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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. No, you're not drifting. I agree with you. Had you offered up a different rival, I would have followed up with: "Do you frequent Rival B's message board more or less than Siouxsports?" or "Do you have more or less fun on Siouxsports than on Rival B's message board?" All that said, (bringing it back to the topic that I replied to), for my money, I would want to play my biggest general rival every years in as many sports possible, including football, but I do understand that NDSU has its own yard to tend to. Thanks!
  2. I'm curious about your opinion on this: Who, in your mind, is NDSU's biggest rival in general? (meaning, not limited to one sport in particular, and not limited to just sports at all -- academics, student recruitment, etc.)?
  3. And the North Dakota theme just keeps getting better. 6'3" middle hitter Faith Dooley commits to UND. http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/380390/group/homepage/
  4. I like how Hardee continues to scoop up top N.D. talent. Sounds like a good "get" for UND. Still curious what he didn't see in the Steffen girl out of Red River. http://www.inforum.c...group/homepage/
  5. Talk about starting flat footed against a team that was fairly warmed up and at home in a familiar setting. Add on top of that: No Nash (who has played minutes against K state) Benton benched for alleged violation of team rules No Salmonson (still a mystery) Sounds like a recipe for a K-State tune up to me.
  6. Agree with all of that. I would add that FU is also lucky that Brooking's defensive back likes to wear his jersey un-tucked. 'cause if he doesn't have to drag the FU receiver 12 yards he's gone for a pick 6 and that would have put the momentum clearly in back in Brooking's favor. * FU = Fargo University and BU = Brookings University per the Summit Leagues new naming convention rules. ( Yeah, I know that they play in the Missouri Valley, but it's still funny stuff.)
  7. UND is listed third in this preview behind Montana and Weber. http://www.ksdk.com/sports/college/article/345509/199/College-Basketball-Preview---Big-Sky-Conference
  8. From the Topeka, Kan. newspaper, about UND's first opponent's first game: K-State dominates inside to beat Washburn Cats struggle at free throw line Posted: October 30, 2012 - 10:13pm MANHATTAN — The early evaluation of Kansas State’s basketball team looks much like last like last year’s squad: Aggressive defense and strong rebounding but challenged offensively on the perimeter and at the free throw line. The Wildcats rode their defense and board work to an 81-61 exhibition victory over Washburn in coach Bruce Weber’s debut Tuesday at Bramlage Coliseum.
  9. I believe KSU has its first game tonight against Div. II Washburn, if you want to scope the interwebs for how they look (albeit over an overly matched opponent).
  10. So someone throw out conjecture about what the "higher ups" are doing, and now all of a sudden it's fact. This is what we call "message board facts." I am not saying that there's not the possibility, but, without proof, I wouldn't go assuming it to be true. This is how the old legend that "Ralph had dynamite placements incorporated during construction so that it could be blown up if the nickname went away" started. I still to this day hear from people who believe this as gospel, especially out in the western part of the state. Beside, I was at Friday's game and there was enough Sioux chants and references to Fighting Sioux from the crowd to make this old fan very proud of my alma mater -- from the National Anthem on.
  11. I agree with everything you noted. I do think, however, ISU was picking on the young freshman Spearman, and she did respond with some rookie errors. (to be expected, mind you). You are right, though, she did show some flashes of agressiveness and the talent that brought her to UND.
  12. Felicia, Lauren and Lexi looked bewildered out there tonight (less so on Lexi, but not her best night) No one really stood out. ISU had more energy, digs, blocks and fewer unforced errors than UND. The ISU subs were even louder than the UND crowd at times. A half step backward tonight. And I got a parking ticket. Yeah, I'm bitter. Thanks UND.
  13. Got it. But, you know, it will be relatively rare for any UND team, regardless of sport, to run the table or suffer only one or two losses in a competitive conference like the Big Sky. Same goes for the new NCHA in hockey. Unfortunately, losses are going to be part of the bargain in tough conferences, especially for a first-year team. Eventually, it will happen that UND makes a spotless or nearly spotless run to the playoffs, but I sure as heck never thought it would be this year. I don't know where your expectations were at this year that you would have gotten burned (if we're talking football) because UND has not lost to anyone that it absolutely should have beat. (SDSU, Cal Poly, No. Ariz. and EWU).
  14. It was just odd that at the beginning of the season he was about a month away from playing, and then we heard nothing -- crickets. Or maybe I missed something and it's old news.
  15. Has anyone heard anything on Kleason's status? It's getting to the point now where a medical hardship year might be an option. Thoughts?
  16. Please take it to the new UND-NDSU smack thread. This is not the place. Let this one get back on track. Both of you.
  17. This thread is a train wreck. It's been 57 posts since the word "Montana," which this thread is supposed to be about, was even remotely referenced. Consider it highjacked.
  18. Yeah I think your right. UND soccer coach uses back up goalies to do in-game tweets under her name.
  19. Spivey continues to give no slack to UND's elite players (they repeatedly have to weave through a mob to get to the net carrying two or three players on their back) when they're surging offensively. But if the twins so much as breathe on a poor little opposing player, Spivey and his crew can't find the whistle fast enough. I thought the refs were supposed to call it the same way regardless if your an elite player or a run-of-the-mill player. It smacks of the old "Parise rules" in the men's WCHA. If you're elite, the refs will find a way to level the playing field. Yeah, I'm bitter after that display tonight by the stripes.
  20. Great! Tailgating should be beautiful! Sadly, I will be missing this one, as we are taking an autumn family vacay to the Black Hills this week. I hope everyone comes back to work Monday with their voices as hoarse has mine tends to be after a UND homegame. Make it loud and make it hell on those guys from Cal Poly -- and not just on 3rd down!
  21. The attendance for this next game agaist Cal Poly is well on its way to surpassing the attendance of any game we hosted last year, and will be one of the biggest since before the transition era.
  22. Oh you are so right, now, I am completely disgusted by this Trojan Horse of a gift! Thank you for spelling this out for us. I couldn't be more outraged by this feigned gesture of generosity. The gall of this man to set us up so brilliantly without us rubes having even the slightest hint that we were, in all actuality, being had!!!! The nerve!
  23. http://calpolymustangs.yuku.com/forum/view/id/1
  24. I came up with about the same number... not too far from the 10,000-seat mark with a lot of time to go before kick-off.
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