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Everything posted by ScottM

  1. At some point market economics will temper the boom and that my be a good thing from a long-term sustainability perspective.
  2. Hopefully the F-M area doesn't bury its head in the sand like Minneapolis did when it refused to believe that gangs would ever expand out of Chicago, Milwaukee, LA, etc. Hit 'em early and often.
  3. $$$$$
  4. Apparently, you know nothing about corporate taxation, and we'll leave it at that.
  5. Really? http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/04/business/04bptax.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
  6. And Florida's congressional delegation went crazy when FSU was originally put on the hit list, while North Dakota's delegation was MIA.
  7. Throw out taxpayer dollars subsidizing oil and gas producers, and the ethanol producers, and I'm with you.
  8. Around Iowa they're complaining because the wind mill farms, many of whom are indirectly owned by Berkshire Hathaway aka Warren Buffett, are killing birds and disturbing wildlife. In California they're crying because the large solar farms create so much heat from the Sun they actually roast birds in mid-flight. As for "green" energy in general, my company is making a $30 Billion bet that it's not a "fad" through investments and loans. That said, various fossil fuels will be around in different mixes for the foreseeable future.
  9. They wouldn't like it if we called them Mighty Whities," said one Native American protester. If there no objections, I'd like to submit "Mighty Whities" as a replacement for "Fighting Sioux".
  10. ScottM


    Force >>> Farce
  11. I'd go with Rory McMahon. Wasn't afraid to drop the gloves and his forechecking could be brutal.
  12. I'm not sure where this fits, but since it's an overhang of ongoing litigation and threats from the bigger conferences, it may work here. I wonder if this would impact sports like hockey and others where smaller FCS and D2 schools compete against B10 schools for recruits. http://www.startribune.com/sports/gophers/277787901.html
  13. Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere, but this is a nice story about ZPar and his dad's ongoing battle with lung cancer. http://www.startribune.com/sports/wild/277340961.html?page=all&prepage=1&c=y#continue
  14. 14 people ... I'm sure those meetings will be smooth and efficient.
  15. Sorry, I'm not a fan of "Nokota" or anything else where you to explain its relevance or origins. It's like having to explain a bad joke.
  16. ScottM

    FBS games

    More likely when Clemson pulled ahead in the 4th, I'd bet his colon tightened a bit. I am becoming a "real" Florida State fan. I love watching the NC$$'s hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty on full display in prime time, when Little Tommy White Bread dresses up in his Seminole costume. mounts his polo pony, gets the crowd doing the "Tomahawk Chop" and drives a lance into the Seminole logo at mid-field.
  17. As do most major corporations.
  18. I don't think "most" means what you think it means. That said, Rand should be embarrassed by a 56% passage rate. When I graduated it was about 90%. I took the Minnesota bar and passed it on the first try while working full-time, so it's not rocket science kids, They probably took too many fluff courses offered in years 2-3 to puff up their GPAs and forgot about things like mens rea and the Rule Against Perpetuities.
  19. The smart move for Peterson may be to cop a plea to a misdemeanor charge, and some sort of probation tied to anger managment or parenting, or a deferred prosecution agreement, to resolve the case. He's probably paying his attorney over $600/hour, so he'd better get his money's worth.
  20. Apparently some stores around MSP are pulling Peterson's jersey from the shelves.
  21. http://www.startribune.com/sports/vikings/275226611.html The Vikings are nothing if not hypocritical in their interpretations of letting the legal process "run its course".
  22. And it had absolutely nothing to do with the players or their performance on/off the field. They paid a price for the hubris of Paterno, Sandusky and a few administrators who are being prosecuted.
  23. The NC$$ shouldn't have imposed those sanctions on them anyway. But whatever it takes to cover their a$$es in the media ...
  24. So it may turn into something similar to Auburn. They're officially known as the "Tigers", but routinely use the term "War Eagle" in cheers and when they greet each other. We could be called the UND "Whatever" and still use the term "Fighting Sioux" or "Sioux" in an unofficial or informal capacity.
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