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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. I didn't say that it was a problem last year either. Ask SDSU fans about the field conditions when they lost to Wisc-La Crosse (or whatever team it was). Mud bowl. There is no point in even risking field conditions like that. Plus, the new style artificial turfs are seen by recruits as a facilities improvement. If Ohio State, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, etc. have it, why doesn't SDSU? You get the idea.
  2. Absolutely. I mean, if you actually don't like the game of basketball and you much prefer the game of hockey, fine. But there is no reason to pretend like you hate bball and that it is taking resources/attention away from hockey. That's crap.
  3. I never said they should get magic carpet. That crap should be banned. And yes I realize that muddy, slippery conditions cause a greater chance for injuries and slower performance for both teams. What a treat for the fans that came out to see football played at one of the highest levels.
  4. Requiring play indoors or dry conditions above 32 degrees => too restrictive. Requiring turf on stadiums in particular climates where grass does not grow well in the fall season => not too restrictive. My opinion.
  5. Should the home team be allowed to dump broken glass and fire ants on the visiting team sideline? Obviously not. So then, it's logically established: a home team should not be allowed to keep their field in whatever condition they choose. Thus, the only point to debate is where is the line drawn? What should a home team be able to get away with and what should they not be allowed? I see it as no stretch of credibility that a home team in DI be required to maintain a surface that, within reason, upholds the highest standard of player safety and performance. Without doubt, a sloppy, muddy, junior high field does neither.
  6. A lot of hockey fans don't like hockey? You would get excited and you wouldn't watch it? ..what a toothless nincompoop. Is this really who you want to be representing UND on this issue? I hope not.
  7. Once more, the fallacy that the SBoHE legally "owe" the SR until Nov 2010 rears it's ugly head. There is not a single sentence in the settlement that restricts the board from retiring the nickname before that time.
  8. From everything I've read, Faison has already commented that UND needs to get into the Summit as soon as possible. Thanks for confirming that you trust his decision.
  9. We'll never agree. However, I stand firm that the 2008-09 NDSU bball team gained the most national attention of any college sports team from the state of ND ever, due to March Madness and the Fargo flood promo. UND hockey has never matched that and I doubt ever will, due to the small national (cult) following of college hockey.
  10. Yeah, because what player doesn't want to play on that slop-fest "grass" field? I won't take SDSU's stadium serious until they get turf. The NCAA should require any DI outdoor football stadium north of some climate line to have turf.
  11. I want a source on U of Miami athletic donations. I sure as heck am not going to take your word. How about other schools that have changed? Arkansas State? Who else is there? There must be others.
  12. You know exactly what you're doing and I simply won't allow it to happen. Any discussion about why UND should pursue membership in the Summit as aggressively as possible must include basketball considerations! Any attempt to leave it out is obviously biased against joining the conference. And it's not like UND can join the Summit for just the olympic sports and exclude bball. So try your argument again, this time including bball. Or at the least, try to attempt to first explain what logical relevance having a discussion about just olympic sports has in the debate.
  13. Well done! Take that, hockey snobs!! NDSU got more national publicity from March Madness (including the promo done on the NDSU bball players helping out with the Fargo floods) than any other team in the history of collegiate sports in North Dakota!!!! BBall is the only way that NDSU and UND are going to be put on the national map any time soon (unless we go FBS football and somehow pull off a Boise State). You don't have to like it, it's just the truth. Hockey is a cult sport and the cult lives in Canada and the northern US.
  14. It was a distraction argument put forth for the sole reason of distracting from the main argument for joining the Summit, that it gives UND its only legitimate chance to participate in March Madness. The tribes have had their chance to save the name and they've chosen not to comply. It's time for UND's student athletes to have their chance and guarantee their place in the Summit.
  15. Assuming that the ND supreme court rules against the SL and then the SBoHE tells UND to retire the nickname, then yes, the issue is unequivocally resolved. What could anyone do? There are no more lawsuits and there is no more nickname.
  16. Judge Sturdevent disagrees with you. There is nothing in the lawsuit that would restrict the SBoHE from retiring the nickname now.
  17. I reject the absurd position that retiring the nickname at this point constitutes "preventing the SR to voice their opinion". Right on it's ridiculous face. The SR have had months...months to do something about the issue. Oh wait...hold the presses! NOW...months later...they're just starting to attempt to do something. Too friggin' bad. More than likely, this is just a thinly veiled attempt for the SR to make it appear as if they were trying to save the nickname at the last second so as to not look like the bad guys when the nickname is retired.
  18. The Summit is a conference for olympic sports and basketball. Summit membership means UND's only legitimate shot at March Madness, thus it can't (and I won't allow it to be) be removed from the discussion of the importance of UND's membership in the Summit. Nice try at a strawman, though.
  19. I've attended many basketball games at NDSU (as well as when NDSU was down at the Metrodome for a little thing called "March Madness", you should look it up).
  20. The majority aren't on this board, apparently. Because those on this board are concerned only with whatever gives them the best chance to keep the nickname, at any cost to student athletes.
  21. If it changes now, it means the issue is resolved now and UND gets into the Summit immediately. If it changes later or it stays the same, it means the issue will not be resolved until Nov and UND could very well miss out on its only chance to be in an auto-bid conference for bball and olympic sports. But as we all know, no one on this board gives a crap about those athletes.
  22. If they did build a dedicated indoor practice facility onto Dykhouse and two new grandstands one of which having a club level, suites and press box (something like Appalachian St), even with a capacity close to 20k, they would have the best football facilities in the Dakotas.
  23. If it changes, what happens? Do people die? Do people lose their jobs? No. Nothing of significance happens to alter the lives of everyday UND athletics fans.
  24. Sure, but it's still freezing cold in Grand Forks during recruiting season. Has UND devised a way to keep recruits in climate controlled settings the entire recruiting trip? I know NDSU recruited Phoenix this year and we may still get one player, but as of now we did not get any players from AZ.
  25. Why has Hanson been a PR disaster? Seriously.
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