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Everything posted by tnt

  1. After watching him play a few times last year, I thought he coasted a bit. If Berry is keeping him out to make sure he has the compete necessary in college hockey, I am good with that in the long run. Don’t know if that would be the case, but I hope with our depth we use that to have expectations for practice that will carry over to the games.
  2. tnt


    I think it is better to express your concerns during a win without being picky and petty than just turning around after we lose, then calling for Bubba’s head. People can see patterns even during the wins.
  3. Funny thing is we ended last season’s home schedule with a blizzard against Omaha, and get the same conditions for our first home series. There have been times I’ve worn shorts into the first home series. Not a big fan of really short summers.
  4. Tucker Poolman with a goal tonight for Winnipeg.
  5. Wow, that would certainly be a boatload of guys that might need to be pushed off if Mismash stays. You have Budy, Ness, Randklev, Bowen, Gaber, Halliday, Schmaltz, Rizzo, Mancinelli and Costello. I would assume Costello and Mancinelli would be pushed back and had assumed Schmaltz, but Schlossman thought he would be coming next fall. Still seems like a lot of guys that would need to be pushed off another year. Haven't heard much about Mancinelli, so who knows what is going on behind the scenes.
  6. To me it would be just like doing Journey and instead of South Detroit say south Grand Forks. Just doesn't fit with the song, same with Take Me Home.
  7. Brendan Budy was first star today in a 6-5 shootout win for Langley over Chilliwack. He had a hat trick and an assist, while Cooper Moore was third star with his 7th goal of the season.
  8. Might be a lack of confidence in the offensive line, thinking they need to keep them off guard.
  9. I hope not, the empty net goal against Denver is something I will always remember.
  10. tnt

    We got lucky

    Let’s just say that there was a good reason the whole crowd booed the conservative approach down the stretch. They ended up winning, which is good, but only because they were forced to go back on the attack.
  11. Have a feeling Feeney played the second in case it became close, then they would have an experienced goalie down the stretch, but who knows.
  12. So why are they not playing for the field goal now, if you were so confident in him before?
  13. Thought the exact same thing. Dallas had a few injuries in the opener, and I would guess the way they play defensively suits Gardner’s game.
  14. Why do you want us to miss an extra point?
  15. Some would have no problem with it, but I'm sure others would not be happy at all. I have been trying to get seats at the end of the rink since just a few years into the new Ralph's existence with no luck. Maybe you want to trade me even up for my seats, and I will intimidate the goalie for you.
  16. I think a lot of people sitting on the end of the rink want to be sitting on the end of the rink, so not sure they would look at it as an upgrade, which may be why you put quotations around it. I don't think the Ralph wants to open up that can of worms, as you would likely have a few defections, especially after the last few years.
  17. I would like to see them gain confidence from the game so that the defeated body language we saw last year at times that seemed to me like “here we go again” is far in the past. Would like to see a bit of swagger this year that gives the impression that even if they are down a couple in the third, they still feel they can come back and win.
  18. While I think Duluth is going to be good again, I hardly look at them as a dominant team that would almost be a unanimous selection, but then again until someone knocks them off, I don't see other teams that stick out either.
  19. They certainly do cling to the last ranking of the prior year when they do these rankings don't they. If we finish lower than St. Cloud again, I would expect Berry to have the heat ramped up on him.
  20. How about the timeout he took when Chicago was going to punt and were ready to take a delay of game penalty. They then went for it and got the first down.
  21. tnt

    EWU Game Day!

    A person or thing meaning to deceive others, exactly what you were doing by your second response.
  22. tnt

    EWU Game Day!

    You’re a fraud. You know the point of that post.
  23. tnt

    EWU Game Day!

    Trying to take a shot at a sporting team when it has no relevance to the debacle going on.
  24. tnt

    EWU Game Day!

    ...and you are just as bad as Mike Hawk.
  25. tnt

    EWU Game Day!

    So we had an extra week to get healthy and plan for a team that has health issues, and this is the result? Oh well, we can always listen to the line “we just need to forget about this game because we have_______next week”!
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