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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. How do you know there is not some discretionary fund that the president gets to use? We really are in the dark here. And unless someone cares to shed some light, I am not going to assume anything. Especially not for the sake of being "rational".
  2. I don't know what the Summit will view as resolved. Perhaps they only consider dropping the nickname as resolved. Afterall, if you keep the nickname somehow, there is always the possibility that this issue could come back at later time. I have no idea how many different scenarios I could dream up where the Summit League would be automatically drawn into all the nasty trashing PR that comes with the nickname issue, from both sides. But mainly, it's for the scenarios that no one can think of. Guys...can you at least admit that the only reason you want the Summit to admit UND prior to the nickname resolution is that you think it gives better odds that the nickname could be kept (since Summit membership is one of the driving forces for dropping it)?
  3. It's reality in your mind. You've no more provided any objective evidence than any other miller lite drinking "CHAPMAN SUCKS!!!!111" UND fan.
  4. Did he know he would be taking $22k away from the school (and did the money directly or indirectly (through transfers from other funds) come from a fund that was meant to be spent on the school) prior to making the decision to take his family with on the vacation? I think this could very easily have been innocent intentions that look very bad out of context.
  5. Yes you did mince words, to satisfy your personal hatred. The only thing that matters in the discussion is whether he intentionally acted in a way that he knew would a) take money away from the university and b) cause himself to personally benefit. No one has ever given even a shred of evidence that points to such acts.
  6. It's already been pointed out numerous times that the Summit has no incentive to take on the risk of UND's nickname issues backfiring on the league. Move along..
  7. Being some well-to-do booster of NDSU doesn't give his opinion any more credibility. I'll accept evidence and nothing less.
  8. Small talk from someone who has nothing to back it up.
  9. Don't care who it's from. Unless they have something to back it up they should just keep those kind of thoughts to themselves.
  10. Yes. Absolutely. And maybe he still should've lost his job over it anyway...I don't know. But that's not the attitude I'm referring to. I'm referring to the tacit suggestion I'm seeing here that Chapman did this on purpose. That a man who loved NDSU with all his heart would steal money from its donors and students for his own personal gain. I think it's dispicable sans any evidence....any evidence! How about a taped conversation or an email...something, before you sink that low?!
  11. You shouldn't be allowed to be a UND hockey or football fan, with a horses**t attitude like that. No one says you have to show up at every UND home game for all sports, or even like the other UND sports...but you can at least show some respect to them by supporting their critical need to be apart of an auto-bid conference for all other sports. Piss on you.
  12. If you're going to be mad at the NCAA for the hostile and abusive campaign, fine. Do that. Don't have a temper tantrum at the Summit because they aren't going to let UND in until the issue is resolved.
  13. I take it to mean exactly what I'm trying to explain to you all...that he denies any wrongdoing. Sure, he indirectly responsible for the lack of controls in place that would've prevented this situation. But that is a system problem and it can be corrected. Fact is the issue is moot...Chapman has retired. Yet you still try to bash him. Sorry that some NDSU fans are so brainless and that they turned you so sour against us that you'd look for any way to lash out and get back...but it just don't sit well with me, especially with a lack of evidence.
  14. Yes. Absolutely. And maybe he still should've lost his job over it anyway...I don't know. But that's not the attitude I'm referring to. I'm referring to the tacit suggestion I'm seeing here that Chapman did this on purpose. That a man who loved NDSU with all his heart would steal money from its donors and students for his own personal gain. I think it's dispicable sans any evidence....any evidence! How about a taped conversation or an email...something, before you sink that low?!
  15. You should know better than the lump me in with a bunch of mouth-breathing Bisonville-blowhards like lakes, et al. I did not attack Thomas or Kupchella that I recall. If you can find posts to the contrary, I will retract that. It is an emotional based attack for you, though. I don't see why you can't admit it. The problem was with the (lack of a) system. The problem was not with the person.
  16. I don't think it was acceptable that no one was in charge. I think that is a huge problem and a huge mistake! It needs to be fixed and it will be. It won't happen again, you can bet your bottom dollar. What I absolutely do not accept is the horsecrap attitude of this board to blame Chapman personally, as if he intended to steal money from the school like a thief, when the correct response is the blame the lack of defined oversight protocol. Blame the system, not the person.
  17. Like I said, the mistakes will be fixed. This will not happen again.
  18. Emotional attack. Star this issue is one of your biggest weak spots that I've observed....you really have it in for the Chapmans. But I would wager you've never met or talked to them...
  19. Did you read the section of the interview in the link? Joe rightly says there was no planning. If there was no oversight by NDSU, then it serves the school right that Joe's wife had the contractors doing this and that. They'll fix the process so that never happens again. End of the story in every possible way. You can not draw even a single additional conclusion without it being a non-logical, emotional based attack on NDSU, Champans, etc.
  20. I don't have a passion for the nickname. I don't care if it stays or goes. I only care that it gets resolved as soon as possible so as it get UND in the Summit League.
  21. The process was broken. No oversight. That will be fixed. No crime was committed. Move on with your life.
  22. Don't waste your time, I've already given them this exact, correct reason why the Summit should not and will not look at UND for admission. You can lead a horse to water... It's all moot anyhow...the clock is rapidly ticking down and there is but one, single entity that can save the nickname: Standing Rock. You don't hear much about them these days...just ultra-bitter UND hockey fans who are lashing out and spraying venom at the Summit league and anything associated.
  23. Your argument is that the Summit could just admit UND now and by the time they are officially in the league the nickname will be resolved one way or another, is it not? I've given you the correct reason why this argument is false. You don't have to accept it, but I have given it to you.
  24. Nothing inherently wrong with 720p, it's just that none of the set manufacturers could risk losing a marketing edge by not selling 1080p, even though that signal is not broadcast over the air (and thus none of the TV studios shoot in it).
  25. Well, at least the topic isn't polarizing! For crying out loud...if people had the tenth of the passion for their daily lives as being displayed over a college sports nickname....bah, is it even worth going down that path?
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