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Everything posted by jimdahl

  1. With an unusually short window of just about 24 hours (sorry!) and the first time in the history of the bracket challenge that UND isn't in the field, it should be interesting. Let's see what happens! http://siouxsports.com/hockey/bracket.php Who will join the illustrious list below? 2017 UND-1 / Oxbow6 / Redneksioux / iluvdebbies / Stms 2016 UND1981 / stack / nhockey30 / ringneck28 / bigskyvikes (UND National Championship year) 2015 WiSioux 2014 johndahl 2013 FSSD/Brainerd Sioux 2012 mj3und 2011 tho0505 2009 Big A HG 2008 willtippen 2007 seanpc03 2006 teamsioux 2005 mynameiscuomo 2004 paul62/BigGreyAnt41/brew003/UP2SKI
  2. Yeah, that's just a width/display issue. That's one of the few pages on the site I haven't rewritten to be phone-friendlier because I only trot it out once a year.
  3. Ok, I whipped this one up FAST. I tested it a bit, but please let me know if you find any problems. I'll post it more broadly in an hour or so if there are no problems: http://siouxsports.com/hockey/bracket.php Though we're only going to have about one day of entries, it will be interesting to see how it goes in the first UND-less year!
  4. Haha, you know, it occurred to me on like Tuesday afternoon (completely slipped my mind last weekend), but then the lack of complaint led me not to put in the effort. Let me see what I can do.
  5. Please drop the discussion of the personal lives of non-public figures. Thanks.
  6. This article prominently features a bottle of "H-Sioux-O": https://www.fastcodesign.com/90157503/the-fraught-history-of-americas-most-pervasive-brand
  7. This was pretty off-topic... the topic of this thread is NDSU, and taunting UND's performance to distract from that could be considered trolling. We also could have done without the responses to this. Everyone back to NDSU football, please. Thanks!
  8. There should be an arrow to the far right of the green bar that you can click on to re-expand it.
  9. A "UND Athletic Department" forum would be obvious and easy enough. Is there really enough traffic to justify it, would it be better to rebrand "Other Sports" as "Athletic Department and Other Sports", or do you think this is a situation where the creation of the forum will drive additional discussion on those topics? I'm less sure about the other. The basic idea is to separate UND-related news from other (Grand Forks, North Dakota, and regional) news?
  10. Hmmm... the "UND Sports" category title is gray on green. But, it is clickable. (Though clicking it just narrows the list of forums from the full list to those in that category). Am I looking at the right thing, or am I on the wrong track?
  11. In a thread, there should be a "Follow" box near the upper right. Click that, and you'll be following that thread. What following means is somewhat up to you. It can notify you when you load the site, send you an email with any new replies, etc...
  12. Ok, I think this works. Thanks for pointing it out everyone.
  13. Yeah, this is nothing more than trolling at this point.
  14. Huh, sorry about that, I honestly hadn't given that situation much thought. But you're all right, it has to change. I could move it as a subcategory to other sports, and add a "(retired)" tag, but then it would still float at the top of other sports because its a subcat. I could just merge the posts into other sports, but then it would lose its individuality as a separate forum. I could also just add an "archive" or "retired" category, and move it as a subcat to that. Then it would still have its separate identity, but clearly be historical/not seeming more important than active sports.
  15. Hmmm.... do you see them all now? http://siouxsports.com/mens-hockey/schedule/und/ I do, but could be a bug in the HTML that makes it fail on some browsers.
  16. Yep, hawks is tough to work with. No doubt about it.
  17. I almost went undfans.com during the transition, but never got my act together. Now I feel like I should go Hawks, the name seems to be sticking.
  18. Don't believe I've managed to snag any of those. I have some close--undhawksfans, undhawksports, undhawkstalk. Believe me, I've been testing these names on people for years. No one agrees, which is why I still haven't done anything.
  19. I've joked about how if I held a vote, I'd still just do whatever I want (just like the nickname process!)
  20. As I mentioned above, "Hawks" is such a common (generic) name that all the best variations are taken. hawksnest.com, for example, is taken. hawksperch.com is as close as we've been able to get.
  21. After testing the waters 2 years ago (and reserving quite a few candidates), then debating with a few different groups of friends and supporters last Fall, I was actually just pondering a site name change this Summer. The problem still is that Hawks is such a common team name that all the really obvious Hawks-based domain names are in use. As a prize for reading an obscure thread in the admin forum, I'll let you in on some leading candidates... ndhawktalk.com was a leading favorite a couple years ago among people who wanted a more generic ND/UND association, and liked the rhyme. The primary complaint is that it's awkward to say (4 syllables). hawksperch.com is emerging this year as a leader among people who want a short, memorable name. The only real complaints about this one are that perch is sort of a funny word (and, sometimes, a fish). I have a dozen or so other candidates that most deem inferior to those two (e.g. once you get "fighting" in there, they become pretty unwieldy).
  22. I see. Ok, I've got that working now, too. Let me know of anything else!
  23. Probably. I made a permissions change, try again please.
  24. I'm cutting siouxsports.com, including the forum, over to a new server tonight. The transition is gradual over the course of up to a day or so, so there could be some weirdness as some people are on the old one and some on the new one. I'll keep an eye on things and hopefully all will be well.
  25. With Denver's win, a huge tie. Congratulations to: UND-1, Oxbow6, Redneksioux, iluvdebbies, Stms http://siouxsports.com/hockey/bracketleaders.php
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