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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. And there in is the great assumption that is parroted on this board. Who are you to say that this will be all over by Nov 2010? No one really knows what kind of legal appeals or lawsuit is going to be brought up next. Douple and the Summit shouldn't have to make that same assumption. And they won't. Until this thing is good and dead, there is nothing for them to gain by "hoping" that Nov 2010 really is the end of it.
  2. And he's exactly right. The SR leadership will continue finding ways to move this issue to the bottom of the pile. "We'll discuss it on our terms", "We have other things to deal with right now", etc etc etc. The SL did the right thing. They've done all they can. But they've run into a brick wall. Maybe it isn't fair and maybe the NCAA should recognize that the SL supports the nickname and that should be all that is required. But it's not. UND needs the SR as well and they aren't going to get it.
  3. Why should they do that when they can take two other schools that don't have any naming issues this spring?
  4. Answer this question: what's the point of even having a research university located in the state of North Dakota? Does it provide any benefit to the state? Or are they just wasting the tax payer's money? If you agree that the state of ND should use tax payer's money to fund a research university, then you automatically agree then that they must do what is needed to attract graduate students to said university. This is an an automatic given. All big state research universities do this. And I'm not just talking about Big Ten schools. Good grad students expect, and will get, free tuition. That's the cost.
  5. Now wait just a second here, you're not talking the same language as Oxbow. I am mostly in agreement with your intentions. NDSU's waiver program needs to be studied and the break-neck growth probably needs to be scaled back. Oxbow is launching an all-out assault on tuition waivers in general and using them to bring top notch graduate students to North Dakota to do great research. Oh and it appears he greatly dislikes the fact that they also happen to be foreign students.
  6. With the new DI membership rules, there are many more schools that could possibly become Summit targets than the "usual suspects" you list above. Even still, Chicago State has a new bball arena and has baseball. They're obviously in the footprint of the Great Lakes schools. UND remains the top candidate but as I have already said, the Summit will NOT WAIT until Nov 2010!!! Don't fool yourselves! Denver, I have my doubts they'd ever go to the Summit. With the new rules and a potential Big Ten expansions, potentially everything is out the window. They might end up in the MVC for all anyone knows.
  7. Because the Summit won't wait that long. They want to have teams picked out by this spring. If UND won't take care of its business, they will be left behind. And to think that could happen because a bunch of hockey fans are on their hands and knees, begging and kissing the ground of a reservation that has made it more than clear they will never give permission, no matter how many times they have to keep re-moving the issue to the bottom of the pile? That just can't be allowed...
  8. What a piss-poor, pathetic, protectionist, anti-foreign, border-line racist attitude. You just don't have a clue what big time, research, graduate university programs are about. Like it or not, NDSU (and UND) are big time research universities. You can NOT maintain a large graduate/research program without top notch grad students!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And top grad students already have offers of free tuition at our other peer research universities. It has to be done. Lookit, you just worry about how the hockey team is doing and if your supply of miller light is running short or not, K? Leave the academic side to people who have a clue.
  9. It doesn't seem like it based on the article. Sounded pretty clear the board did not want to risk the court siding with the SL. Once the issue can get fast-tracked in front of the court and the obvious, only possible ruling is made (SBoHE has the authority to tell UND to retire the nickname) in the net couple months, this issue will finally be put to rest. Summit will absolutely not be drawn into the debate. The Fargo/GF media can whine and bitch, but they won't get peep from Douple or the Summit. It's flat out a case of "we're not going to dick around with you until you get the crap done". So get it done.
  10. But here's the thing...why do you want them to drop? Why are you hoping there is something more? How is it possible that a sports rivalry between NDSU and UND could cause you to become so hateful and bitter as to hope for the personal destruction of a former NDSU president? It makes no sense to me...
  11. Please present your evidence that Chapman intentionally did something that would result in a negative effect for NDSU. You have nothing, of course. No one has anything. But it's the popular thing to do.
  12. 100% agree! They should be on each other's schedules every year in all sports they both play.
  13. 82SiouxGuy, thanks for remaining logical and not driven to post from your emotions.
  14. Only a vastly different Big Sky from now. The majority of the Big Sky schools will vote down Dakota expansion. Really only the Montana schools are on your side and they're the only schools worth being in the Big Sky to play against. They'll both be long gone before any Dakota expansion happens.
  15. There are errors in the process that need to be corrected, surely. Otherwise we wouldn't be in the deficit. Those will be corrected and we will move on. But you're trying to pretend that Chapman committed some sort of crime, willingly. There is no evidence of that or charges would've been filed. And that's what I'm talking about. You're so hateful and bitter toward NDSU that you have to personify that hatred onto our former president. This is the crap I want to see stop. I want NDSU and UND to forge a solid, working relationship. The old rivalry is a relic of the past that should die. The new rivalry should be a partnership for the future. Correct the mistakes in the process. Move on. Leave the hatred behind you!
  16. I doubt if there's ever been an at large from the Summit/Mid-Continent. I should've known better than to let myself be dragged down to a "mine's bigger than yours" UND hockey bashing every other UND sport argument. You clearly could care less if bball, vball, softball, etc. have any success if it means the UND hockey team can't be the Sioux.
  17. You're obviously very bitter and angry at something you perceive to be wrong. Fine. Why not correct those mistakes and move forward in a new direction? Are you capable of moving on or will you dwell on a negative past?
  18. Have fun in the WCHA minus the Big Ten teams.
  19. The anti-NDSU/anti-UND shtick is old and tired. The best way forward for the state of ND and the NDUS is for NDSU and UND to forge a strong partnership.
  20. I guarantee there will be bitter UND hockey fans who blame the Summit 50 years from now for ruining UND hockey.
  21. His entire rant was a red herring. I never argued that wanting to keep the nickname was illogical. I'm arguing from the perspective that there has already been a deal cut between the state and the NCAA that requires UND to drop the nickname if support can not be won by Nov 2010. And there is nothing in the deal that obligates UND to keep the name until that deadline, thus giving the SBoHE the authority to end it early if it sees fit.
  22. I never said wanting to keep the nickname was illogical. But arguing that the SBoHE should not have the authority to retire the nickname before the Nov 2010 deadline clearly is. It's not their fault that the SR won't give a damn about the nickname and do something about it.
  23. I suppose "that side" needs someone like a Rush to represent the vocalization of their fantasies.
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