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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. Funny you mention Arizona, I think their really good DE (may have been all american) is from AZ.
  2. Summit is more important. It's just a nickname. Unless SR leaders come out before the next SBoHE meeting, urgently requesting an extension, I change the nickname then and there.
  3. It doesn't really matter if it was promised or not. The explicit argument of this message board all along has been "to hell with bball and olympic sports players, the nickname is more important". To hell with those who think that!
  4. Facilities are always the first step. Then you can attract good coaches, who recruit the right players, which brings fans and money. I'm glad SDSU has a master plan....just like UND has a master plan (indoor facility and on-campus stadium).
  5. It comes down to money from the new PAC10 TV contract. If CU can get millions more by switching to the PAC10, they will make the change. The PAC10 are high research schools with great athletics, there is no reason that CU would not want to be affiliated with those schools.
  6. What a self-serving crock of dogs**t argument. You really could give two s**ts if any of UND's non-hockey and non-football teams ever go to a NCAA tournament. Over a g-d nickname? How long have the poor people of Standing Rock had to do something about this? How many extentions by the SBoHE? Oh wait, now they're trying to get signatures for a petition? Too bad, maybe they should've thought of that when Spirit Lake was having their referendum?
  7. It wouldn't surprise me if Miles promised them a chance to win an auto-bid conference tournament and go to the big dance their senior year (not necessarily the Big Sky, though). That's what all DI bball recruits are promised. UND promised that to it's current RFr and Fr bball players. Star is a liar for claiming otherwise.
  8. I don't see why the Pac 10 wouldn't go after Texas too, for the same reason that the Big 10 would be interested in them. Or if nothing else, say Texas gets woo'ed to the Big 10, then the Pac 10 cold strike back by taking Texas A&M or Oklahoma, along with Colorado, or maybe even Nebraska or Kansas. Who knows. I don't see why Utah would all of a sudden be a target. They're not AAU, even though they do spend a decent amount on research. They're not a peer institution on the level of a U of Arizona or a U of Colorado, they're a half step below with schools like U of NM, U of NV, U of Wyo, etc.
  9. Of course they were promised a chance to win an auto-bid conference tournament and a trip to the big dance. That's what all DI coaches promise every single athlete they recruit. You're a bald faced liar if you try to pretend that UND did not promise those bball players the exact same thing. They were promised, just like every other DI bball recruit was. The fact that you're trying to undermine the main reason for the SBoHE telling UND to retire the nickname early at the expense of what was promised to those players, is the most pathetic, childish, self-serving thing I've read yet, on this entire board. Thankfully, you don't get to make the decision and have zero influence on those who do. Logic will rule the day. Emotions be damned.
  10. No kidding! The nickname supporters will use emotional appeals and scream/shout about the brave warriors on the tribes who are trying to rally support for the nickname. But mention those future UND seniors in bball, vball, softball, baseball, etc. who will be denied their only legitimate shot at going to the DI NCAA tournaments because they won't be able to win an auto-bid conference title and what do you hear out of them? Not peep.
  11. I'm not saying the latest development on the SR should be quickly swept under the rug. Not at all. It's nice to see something finally happening. What I am doing is slamming the door shut on your ridiculous emotional appeal by pointing out that if the SR was purposefully stalling the nickname issue, then it would not be unethical to retire it early. Not a chance.
  12. Petition drives are not coming from SR leaders. I'm not saying the SR leaders are not cooperating, yet. It would seem to me, however, that they don't really care about this issue or they would've done something public.
  13. You're essentially talking about the Big Sky teams, the Great West football teams, U San Diego, USD and UND. I know some Big Sky teams are having financial trouble or are in states with financial trouble and others are looking at FBS. Poly and Davis seem pretty committed to maintaining football, though not sure how long in the FCS. Southern Utah and U San Diego (especially) seem on islands. No idea if they'll keep football. I'm sure the Dakota 4 are pretty committed to FCS football for the foreseeable future.
  14. The Summit will be adding members in the future. UND is also the best of the currently available schools to add, but may not neccesarily be in the not too distant future. And thus, you have failed to show why the Summit will have no choice but to add UND. I actually find it very plausible that the impending conference expansions could free up another school that is even more attractive to the current Summit members than UND. All the more reason to act now and secure UND's spot in the Summit until the dust settles from conference reorganization and at that time UND can re-assess its conference affiliation. And of course it is perfectly ethical for the SBoHE to tell UND to retire the nickname if it's clear that the SR leaders are refusing to cooperate. I dare you to attempt to explain otherwise. Here are some names with whom you may want to familiarize yourself: 24 Brekke, Brandon F/C 6-6 215 Fr. East Grand Forks, Minn. (East Grand Forks High School) 32 Schuler, Josh G 6-2 175 Fr. Urbana, Ohio (Graham High School) 12 Allard, Jordan G 6-7 205 RFr. Fargo, N.D. (Fargo South High School) 33 Archer, Doug F/C 6-7 196 RFr. Conception Junction, Mo. (Jefferson High School) 23 Goodman, Spencer F 6-5 177 RFr. Jackson, Mo. (Jackson High School) 2 Haugen, Nick G 6-2 188 RFr. Rockford, Minn. (Rockford High School) 40 Stockdale, Dan F 6-7 188 RFr. Sheboygan, Wis. (Sheboygan North High School) 22 Wilmer, Mitch C 6-11 227 RFr. Warroad, Minn. (Warroad High School) These are the seniors of UND men's basketball for the 2012/13 and 2013/14 seasons. These are the players that you would rather deny their only legitimate shot at making the NCAA men's bball tournament via winning the Summit league bball tournament than to see the nickname retired 9 months early. That's the only thing I find appalling.
  15. Can't see the Summit wanting to expand its footprint like that. Upper midwest/great lakes schools are the Summit's future.
  16. Every time you throw one of your emotional temper tantrums on this issue, I'm going to call you on it. Utah's nickname issue is fully resolved, as far as anyone is concerned. Therefore, no conference would ever be concerned with any potential negative PR issue stemming from the Ute nickname. Arkansas State is a red herring. UND is not Ark St. Furthremore, Ark St DID change its nickname, in order to be in compliance. Their nickname issue is resolved. UND's nickname issue is not resolved. The Summit taking a cautious approach is no different than any other conference would. Keep your emotions in check, please.
  17. You don't know any more than anyone else on here that the Summit league will have to add UND, for any reason. It would also be completely ethical to retire the nickname now if the SR leadership is purposefully tabling the issue, in order to stall out having to do something about it. Don't let your emotions overcome your logic.
  18. It's sad to see that you've thrown your hat in with the 'emotion over logic' crowd that would prefer not to join the Summit if it means keeping the nickname. Selfish, childish and foolish. Nothing you said is incorrect, but there's absolutely no reason to think the Summit won't be an auto-bid conference when UND is ready to join in a couple years. And having those 4 core Dakota flagship schools creates a stable nucleus for membership.
  19. Stop pretending that the Summit is doing anything to UND. It's UND that wants into the Summit, rightfully. The Summit is UND's sole chance at an auto-bid to the men's bball tournament for the first few years that it's eligible. There are no other regional entry-level auto-bid conferences. Sure, there will be a shake-up...but at most all that UND is going to see is probably more spots opening up in the Summit. The Big Sky is going to be dead and there won't be any new entry level conferences that would take a school in the Dakotas. You aren't going to be able to jump right into a Missouri Valley or Horizon conference.
  20. IMO, once the Montana schools leave the Big Sky is dead. The western schools are in financial trouble and do not identify with the mountain schools. Weber, UNC and Idaho St are in a tough spot. You also have to consider that the Big Sky does not sponsor all of UND's olympic sports.
  21. Throw on top of that the Big Ten expansion. There will most definitely be a major shake-up coming, NCAA mandate/reorganization or not.
  22. "Oh s**t! He got us logically! Quick! Change the scope of the argument to be just in North Dakota!" BS....you know exactly what I'm saying and that I'm correct. Enrollment is a red herring...at best.
  23. Yep, keep playing dumb! Thanks for confirming that I completely stuck you on your asinine hypothesis and you have absolutely no recourse but to pretend you have the higher ground.
  24. Oh now you play dumb after you were the one who brought the red herring up in the first place. Your claim was that Chapman put NDSU into a deficit in order to get NDSU's enrollment above UND's enrollment. I exactly refuted that by noting that a regional, undergrad school has enrollment that blows away both NDSU and UND. Enrollment is a non-issue. Nice try though.
  25. Put your money where your mouth is. I want to know of all the things Chapman did that you claim are so bad.
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