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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. It's kind've bewildering and disappointing how mean some of the posts are from bitter fans. I understand why they are mad, and I (unfortunately) wouldn't expect anything better out of NDSU alumni if the Bison nickname would be forcibly ripped away from the teams.
  2. OK so when is the next date of interest? The next SBoHE meeting? I thought one of these recent articles mentioned that they may have to act at that meeting if the Supreme Court hadn't done anything yet.
  3. There may not be a lot of studios investing in 2160p cameras right away, but certainly you can get computer generated video a that resolution (video games, for example) and I wouldn't be surprised if consumer still cameras (SLRs) will be able to shoot that resolution (if they don't already).
  4. Marketing ploy, nothing more.
  5. Your argument is tantamount to a 16 year old burger flipper walking into Best Buy and demanding that they sell him a new LCD TV because they can just sign a contract saying if it doesn't work out that they can take the TV back. Things don't work that way. There is no incentive for Best Buy to take that risk, same with the Summit. If the nickname issue backfired even a little, and the Summit was already on record as having accepted UND, they'd have a PR nightmare on their hands. Too risky. So they'll do it the easy way: wait for UND to settle the issue, then admit them.
  6. Hahaha. One million....billion...FA-FILLION!..........yen!
  7. Don't mistake my other posts on this thread as giving NDSU a free pass to grow at any level they see fit. I agree much more with controlled, planned, steady growth vs. the virus-like growth NDSU has experienced lately.
  8. Tin-foil hat at best. It just doesn't work that way. It's all about $$$ to these guys. They don't let emotions get in the way, unlike those on this board. When UND no longer presents a business risk (negative image/PR) to the Summit, they will be admitted in a nano-second.
  9. I've only heard of having 3 DLP chips and three light sources (RGB). Then all three mirrors for a given pixel could be on (white), off (black) or a combination (RGB). Wouldn't surprise me if rear projection goes away. LED LCD look pretty darn good and will eventually be very cheap to manufacture. Then for those who are into home theater there will be a few higher end front projectors.
  10. Says some guy on a message board... Dude, I feel for you ok? Yes it sucks that you're going to lose your nickname. But lashing out at the Summit with absolutely no basis for it is not going the help anything. It's no where near as easy as you make it sound. Simply, the Summit holds all the cards. They are the only conference UND can get into for some years now and they know UND wants in. As soon as the nickname is retired it all becomes moot. But no one on this board has made even a reasonable argument for why the Summit should admit UND prior to that.
  11. I know for fact I'm not on an island with those particular views. Or haven't you noticed how every single major capitalist entity in the United States has expanded globally? Global is the new defacto standard. I bet the people who work in the 1+ billion dollar Hyundai assembly plan in Montgomery AL don't really care that their value add goes back to Korea, because the people of Korea turn right around and buy iPods with Samsung flash memory in them.
  12. So do you have 3 DLP chips or does the LED light source just change colors however many times per second?
  13. Well that's a little more of a reasonable stance. Yes, the programs need to be studying to make sure there isn't an "unreasonable" amount of money being thrown at foreign students to boost enrollment numbers "any way possible". But you last sentence still reeks of protectionism. Think of it from the university's point of view: so what if they go back to their home countries? They are still UND/NDSU alumni! The schools can still hit them up for donations. And it probably gives those graduates an even better chance to start their own companies back in their home countries. Which in turn allows for bigger donations, more opportunities for future graduates to get jobs and more opportunities for UND/NDSU to recruit new students in those countries and form partnerships with businesses in those countries. Stop being such a typical provincial/protectionist American. Please?
  14. I don't see why it's so hard for you guys to accept the Summit's clear position. There are only two possible ways to conclude this matter: 1) get the SR's support and become compliant with the NCAA agreement or 2) officially retire the nickname. NEITHER of those are *guaranteed* to happen on Nov 2010. Not saying this would happen, but someone could file some new lawsuit or the SBoHE could decide to have a change of heart and just let UND keep using the nickname per whatever punishments the NCAA set forth. Until one of the above two things happens, there is ZERO reason for the Summit to even consider UND's application. There is no reason to take the risk. Not when there are other schools to consider, espcially given the new DI membership rules and pending Big Ten expansion that will probably open up all of the DI conferences to re-alignment.
  15. I wouldn't deny or confirm that. But if he was anti-UND, and tried to pull some strings to limit or detract from UND, he was in the wrong. The best way forward is for NDSU and UND to both be as strong and competitive as possible.
  16. The future is a strong partnership between NDSU and UND. Get on board or get the he** out!
  17. Why? Just so they can get eggs and tomatoes thrown at them by a bunch of maniac UND hockey fans who don't care about any other team at UND? That's what you want to happen, anyway.
  18. I have to imagine that the number of grad students at both NDSU and UND from North Dakota, in majors that matter (sorry L.A. grad students), are pretty low.
  19. Depending on how dark the room is and how bright the projector, I'm pretty sure you can go up to 300" screen on a front projector. I have a 40" Sony Bravia LCD that I got a couple years ago. I just have an over the air antenna hooked up to it, all the broadcast networks come in HD. Looks good. Also have a Blu Ray player connected via HDMI and that looks great as well.
  20. Alright lets see if you can do this... I assume that the vast majority of $$$ spent on research at both NDSU and UND are at the colleges dealing with Engineering, sciences, bio-tech and medical. How many of those graduate students are foreign vs. domestic?
  21. Well I would've lost $5 on that. I'd like to see your source, obviously.
  22. That a boy...only way anyone around here is going to take you serious is if your post smacks of smarmy and sarcasm.
  23. I would be willing to bet that at least 65% of the grad students at NDSU and UND are from outside the US. Probably closer to 80%, but not quite that confident. Admitting more American students would be *increasing* diversity in the grad student population. I doubt highly that any are being over looked. They're just not there.
  24. It's not just the NDUS that has problems finding grad students from their own local undergrads, every US university does. American undergrads are interested in one thing only upon graduating: "where do I find a job so I can make money". Very, very few American undergrads seek graduate education. India and China, on other hand, are coming here in droves. Also consider this: there are 1300000 "one in a thousand" students in China, 1100000 in India. They're all looking for grad school. You take what you can get.
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