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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Oh yeah, well, my dad can beat up your dad!
  2. Last time I checked Hooker is part of the team. Sometimes one or two people step up. When Hooker has had rare off nights in the past and we won, McBuckets 2.0, or Baldwin, or Crandall,etc. stepped up and carried the bulk of the load. Other times they won as a balanced team, which his optimal, but at the end of the day a win is a win. Yeah, I get it, it was a career night for Q but like I said, he's part of our TEAM and we might want to enjoy it while it lasts instead of always downgrading wins as flukes because of certain aspects of individual games. When Huff went bonkers against Bucky a couple years ago only to be countered by an insanely more bonkers effort by Frank the Tank, I lamented how we would have won that game IF Kamenski would not have been such a factor. But after I cooled off, I realized the "if and but" nature of my thought processes. We have to beat the TEAM that opposes us, to include every individual unit of said TEAM and vice versa. When Bolomboy and Senglin go off on us again this year and knock us out of the BSC tourney, Weber fans won't be griping about the quality of the win based on the team effort as a whole. Weber just expects Bolomboy to be Bolomboy and accepts that. We won't downgrade that win either; we'll just lament how awesome it would be to have such an impact player. Well, I say we do have such a player and it is Q. Let's start appreciating his game changing talents. Sometimes we just need to enjoy the darn wins in a conference where parity is much more than it was even just a few weeks ago.
  3. Without Forte's big game inside for PSU, We win running away. We could do this all day. Ifs and buts....
  4. Their record is deceiving. They have a couple of difference maker players, Forte being one, who they just gained the services of recently. They are a solid team right now, not so much earlier.
  5. I need to get my SiouxSports media credentials mailed in ASAP!
  6. I think that's probably spot on. Rebels to the core!
  7. So can we surmise that the theory it was the students who carried the water for the new FS name during the voting process was,shall we say, off the mark?
  8. Of these two concepts, I like first one.
  9. Great showing for a young squad ... keep it going against the Tide in Bama!
  10. USC walk-off single. wins it in the 9th.
  11. 6-6. USC-UND heading to top of 8.
  12. Teeder11

    2016 Season

    Last season's Freshman walk-on Palmborg will be factored in too next season.
  13. Yes, it stinks for all of us who love watching their talents at UND. It's two years in a row now that we have lost a talented underclassmen from Minnesota to the Division II ranks. Pioske now Place. But I am sure they did what's best for them and their future. Much respect and luck to all who are making these decisions!
  14. I think we're unfortunately going to have this same debate "blow up" every time UND rolls out the legacy collection regardless of how clear UND tried/tries to be in detailing the reasons behind it. It will be a reoccurring dream moving forward with new people who weren't paying attention noticing it being offered in stores and bringing all this up again. It was painful listening to KNOX radio yesterday afternoon with all the uninformed opinions back and forth between host(s) and callers on this topic. Did a great disservice to what UND is doing, and what it has been mandated to do by the NCAA.
  15. Cheering for the Fighting Hawks and revering our past great Fighting Sioux legacy and history are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to do both. If you want to continue to embrace the Fighting Sioux nickname then go nuts and do it. If people have an issue with it or criticize you for it, you'll just need to realize that it comes with the new territory moving forward. Just like those that are overtly embracing the new FH nickname have to realize that the dirty looks and the shouting down of their "Go Hawks" cheers with "Sioux Forever" chants is also part of that new territory. For some people, being criticized for trying to hold on to the past is annoying, for others hearing their school's new nickname booed and drowned out by chants is annoying. Both opinions are valid and both feelings are genuine.
  16. I like Ed, though, I do think he's got an easier road as interim than any sitting president would have. It may be because he's still in a honeymoon phase (that will probably last the duration of his interim stint). It's funny. A lot of us are pretty hard on Bresciani for his ticket-gate thing, but there was nary a word on here of Ed's comments last week on KFGO where he defended Bresciani's actions. Kelley would have gotten grilled for doing the same thing. Opinions of Kelley are colored by the broad nickname brush; Ed doesn't have that burden around his neck to the same extent, so in many ways, gets a pass. It is what it is. But still interesting.
  17. I was thinking the same thing. Depending on the issue Kelley is a mamby pamby all-things-for--all-people kind of leader or a dictatorial megalomaniac bent on ramming his PC ways down the throats of all -- ND people be damned. LOL! It's been funny to watch people describe him both ways sometimes in the same breath.
  18. It would amaze some of our younger fans that UND basketball was once relevant, and probably more so that our hockey team went through some very lean years. I remember sitting in the old Ralph when it was maybe half full at best for a conference tilt, the place seated around 6,000 if i remember correctly. I like it better now when both programs are having fun!
  19. Wayne goes way back so I took it has a reference to the old hey day of UND Div. II basketball at old Hyslop when that place was rocking and people were hanging from rafters. For the women, I recall the NCAA Div. II playoff games of the late1990s as being one of those times. Or maybe the Phil Jackson and Dave Vonesh eras, respectively. Wayne's no spring chicken! Sorry Wayno!
  20. Nice assessment. I can see that now that you point it out.
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