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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. Or they could add Chicago State, to appease the great lakes schools and Utah Valley to appease Southern Utah.
  2. Look, the only way the Summit loses teams in the immediate future is if the Horizon somehow loses teams. Then it is possible that the Horizon could ask Oakland or the IUPU schools to join the Horizon. That's not a certainty and it's also not certain that they would leave the Summit for the Horizon. But it is the only possibility. No one has even touched who from the Horizon is going to leave that league and into what conference they would switch. I don't see any plausible scenarios. But I am willing to entertain theories.
  3. I want North Dakota to have the best representation at the DI level as possible, not only for the sake of the state, but for the sake of the state's future student athletes who want to compete at the DI level. That can only happen with both NDSU and UND in auto-bid conferences. And the Summit is UND's only option for the foreseeable future.
  4. They could be. Then again, they could decide that they will be choosing 2 additional teams for expansion to 12 this late spring. I put either scenario at about 50-50, right now. Rest assured, they will move on without UND, if required!
  5. (staying in line with your ridiculous analogy) Except that the estranged wife could potentially cost the potential employer many millions of dollars and the divorce judge has already ruled that the husband may divorce her at any time without penalty. There was no requirement that the wife be given until Nov to decide in the prenuptial agreement.
  6. You're not wrong, probably in 5 years and certainly in 10 years things will be different and UND will be able to find a conference with an automatic birth to MBB tournament in that amount of time. But the idea that it's "acceptable" to make the rest of the sports wait another 5-10 years (on top of the 4 years of no postseason in the transition) to have a legitimate chance at a postseason tournament is the only thing I find preposterous. No, of course it's not acceptable. It's not just not acceptable, it's pathetic, it's childish and it's selfish.
  7. I'm sure they weren't spread out equally. But certainly more than just ND and Kansas.
  8. Propose a scenario! Be specific! It's waaaaay too easy to sit back and say it will happen. Who do you think is going where? Why is it so obvious that a Big Ten or Pac10 expansion or a Big East split will ultimately cause current Summit members to go elsewhere?
  9. They had 4 games in that time slot. So a fourth of the nation would be seeing NDSU-Kansas while the rest would be aware of the game via the ticker and in-game updates. But the game itself is not really what got NDSU the attention. The team was hyped in pre-game due to being the first team to make the tournament its first year being eligible and then because of the promo done on the team helping with the Fargo floods. That was seen by everyone in the nation. Look...there is absolutely no point in getting into a pissing match between UND hockey and NDSU bball. My point is only that UND bball has HUGE potential to bring exposure for the state and the school from the rest of the nation. The obvious jealousy and concern from the hockey crowd is that they don't want it to take away from hockey.
  10. Every time you keep trying to perpetuate this false "promise", I'm going to call you out. There is no language in the settlement that requires the tribes be given until Nov 2010 to decide one way or another to support the nickname. Rather, UND has up to Nov 2010 at the latest to gain the tribes support. But they are completely free to retire the nickname prior to that if they choose. As has been confirmed by the judge. Standing Rock does not "deserve" to be given another 9 months when they've been sitting around doing nothing. They had their chance and they blew it to smithereens. Too bad, because I'm more than positive they could've negotiated a very sweet deal with UND in exchange for supporting the nickname. Too bad indeed.
  11. I'm not saying otherwise. What I'm saying is that if you surveyed the nation as to the last college sports team from ND that they recall watching on TV, you're going to get a very large percentage that say they've never seen one followed next by people who remember the story of NDSU bball team from last march madness. The fact that NDSU was the first team ever to make the tournament in their first year of eligibility and then hugely because of the promo that was done on the NDSU bball team helping out with the floods in Fargo, gave that team more national exposure than any other ND college sports team ever. There's no reason to be angry because of that fact. It is what it is: march madness is hugely popular in the country while college hockey has a small following. But there's absolutely no reason that can't be UND's bball team too! Unless, of course, they don't get into an auto-bid bball conference.
  12. See 82's post. There isn't really any other costs are aren't being considered. But we'll be happy to consider any specific examples you want to discuss.
  13. Small clarification: Most popular college sports team in ND with the people of ND: UND hockey. Most popular college sports team in ND with the nation: NDSU bball.
  14. Something will change, yes. But will it directly affect UND? I don't think it will. I don't see any of the current Summit teams leaving the league for other conferences due to Big Ten/Pac 10 expansion or a Big East split.
  15. Turf, courts, uniforms, gear, etc. have to be replaced regardless. No additional cost to UND that they were not going to occur anyway. Simply, the next time it's replaced it won't have Sioux or the logo. What other facility changes are you referring? Be specific.
  16. What does popularity of a sport in the state of ND have to do with how much national exposure a sport brings in for the state and the school? If nothing else, ND being a very northern state just cements my argument that hockey is a cult sport that does not have national appeal. Yes, I give you that UND hockey could very well be the most popular team/sport in the state. But once again, I repeat: the 2008-09 NDSU bball team garnered the most national attention for ND and NDSU from the March Madness promo and opening round game against Kansas than any other ND collegiate team has ever garnered for the state and their respective school. None of UND's national champion hockey teams has ever received that much national attention. I don't have any way to prove it (and there probably is no reasonable way), but that is my personal feeling and I think most reasonable people would agree simply due to the massive national TV ratings of March Madness vs. the NCAA DI hockey championship.
  17. Do you really believe for one second that any of the pro-nickname group cares about the SR having "their voices heard" merely for upholding the principle of representative democracy? Bulls**t. If we had a strong indication that the SR people were going to overwhelmingly vote down supporting the nickname, no one here would give a fart if anyone in the tribe got to vote. Drop the facade. Please. Just admit that you want to keep the nickname at any cost to UND, the student athletes, the state or the fans of non-hockey sports.
  18. How does showing that the Horizon has gotten 2 bids for the 2nd time in 3 years counter my claim that they'll never get more than 2 in the tournament? No one has offered an argument as to why Oakland or the IUPU schools would move to the Horizon if invited to join. My argument against it: it's a lateral move. Also, it would only come to that if the Horizon lost a school to someone else. But no one has presented a plausible scenario where that would happen.
  19. Not really. It would be a lateral move, especially with the tournament expansion. Horizon will never get more than 2 in and it's very likely Summit could get 2 in after the expansion. Plus, on top of that, who is the CUSA going to take from the MVC that makes sense and who is the MVC going to take from the Horizon that makes sense? Propose what you think are reasonable moves and we can discuss from there.
  20. Yep, once Montana got it Montana State eventually had no choice. SDSU will need to get it just to keep up with their peers. And it looks so much better.
  21. If I'm catching your drift correctly, then I think the logically outcome is this: there will be a play-off postseason in major college football...once major college football teams break away from the NCAA and form their own NFL minor league so they can keep the billions of dollars amongst themselves. The big schools hold all the cards (TV ratings), not the NCAA.
  22. Still desperately grasping for anything you can use to de-value UND's need for Summit membership? Pathetic. The Summit and the current Summit members aren't going anywhere. The conference realignments are going to be for the large schools. Not many openings for the low-majors.
  23. You know, after the mental lashing you just gave me I probably would've never posted here ever again out of shame. If only...you had just used a few more line returns between each sentence. Oh well, guess I'll keep posting.
  24. Doesn't matter. Recruits see it as an advantage (and it is one, whether you're too stubborn to admit it or not) so teams are going to keep installing long blade turf.
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