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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. No clue. But I think it pretty much seals the deal on his red shirt staying intact IMHO.
  2. At a time when he should have been focused on our first playoff appearance in the DI era.
  3. Practice update: The team looked sharp out there this morning as they took their practice into the cozy confines of the HPC to avoid a wet and slippery Memorial Stadium field. There was a ton of energy on the turf, and all 21 drill sessions were conducted nice and crisp. The boys must sense that install week is approaching. Dranka, Pinke, Bennett and Honerlaw joined the group of a dozen or so players who sit out and DNP with various health conditions each day. On a good note, J.J. was back in full gear and looked just as good as ever. He was hitting his holes hard and participated in all drills. Also, highly touted true freshman, Graham Devore was taking limited reps with the team this morning, still with a hard cast on his right hand after an off season non-football mishap. He'll be a good one in future years. I will have to amend my guess on who might get their RS pulled now that McKinney and Larson have spent considerable time out of the practice and losing out on more and more reps every day. Right now, I am betting on Izzy on offense and Blubaugh on defense. It's probably for the best long term to give as many of our young guys, such as McKinney and Larson, an extra year to get even bigger, faster, stronger and come back with four more playing years. In most cases, as they say, we are trading their relative worst year for the their best year. That said, it is hard not to want to see what they can do right away. But remember had it not been for a hurt hand in Reyes' first year, he'd be gone already. Good things come to those who wait. I have to say that when it comes to the amateur eye-ball test, the line backing position group, as a whole, looks to be faster than ever. Maybe not quite as big but they definitely have the quicks. Since I made such a big deal of Tobin taking reps at RG with the 1s earlier this week, I should make mention that it was Aplin who did the same today. Now for the good stuff, the Play of the Day goes to none other than Austin Cieslak on the DL. Playing the role of nimble linebacker. Cieslak dropped back in pass coverage after Studsrud bought some time with his feet to his right, looking for an outlet receiver. Studs fired a bullet at a target that was in pretty tight coverage. When it was all said and done, the hefty Cieslak was on the receiving end for a pick. He rumbled down the field for about 15 yards before being forced out, eliciting an eruption of cheers from his defensive teammates and coaches, and secretly from some offensive guys as well. Studs more than made up for the Cieslak INT later with a long rope to the deceptively fast and sure handed WR Noah Wanzek who streaked past CB Garret "G" Bollant, who is lightening quick in his own right, for a 60-plus yard reception that might have gone for a TD depending on the angle of the safeties who were near by. Got to take another day off tomorrow but I will try to be back on Friday.
  4. I'll try to be back on Wednesday
  5. Just FYI... since I am back to work, I won't be able to make it out to Memorial Stadium at all tomorrow morning. Damn meetings!!!!
  6. I made it out to Memorial Stadium for the last hour of practice today. Coaches laid into the boys pretty good after a lackluster day on the practice field. Need more focus, need more fire and need to clean up errors if they're going to want to compete in three weeks and beyond. Other observances: J.J. practiced today in shorts and helmet and took limited reps after getting his bell rung toward the end of Saturday' scrimmage. He was moving around pretty good albeit in limited reps. Seibel also was not fully dressed and limited in reps after getting bumped around during Saturday's scrimmage. Young LB Noah Larson, who's pushing to start aside Rodgers at Middle linebacker, tweaked something in his lower body today. He took it easy after that. Hard to say to what extent this will effect his ability to get more reps in the coming weeks. Eagle eye Tom Miller of the Herald noticed today that Tobin took reps with the 1s at left guard, the spot recently held by Dan Bell. Bell took reps with the 2s today. Izzy Adeoti and Toivonnen had the most productive day at receiver hauling in catches on long and short patterns. Toivonnen showed deceptive speed when he got behind the secondary for a long TD catch.... Izzy had an equally impressive medium to long TD reception with Disterhaupt hot on his heels, which is impressive if you know how fast Izzy can move. Finally, Kyle Heiptas and Ty Shannon made their presence known in the secondary today with a few PBUs and INTS between the two of them.
  7. None that I saw.... wouldn't have been much for them to look at since most of the to-be draft eligible players didn't play much as emphasis was on the younger guys. Earlier in the week, the Saints, Texans, Lions and Steelers visited UND first and then headed down to NDSU the next day on an I-29 swing.
  8. Interesting.... makes sense now why Larson's been getting so many reps with the 1s.
  9. Yup..those are the ones, and throw Rooney in there too. Nguon is doing really good! He centered a line of young dudes today that had tremendous surge from the LOS.
  10. Mountain! I love it! He's got the physical attributes, now if he's got the feet and the technique to match, he could be another good one for Knauf's Silverbacks. The future looking bright: Tobin, Mortel, Helgren, Russo, Prine, Kruse, Slater and now Walezko.... did I forget anyone as far as the young guys?
  11. Please nobody feed the weak troll attempt. Please. Please.
  12. Rodgers is the lock and it's looking like they are grooming Noah Larson to be the other so they can keep Disterhaupt outside on the edge. After that, I like Geier, Rastas and Nevermann. Disterhaupt has been mostly playing outside lately opposite Palmborg and Haas.
  13. Coyne scored a TD On a broken play.
  14. Man, this is always tough to say. There could be more but I would have to say I would put my money on Izzy on offense and Noah Larson and Blubaugh on defense based on need. I think Greibel and McKinney may be locked in for a redshirt year now, based on the number of reps they're missing this camp. Kind of like when Reyes hurt his hand his true freshman year. I think had that not happened, Reyes would have been done after last year.
  15. Thanks! You're a quick reader.... sorry about the typos. They should be cleaned up now for the most part.
  16. Thoughts from Saturday morning scrimmage: Good crowd, great weather... OK football. Two out of three ain't bad, I guess. Here we go: Apart from the those lost for the season, their were a bunch of players who did not participate today due to various conditions, including Dranka, Tamas Stewart, McKinney (hard cast on right forearm), Jade Lawrence, Torrey Hunt, Mikey Geibel, Stanley. The morning started out with a "pin the hip" tempo in the red zone, with Studs at QB and Toivonen, Wanzek and Mercer in the receiver slots. The OL was as we've stated in the past -- Stockwell, Bell, Rooney, Taylor and Cox On the other side of the ball was a heavy defensive front with Tank and Cieslak along with Mason Bennett. The linebacking corps comprised Palmborg, Rodgers, Noah Larson and Disterhaupt. It was Tyus and Holm at the corners and Reyes and Flowers at safety. We will see in the coming weeks how this kind of a line up shuffles around as other players come back into the mix. On the first series with Studs at the helm, Evan Holm showed his speed, ability to close quickly and pretty good coverage ability on a number of plays where he forced incompletions. Studs started a little slow but got it going on a beautiful wheel route throw to Oliviera out of the backfield who scampered in for a TD. Heidelbaugh took over next, connecting with Oliviera on another short slideline pattern in which the powerful back with deceptive speed did the extra hard work to muscle his way in for another TD. When Studsrud got his chance again, the senior QB connected with Mercer in the back of the endzone after the O line provided excellent pass pro. On Heidelbaugh's next try, the defense rose up. Cieslak powered in for a sack when Heidelbaugh got caught holding the ball too long in pocket. Both kickers, Taubenhiem and Leach, were good on their FG attempts for the day. Bubba then had his teams line up inside the 5 yard line for a goal-to-go series. The defense initially rose up to form an impenetrable wall. Then, on a seemingly wrecked play due to a bad snap... FB Coyne alertly located the ball in the scrum at the 1 and worked his way in for a TD. After that, the offense gained confidence. RB J.J. and the defensive line played a game of "immovable object versus the Irresistible force," Only this time J.J., as the Irresistible Force, had just enough to power in. On his attempt with in the 5 yard line, Heidelbaugh made good on a quick out to Stetson Carr, who got rocked by Vashon Tucker, but was still able to get the ball over the line for a TD. During live scrimmage drills, the emphasis was on the back up QBs (Heidelbaugh and Zimmerman) as well as J.J. at tailback. Early on at least it was tough sledding for J.J. and his fellow tailbacks (Austin Gordon and Teddy Sherven) as the defense put up a dominating effort. If you like defensive football, something that is pretty to watch is when the 3-4 works to perfection as in the d line eats up the blockers and the LBs swoop in for the kill. There was a lot of that initially during the live drills. Finally, J.J. did show a flash of what we hope to see much more of this year when he powered through the scrum, found a lane and exploited it for a 40 yard rush down field. Izzy Adeoti had a nice day at receiver after Toivonenen, Wanzek and Mercer were done for the day. Lots of quick out patterns, slants and curl routes to the speedy true freshman. My Play of the Day goes OLB Ray Haas on the edge, as the Cagey 6-5 Haas blasted his blocker and rushed to within feet of the equally towering Heidelbaugh who just barely had time to attempt a toss out to the flats. Haas was having none of it as the linebacker put up his arms and smashed the ball down and into the turf. The Pride of Red River factored in today with what I would have to call the Runner up Play of the Day. WR Chad Bartosh slipped through coverage and found a seam down field. Heidelbaugh's eyes must have got as big as saucers as the QB slinged a bomb toward Bartosh, who went up to snatch the ball and run for about a 70 yard pass and catch. The good wheels of S Ty Shannon to catch up to the play was the only thing that prevented a TD. On special teams, I think Austin Dussold is really benefitting from having quality competition in camp this year with Meindel. Dussold had a few good booming punts today and looked good. Meindel is a huge asset to have back, though, as he as proven to be a good one in the past. Meindel holds the UND all-time records for overall punt average (43.1) and punt average in a season (44.1). He also is a good athlete in situations where the punter needs to scramble or throw the ball down field. And finally, Meindel has the ability to kick FGs, too. This is important as newcomer Leach as yet to show confidence knocking down routine PAT or FG attempts. When Zimmerman got his shot. It was more heavy doses of J.J. The offensive line found its oats on this series, too, as they started moving the pile forward. J.J. exited a bit early today after a particularly hard run and tackle. He'll be one to watch in coming days to see how he does. The training staff was conducting the old "How many fingers am I holding up" routine with him on the sidelines. Today, Zimmerman exhibited a little better pocket presence and awareness to step up compared to Heidelbaugh, IMHO. One encourageing sign for the near and longterm future was how freaking impressive the young Offensive linemen did against a pretty salty young defensive line. The line centered by Nguon with Aplin and Sean Russo on the right and Tobin and Helgren on the left absolutely bulldozed the defensive front seven on a QB keeper by Zimmerman. Zimmerman also completed some nice out pattern throws to Carr, Izzy, Pifer and TE Paulson on his final live series, but ultimately they couldn't punch it in. Boltmann took charge next, and my big take away from the young QB recruit is that he has a tendency to scramble early when things seem like they're not there instead of letting things develop for a split second more. It should also be said, however, that Boltmann demonstrated the ability to make this work on several plays today. He had some nice gains on improvised QB runs. The newest tailback, Teddy Sherven, saw very little daylight to do anything with against a hodgepodge of young swarming back up Linebackers. DL Jalen Morrison, Nevermann and Geier were especially noticeable as the running plays were funneled inside and the LBS exploded to the player to blow them up. Ketteringham ended the scrimmage with a a nice pass to TE Paulson who got tied up with a pursuing Geier late in the play. The ball got knocked loose and Geier recovered. If I had to make an assessment, I would have to say that overall, the defense won the day, but the offense had some shining moments. This is not to forget that many of the offensive starters didn't play much beyond the first series or were sitting out altogether. Same goes for the first line defense. The boys have a day off tomorrow and are back at it on Monday. See ya!
  17. Thanks, guys! Really means a lot! I really enjoy being out there, and usually schedule a working vacation around fall camp so I can just pop into work for an hour or two early in the morning and then head out to Memorial Stadium. It's a pleasure to provide a little more insight on things for everyone. I promise tomorrow a full recap on the scrimmage for those who cannot make it out. Cheers!
  18. I lost track of the Practice #s ... but it's something like 19 days and a wake up until Utah! Speaking of 19.... Newcomer Ty Shannon showed up on the radar at today's practice with a beautiful pick on Zimmerman, who scrambled to his right and fired what would have been a nice low catch to a diving receiver...instead Shannon dove in front of the receiver and snatched the ball before it hit the turf. Another player who probably had his best day of camp today was TE Cloyd. He had several nice catches over the middle, one that would have gone for a TD. Actually, the TEs were featured quite a bit today as Alm and Pinke also made nice plays on slants over the middle for TDs. Heidelbaugh is slowly establishing himself as the backup to Studs. He's a very smart cerebral QB that, knows the playbook and sees the field well from his 6-5 stature. Needs to get the ball off quicker. Noah Larson played a lot of reps at MLB with Rodgers today... with Disterhaupt and Haas on the outside. Team drills focused on Hurry up offense today. Banged up secondary players are starting to make their way back onto the practice field and taking normal reps, including Tyus, Holm and Torrey Hunt.
  19. The way things tend to go with injuries on the OL, Grant will get his reps. I think we need his depth there. Plus DL is stacked.
  20. Pronounced like "Hoss" as in "Hoss Cartwright" EDIT: Though, I have heard it before with more of a "ZZ" ending than a hard "S"
  21. I've been out there... just thought there was enough other chatter with UND Sports' daily reports, UND 360, The Insiders, and Tom Miller to fill the void. I've basically concurred with their assessments the past couple days. Two words: Logan Alm Two more words: Ray Haas And two final words: Cole Reyes All have been very very good as of late. Haas laid a lick on a fullback today with a forearm shiver that stopped the runner in his tracks and to the ground with a thud. It would have been hype video material had it been in game. #47 lookin'' like a bad hombre.
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