that getting the win is more importnant to him than whatever your GAA or Save% is for any given game.
  2. I don't know how many of you may know this, but their mascot (the guy dressed up at football games) actually does Native American dances. He is actually taught by someone from an indian tribe. They are very respectful of their mascot (not that we aren't).
  3. David Duffey matches my picks exactly except i have Denver winning their game, he has Miami winning the game.
  4. The only "bad mouthing," if you could call it that, that I got was the guy at the gate making sure I wasn't sneakin anything in, he made a few comments about how it's ok to be second place. Otherwise I didn't hear anything about the rival and the hatred the fans have for each other when the game wasn't in play. There was one guy sitting in the first row of Suite level making stupid comments during the game, he was yelling them done to us in the 100 level.
  5. You do realize it should say "University of Minnes(ota-Duluth)," don't you? And it WOULD say that if the school field in the database was big enough.
  6. Yea, I'm kinda pissed, too. But think of it this way. We'll play a team that's a bit more tired, either CC or UAA, so they'll be a greater chance of us winning. Then UM and UMD will play Friday night, so we'll either get a shot to take UMD 6-0 for the series this year or we'll get to play a rockin' game against the Goofs saturday night. Either way, this might turn out better. Just sayin I'd rather play the Goofs in the finals than in the semi's.
  7. ...and the full version has something like 32 verses.
  8. moorhead won 4-3 in OT
  9. Could I get a link to that USCHO thread, please?
  10. Is the Moorhead game on TV tonight? I want to see if they can finally make it all way, since they never could when I went to school there. Hell, they didn't make it all the way when some current NHL's went to school there.
  11. For those of you who are disappointed with the band not going to the Final Five, please help this not to happen anymore. E-mail Kupchella and Roger Thomas tell them how you feel. They need to know that people want the band there. It is the band that helps create the college atmosphere. Every e-mail will help.
  12. Any "other" players? Has Oshie commited?
  13. Schneider - Bina Greene - Jones Smaby - Fuher I think those were the D-pairings on Saturday.
  14. Woah. What was I thinking on that one. Thanks for clearing that up guys.
  15. I'm just disappointed I won't be able to go to the cities for the championship game, Class AA, that is.
  16. Tech @ UND - Sioux in 2 MSUM @ UMD - Bulldogs in 2 UAA @ Wisco - Badgers in 3 CC @ DU - Pioneers in 3 SCSU @ UMN - Huskies in 3 (I still keep thinking the Huskies are going to pull this one off)
  17. That all depends on whether the Goofs last until Friday or not. If they do, Sioux would play Friday afternoon. The Goof's don't make it, then we'd probably get the night game, but there's no way of knowing.
  18. That's because our only nc games (except for the holiday tourney) were at the beginning of the season when our PP was non-exsistent. I'm hoping we'll be able to pull some PP goals out of our hats as soon as the NCAA tourney starts. And, after these past weekends, we've dropped to 17th in the nation for Penalty Minutes (weren't we neaer the top a few weeks ago?). And our penalty kill is 6th now. Looks like we're in a pretty good spot headed into tournament time. Some more numbers I'll through up here: After this past weekend of 2 five goal games, we're up to 4.60 Team Offense and down to 2.20 Team Defense with the 2 one goal games.
  19. THank you so much.
  20. Well we didn't need those anymore, so we figured we'd hang them up. Doesn't matter if you didn't touch them first, who ever it was that ripped them down didn't have to be an ass. You could have at least give them back to us, instead of lying and saying you didn't have them at all, even though we saw you rip them down and run into that room. Real class there, guys.
  21. The 1024x768 should stretch to 1600x1200 with minimal (not noticable) degredation in quality. Just use the one he put up. And to add, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. This is going to be a great wallpaper. Great shot PCM, u'r awesome.
  22. Do you have any high-res copies of that picture you could put up for download? I'd love that as my desktop wallpaper.
  23. Although I've only lived in Grand Forks for 3 years (grew up in Moorhead), I swear I've been hearing the term "Grand Cities" for more than 3 years. At least it seems that way. It has never bothered me, though.
  24. This is sad. It's the last series of the season (except for first round games) and it'll be when we're (hopefully) clinching the McNaughton Cup for the first time since 2001. This place should be packed and rockin. I suppose all we get as even an option these days is "packed." I think "rockin" is against REA rules.
  25. I like this one. And they'd probably let it in, too.
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