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Everything posted by ScottM

  1. Bear market for oil? http://www.wsj.com/articles/oil-weak-after-overnight-losses-oversupply-weighs-1437617638
  2. Why worry about it? Some people will always live in the past and that's their cross to bear .
  3. Fortunately, his diploma must read "University of Fighting Sioux", so he'll be fine.
  4. And the recruits and players coming to campus in 5 years will have no real stake in the Fighting Sioux moniker. It will be a nice historical passage to them, similar to those who may have seen the old Blackhawk logo that adorned Sioux sweaters decades ago.
  5. ScottM

    Wilkerson Reno

    Seafood Splatter, anyone?
  6. And that's just to the plaintiffs' lawyers ...
  7. I think the horse would have to be a Clydesdale ...
  8.     And the NC$$ is at the rear of Mr. Ed.
  9. If the precedent stands, and the "disparagement" threshold is broadly construed to include those who may be offended, it could spell trouble for a lot of other team nick names that are tied to race or ethnicity. Even those that have the NC$$'s stamp of approval. Tick ... tock ...
  10. Fireworks are Darwin's tool of choice in the summer. In winter, it's thin ice.
  11. I'm sure the NFL and Dan aren't shedding any tears as fans stock up on 'skins gear. Sort of like how people, including me, bought up Sioux gear before it went away.
  12. And the occasional badger when Wisco came to town ... or so I've heard ...
  13. Minneapolis learned the hard way what happens if you ignore early warnings of criminal elements moving into the area and establishing themselves as city leaders boasted "There's no gang problem here!". Granted, not all of these things posted are gang related, but the similarities between Fargo now and what MSP saw in the early 90s are pretty striking.
  14. Agree, but if this crap keeps going, Amazon Prime may delete my copy of Gettysburg.
  15. Winners write the history.
  16. Just add alcohol ...
  17. Everything, and everyone, but the nutbag.
  18. People would whine, cry and vow to never send another dollar to UND. And then promptly forget about it the moment the first football is kicked, or the first puck is dropped.
  19. I blame the parenting, or lack thereof, rather than anyone in the White House or any of the other dullards in politics. We've routinely had parents accompany their progeny to my employer and try to get security access, and occasionally had them call in to complain when their "snowflake" gets a bad performance review or terminated. I'd rather hire some poor, smart kid with an assload of student debt and the desire to succeed than someone who's been "protected" their entire life.
  20. I know the manager of a local car dealership that sells high-end European cars. They often can't find part-time "porters", basically people to take the cars around the lot or into the shop or car wash, because they fail routine drug and/or background checks. And they're only looking for high school or college age kids for these jobs. Unreal.
  21. Assimilation, whatever that means, takes generations. I tend to agree. "Assimilation", whatever that means, may take years, if not generations. Our European ancestors most likely did their own thing for years before moving into the larger society. For years Irish gangs ruled New York and Chicago since they were excluded from the "establishment", before moving into the police and local and business political structures. Later arrivals from Italy and Jewish immigrants filled that "void". Later on other racial and ethnic groups largely took over street crime as these arrivals moved into larger society. Some cultures more readily assimilate around Central Iowa/Des Moines. We have recent Russian, Bosnian, Ukrainian, Sudanese, Ethiopian, Burmese, Thai and Hispanic groups, and they generally keep their own traditions, while often working and engaging in the local community. Remember, the US is still a "melting pot", and we reflect a variety of cultures, experiences and values that has changed over time.
  22. I'll see your Minnesota immigrants, and raise you our own home grown lunatics. https://www.ctc.usma.edu/v2/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ChallengersFromtheSidelines.pdf
  23. What? No, "None of the Above" choice?
  24. Which says nothing of our own native-born "terrorists" who shoot up their own neighborhoods and each other on a daily basis in various cities, and with little protest from their respective "communities".
  25. Be completely inoffensive to all people, animals and insects. Be immediately forgetable so opposing fans can't hurt the feelings of the hypersensitive.
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