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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. Keep huffing and puffing about the SBoHE, it's nothing more than you want their heads because of the nickname. That's my opinion and I won't budge. This is a NDSU problem, not the state's problem.
  2. I'm over Chapman, Sic. I actually like Hanson. The SBoHE has nothing to do with this situation and UND fans calling for their heads is just an attempt to ride the coattails of the Chapman mess into an excuse to get back at them for the nickname. Nothing more, nothing less.
  3. And if the Attorney General doesn't give you the answer you want, then you'll vote him out for someone who will?
  4. The SBoHE can add whatever extra stipulations it feels are appropriate. If the SBoHE says that both tribes need to sign 30 year contracts, then they sign the contracts or the deal's off.
  5. The SBoHE has nothing to do with this, you just want to use this as an excuse to fire them because you're bitter about the nickname being retired.
  6. Chapman's vision for NDSU was that of great growth, and he did achieve that. DI, increased research spending, encreased enrollment, etc. He may have bent the rules to do it, though. I for one am glad that we're putting the breaks on and examing and learning from what has been done in order to make sure we grow the right way.
  7. Can I just ask one question here: lets say that NDSU had been doing a lot of bad things in the past, unethical leadership, whatever....now that the new president is uncovering this issues and is being upfront about them with the public and being proactive about fixing those issues and the image of NDSU....are you guys really going to sit on here and still hate NDSU for what the past administration did? IE, "ah HA! we knew all along there was a bunch of crap going on! I hate NDSU now more than ever!" Really? Is there no hope what-so-ever to forgive and forget and move on with a new partnership? Or has the damage been done and the bridge burnt to the ground? You'll never respect NDSU or want to partner with them no matter how open and ethical the new leadership?
  8. Fuel cells, batteries, electric trains, who cares? Ban internal combustion engines.
  9. Best case is Standing Rock holding a special vote early June and it passing. Then what? Are both SR and SL going to sign 30 year contracts to support the nickname?
  10. But it should only be for kids who were born or spent a significant portion of their lives in ND. I don't want Dickinson, Minot, Valley City and Mayville trucking in a bunch of kids from AZ and CA through western student exchanges by giving everyone a free ride using ND dollars. Wyoming doesn't really have that problem...isn't the U of WY the only 4 year school in the state? Wyoming did it correct, ND should've closeed all 4-year schools except NDSU and UND.
  11. Oh...I get it....hostile and abusive, like the NCAA lawsuit against UND. Cute.
  12. One tribe votes in the 60's% to support the nickname and now the majority of Native Americans in this country must support the nickname! Gotta love the pro-nicknamer's logic.
  13. Hopefully by the end of the current decade oil will be relatively worthless from lack of demand.
  14. Well, who might be on the list other than Notre Dame and Texas? Bordering states: Rutgers Syracuse Maryland West Virginia Kentucky Missouri Nebraska Non-bordering states: Kansas Kansas St UConn Virginia North Carolina Colorado Oklahoma Oklahoma St
  15. Really nothing new here, but still: http://www.jsonline.com/sports/badgers/84822917.html The list of 15 will have to come out eventually. Do you really believe that Texas isn't on the list? I also don't believe that they will not take run at Notre Dame. I'd love to see the ACC announce that they're taking UConn and Syracuse to get the ball rolling. Maybe then the PAC 10 would swoop in and offer Colorado and Nebraska?
  16. I have to think that the MVFC already has both UND and USD on the radar for expansion if anyone leaves the MVFC.
  17. That's the theory, anyway. Something will have to give. Either you do the normal FCS thing, you play 5 home games, an FBS away game and travel to an FCS non-conference every year, or you do the Montana thing with 6 home games and don't play any FBS away games, but you still travel to an FCS non-conference every year. You end up having to give the FBS game up for the 6th home game. That works for some teams and doesn't for others. I think my dream non-conference schedule would be to rotate 2, alternating non-conference FCS home/home games between UND, USD, Montana and Montana State and then rotate an FBS away game between Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Iowa State and Nebraska.
  18. That's the key, negotiating. UND is not going to live with just a one-off game here and there every few years and NDSU is not going to live with playing the game every single year in an alternating series so long as UND is not a conference game.
  19. It's not worth arguing over, the important thing is that they're coming to Fargo and we don't have to make a 2nd trip to Bozeman. From what I heard, they did not show NDSU fans or players very much hospitality (I believe one of their fans tried to start a fight with our players after the game).
  20. I don't think Montana State ever bought out...just had to postpone quite a while. They'll be in Fargo 2013.
  21. Looks nice. Would the field adjacent to the stadium and indoor facility be turf or grass?
  22. I know both UND and USD will be quality FCS programs, probably top 50 (if not top 25) attendance, budget and wins.
  23. We'll see I guess, but I'm doubtful that they're going to let a team play 12 regular season games then potentially 5 playoffs games.
  24. I was completely in the boat of doing the 6 home game thing with an FBS away game and 2 guarantee games vs. weak opponents. Then I realized that our guys can get just as hurt playing weak teams on that Fargodome turf as they can playing good teams. Couple that with SDSU's success last year and their annual, brutal schedules, and I'm re-thinking my position. Now I think I'm in the boat where I would still like to see the FBS away game every year (vs a regional Big Ten or Big XII team), but then I think NDSU should have 5 home games with two, alternating home/homes vs. quality FCS teams. But then again, as long as NDSU is doing fairly well, any home game should draw at least 18k. That may be too good of money to pass up.
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