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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. Here's an honest question for you: what's the undergrad enrollment at Saint Cloud State University? Hmm? You know it? >18k. Blows away both NDSU and UND. Is anyone in their right mind going to ever say that SCSU is on par with either NDSU or UND, in terms of academics? No. Never. Both ND flagships are light years ahead of the MN state school both in terms of quality of education as well as research. But thanks for bringing up yet another red herring attempt to trash Chapman.
  2. Yet another undeserving "fan" of Sioux athletics.
  3. Haha! Just look at the venom being spewed in this thread! Even by normally respectable posters like star2. Wow! This topic really brings out the worst nastiness in people imaginable. Then again, internet message boards have a sort of enabling anonymity to them that makes even the most timid say the most outlandish things...things they would never have the balls to dare even think face to face.
  4. Negative PR from the Sioux nickname is a greater risk to the Summit than anything you just described. Teams can and will be replaced. Bad image can and will cost the Summit millions of dollars and take many years to erase. Douple is just protecting his conference. He is not doing anything for the NCAA. Your other two "hypotheses" are dogs**t and don't deserve to be acknowledged any further than to call them what they are.
  5. If it weren't true, UND would have already been accepted into the Summit League. Obviously there is no objective truth on this => the only "truth" that matters is what Douple considers the truth.
  6. I don't agree that he is being disingenuous. I don't know what he will consider "resolved" to be. I'm just saying if I were him, I would not even open UND's application until the nickname was dropped or a 30 year agreement was signed with both tribes. Point being, of course, that the Summit League is a business and that UND's nickname issue represents a risk to that business, so long as the issue is not resolved.
  7. The SBoHE can rule UND to retire the nickname now. They're choosing not to, for the moment, because if they did and then the supreme court ruled in favor of the SL appeal, their decision would be overturned. It looks like if nothing happens at the court here pretty quick, the SBoHE is going to do it anyway. They can't afford to wait much longer on the Summit.
  8. We'll see I guess. I kinda like it because, AFAIK, I have been one of the only ones who thinks Pitt is one of the best choices. Everyone else has been fairly dismissive of them. It might also signal that the B10 will be looking to go to 14 in the near term, as well.
  9. There's some buzz right now that Pitt will be invited to join the Big Ten.
  10. And thus he accepted blame for the process breakdowns and stepped down from his job. End of story.
  11. Why put up with everyone's bulls*** for your last 6 months? That's a long time. If he was going to be around another couple years, even, no doubt he would not have retired.
  12. He was going to retire this spring anyway...why stick around and get dragged through the mud? I don't blame him, heck just read some of the posts on this thread! You've got people like star2 who are out to get him and so on.
  13. Academically, they're probably the same as Cal or UCLA. Just absolutely no history of athletics.
  14. Lefty, let me just ask this: what would have happened to Chapman in your ideal situation?
  15. It's not BS, it's 100% benign business risk assessment. Choosing to ignore that just tells me that you're tin-foil hat is cutting off circulation to your brain. There simply is no other position you can take on this.
  16. That's my point, an audit is just going to dig up where the money came from. It is not going to prove a malicious intent. Maybe there was a misunderstanding, who knows. It's going to take some email to the effect of Joe Chapman telling someone "haha! I got away with it! they'll never catch me! hahaha!!" for me to believe it was an intentional taking of the money for personal benefit.
  17. I commend you on being the first to put the colloquial conjecture of the board in such lucid and eloquent terms. But it still strikes me as a lot of conspiracy theory silliness. The big, bad Summit League must be in cahoots with the bigger, badder NCAA in order to force UND to drop the nickname! I think not. But clearly you've got the mob on your side. They're angry and they want to lash out at something tangible. The Summit League will do.
  18. How does an audit prove that he intentionally planned to deceive the students and faculty of NDSU and the taxpayers of North Dakota by stealing money from them for his personal benefit?
  19. Debating if the Summit not admitting UND now is reasonable is a red herring. You've been given the correct reason why it is unreasonable (business risk). Either accept it and move on or don't.
  20. As sad as I am to say it...if Taylor has been black-balling UND in the Summit, then yes he should be fired. Business men have rise above emotions.
  21. How can it be thin ice if it's what's happening? If you were so obviously correct, then why hasn't the Summit come out and said "we're going to admit UND now, knowing full well that the issue will be resolved long before they ever play a league game".
  22. 82, thanks for your continued commitment and loyalty to reason.
  23. Chapman is calling for the audits you nincompoop. Obviously he has nothing to hide. And how does an audit prove that he intentionally planned to deceive the students and faculty of NDSU and the taxpayers of North Dakota by stealing money from them for his personal benefit?
  24. Then lay your evidence on the table...I mean it's so obvious, right?
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