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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. He got clocked in head under the basket on one drive in 1st half. Resulted ina foul on BG.
  2. He got clocked in head under the basket on one drive in 1st half. Resulted ina foul on BG.
  3. Another bad stretch. 38-40 UND. 12:23 to go. T.O. UND.
  4. Got to finish this one, for the sake of confidence. C'mon boys!!!!
  5. 19-23. UND. 3:41 to go on 1st. Definite feeling that mo is switching the wrong way.
  6. Seriously. If the students were in town, this place would resemble a real home game.
  7. Seriously. If the students were in town, this place would resemble a real home game.
  8. Good crowd tonight at the Betty for the holiday season. UND up 7-5 with 13:26 Togo in first.
  9. I don't disagree. But is it too much to ask to get a few sell outs for football, I mean, we're talking football here!!! It's football, the number one sport in America -- red,white and blue smash mouth football. And it takes place in the fall when the school year excitement is sky high and the weather is decent. We should be getting 10,000 butts in the seat at the Alerus based on tradition alone. I wonder if it would make a hill of beans of a difference if Hak would make it a point to meet with every football or basketball recruit that came to campus. Or I wonder if the hockey blue chippers would be impressed with a personal meeting with Muss? I don't know... I think it works at Alabama because Alabama football transcends the University brand and Saban (and his hair) are pretty freakin' famous. I mean, the guy was in the movie "Blind Side" for goodness sake!
  10. What is the big secret with the coach'es descision to sit Traylor? Does anyone have a solid lead? Is it just because the question has not been put to the coaches that we don't have an answer or is the reason protected by FERPA or something like that? And what about Brekke? Man, when our guys get concussed, they get it good! It's never a week or two thing -- it's like a damn month, at least -- same thing in hockey. Maybe, trainers are just being more cautious these days, and rightly so, as these young men and women, will have long productive lives beyond their prime sporting years.
  11. Teeder11


    Can't believe you have to spell it out like that, Darrell. I thought your original post on this was pretty clear.
  12. We'll probably use the old bait and switch on him by taking him to the UND-Colorado College hockey games to show him the great fan and student support UND gives its athletes, thus, planting the seed in his mind that this is what he'll see at the Alerus, too.
  13. Teeder11


    I think it's been well documented in other places that Kupchella was reluctant to pull the trigger on D-1 at the same time as Chapman because UND simlply could not afford it at the time without raping academics and other programs. Actually, SU could not afford it either, but that school went for it anyway, and Chapman and VP of Acad. Affairs Craig Schnell began the process of funneling funds away from academics and faculty pay increases toward athletics and the pursuit to take SU to "the next level." These moves forced SU to go with larger class sizes, taught by GAs and entry level instructors lured (many grad-level international students) to the university with tuition waivers. It was for these reasons (and the Presidents house debacle and other end-runs) that Chapman was run out of town later. The true reason UND finally bit the bullet and moved its athletics program to all D1(UND has been D1 for decades in hockey) when it did had everything to do with the collapse of the old NCC and the bleak future that presented itself at the time. So SU may look all rosy now from a sports perspective, like it made the move when the time was right. Truth is that they made the move at the expense of the rest of the institution, and those hens have and are still coming back to roost now, evidenced by some of the funding woes that Breciani and other SU apologists are crying to state lawmakers about all the time now. They blame unfair funding practices by the state favor UND, but they only need to look back a few years to what Uncle Joe, Craig Schnell, et.al. did to find the true root cause of their financial straits.
  14. Teeder11


    It would give it that extra stamp of legitimacy, wouldn't it? I know there's got to be a fair share on here who are managers, leaders, business owners, etc., so were not all foreign to the concept of having that hard talk with someone that leads to their dismissal. But I get the sense that some of our brethren take solice in the reality they don't have to do that hard thing and that someone else will have to do the dirty work for them, all based on the gamble that the "next coach" will do better. There's a lot of armchair "Steinbrenners" out there who talk a big game on their keyboards but who I am sure would act a bit more judiciously if they were ever truly given the keys to the front office.
  15. Teeder11


    Totally agreed. This real life, not fantasy sports. Real people and entire families are affected and sometimes hurt. Just because MLB teams sack their managers with reckless abandon doesn't mean those values, or lack there of, need to be applied to young men and women whose sole primary objective should be on going to class, completing their assignments and attaining a degree. I like a winner as much as the next guy but let's not lose sight of the importance of grooming young men and women to be good productive citizens for society. The wins and recruits will come. Patience, young grasshoppers.
  16. That's the same way the Betty looks on Midco broadcasts because of the vantage that the cameras shoot from (west side shooting east). Because we are local we know that the west side seats fill up fairly decently, at least, in the lower deck. The other side is usually pretty sparse, and the students zones are atrocious. Granted one of the games I saw was against Northern Colorado and the students were gone already.
  17. We're in the BIG sky, not the Slummit, jerky. We don't name our teams after towns. Get it straight. Capiche?
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