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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. I would like to apologize to the "Walrus" for the above remarks. They were made in haste and a bit harsh. The "Walrus" has been a valued contributor on this site and on others. I would, however, like to further clarify my position. When a person comes on here claiming inside information and connections to Sioux athletic department officials regarding internal athletic department on-goings that should be kept within the department. That person damages their credibility and that of any official whose perceived to be their informant when they share this information, which presumably should have been kept in confidence.
  2. Really because I also live in the Cities and have been all over looking for Sioux apparel and have yet to see either Sioux or Bison apparel anywhere. I've asked store owners and they've told me that aside from alums it's just not that big of a sell and they won't carry it.
  3. All this really proves is that you were an "insider" back in '87. I really have a hard time believing that anyone tells you or some of the other "insiders" on this site anything. In today's world, you really can't tell anyone almost anything regarding what goes on at your job without fear of termination or worse a lawsuit. If they really are telling you anything I strongly advise that they reconsider because both you and the "Walrus" have big enough mouths on here that you tell enough specifics to get your source in deep, even though you dont' reveal names.
  4. Honestly, I live here in the Cities and I'd be shocked if a game against ndsu in anything every sells out here. Despite what bison fans tell you ndsu doesn't get jack squat for attention in the Cities and the only mention I've heard of them since I've been down here is fans of the many other MN schools confusing them with UND. True Gopher fans will tell you it was the game the Gophers almost pissed down there leg and are about as excited for it as a game against Little Sisters of the Poor. Your just another Mason creampuff to them and that's all you'll ever be.
  5. Actually under the new rules passed by GF's student hating city council it is an arrestable offense and it's up to the discretion of the officer if they take the person in or not. All it would take is a single officer on a power trip and Finley is handcuffs. The rules are ridiculous, but they'll never change because the police selectively apply them only on students and not on the general public.
  6. Police officers have years of training in identifying threats that require lethal force and yet still make mistakes, but you're average citizen after a few classes is supposed to be cool as a cucumber. I doubt it. The false sense of security alluded to above refers to the fact that despite how many guns you own your no safer than the rest of us and more likely to have you or someone you love fall victim to a tragic accident. I'll agree with you I've met many gun owners who were very responsible, but I'd also say I've met many more (especially those who owned handguns for "protection") who own handguns to compensate for their own irrational fears or insecurities. Lastly, to clarify my position I support your right to own a handgun in much the same way I support your right to smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. It is your personal choice and I respect that. Just don't expect me to agree with your decision or buy this bull that we are all somehow safer because every Tom, Dick, & Harry in this country can purchase a lethal weapon if they choose to.
  7. I fail to see how the situation on that campus could have been made any better even if the place had been loaded to the gills with firearm owners. How many other people could have been senselessly murdered in the panic that campus had to be in. Police officers have training to handle such situations but your average person doesn't and that leaves a lot of room for error especially in a situation where panic and emotions can overrule logic. With everyone shooting how could your average person have even been expected to even know who the bad guy is? It's not like the movies. Personally, I support the rights of people to own guns because of I'm a strong believer in the Constitution and all of the rights it conveys, however I also see little use for hand guns and other guns that aren't used for purposes such as hunting. I don't buy the protection excuse because guns don't stop bullets and for the most part create a false sense of security. I grew up here in ND and have many friends and relatives who own guns both for hunting and recreational purposes. My experience is that those who own them for hunting purposes have been very responsible while for the most part those who have them for "protection" own them as some sort of macho toy to help them compensate for their own insecurities. I know I'm in the minority on this board, but after reading this the last few days I just had to get my two cents in.
  8. If the Forum really thinks the source of private donations should be public knowledge maybe they should do some investigative reporting and find out the mystery donor who keeps writing the checks to keep the ag college's athletic budget balanced to the penny every year. He's shielding the public from having hard proof of Chapman and Taylor's ineptitude when it comes to balancing a budget and thus doing a disservice to taxpayers by enabling the schools fiscal irresponsibility.
  9. If the bison weren't scared they'd play us. It's simple as that. No need to pass off any other tired excuse.
  10. If the game isn't played there will be one reason and one reason alone and it's because ndsu is afraid they will lose. It's simple as that. Don't let Creepy Craig, Mean Gene, or Timmy fool you. The whole group between them have less cahones than 12 year old school girls and it's starting to show.
  11. For someone who's moved on you and other bison fans spend an awful lot of time here. I never said the bison didn't have a good season, but if you're so damn good then why won't you play us. I feel the true reason remains that you just might lose and there will be some serious egg on a lot of people's faces. I guess I can respect that decision if Taylor would just come right out and say it and then we can start telling recruits how the mighty bison are too chickenshit to play us. It would probably sound a whole less pathetic than the weak excuses he was trying to pawn off to everyone on KFGO.
  12. Actually I think the question needs to be raised as to how gung-ho the bison faithful would have been during the transition if there had been a few losses, especially football losses or lopsided WBB losses. Would everything have gone as smoothly? I tend to think not. UND not playing ndsu was a godsend for ndsu's move. It allowed ndsu to claim athletic superiority off the playing fields and never have to actually prove anything on them. Ndsu athletics the last 10 or 15 years has always been better at telling people they were better than the Sioux than they ever were at actually beating them. Not playing has let the ndsu blowhards continue their arrogant boasting without ever having to eat crow when yet another Sioux football player would hoist the nickel over his head. For Taylor and Co. it's simply better to continue talking the talk, while never having to walk the walk.
  13. The true reason why ndsu doesn't want this game lies in the fact that there is a strong possibility that the Sioux would win. NDSU's perceived rise in athletics over the last few years has come from claiming superiority over UND and without a game between the schools UND had no chance to refute those claims. If anything bison fans, coaches, and administrators should be thanking RT for choosing not to play as it no doubt saved a few of their careers by not having to endure a butt-kicking at the hands of the Sioux while they were transitioning (ex Amy Ruley). Not playing the bison aided their transition and robbed some excellent Sioux teams of the opportunity to beat the bison like so many teams before them. Taylor knows this and isn't too keen to put ndsu's faux success over the past few years to the test by playing the Sioux, even if it means looking like a whiny, chickensh*t little b**** in public.
  14. Well your football team did get their ass beat by a D-III on their homefield, plus finished with the customary 7-4 record sdsu football calls a successful season. Not to mention you're MBB (the bunnies numero uno sport) is currently battling for recognition as the worst D-I basketball team in the nation. Maybe ndsu is wearing beer goggles but I don't think UND would want you as a dance partner.
  15. Why? Because they always suck? I guess it's nice having a phony rival that you can beat all the time. How long before ndsu realizes they're dancing with the fat chick (sdsu)?
  16. At the same point in their transition ndsu had some embarrassing losses to I believe Valley City State and UMC- Crookston so maybe we should give the coach a little more time before we start making rash judgements. If there's a program that needs to move down a division it's probably the bison women since they would most likely struggle to stay out of the DAC- 10 cellar this season.
  17. If UND ever wishes to gain the national recognition it desires the football team will have to become the most prominent athletic team on campus. It's our national sport in this country and as UND tries to attract students and dollars from farther and farther away recognition as a dominant football school will reach many more people than recognition as a hockey school. Let's face it hockey's market is severely limited, putting all of our eggs in the hockey basket may get us recognition in Minnesota, ND, and a few other areas but will never get us the national attention football receives.
  18. I don't care how nice of a person she is but when you're W-L record looks like that with the kind of facilities and funding that program has been given than you don't deserve to have your job anymore. If she's really such a great coach then maybe she'll get picked up by someone else, I would be incredibly shocked, however. College sports are about results and when you don't produce results they'll get someone else who will.
  19. It also could be a wise move to start building some scheduling relationships with a few of the other schools or are currently transitioning. A home and home with North Carolina Central (SE REgion DII #1 seed who will also be DI on the same timeline as us) or possibly Central Arkansas would both be intriguing matchups.
  20. I must admit I never saw this coming...... NDSU fans, in a desperate attempt to replace UND as their one true rival, have divided themselves into two different fan groups who will now talk trash mainly about each other. For the sake of sanity amongst the residents of Fargo, the rivalry must be renewed immediately.
  21. UND 92,96 is just a little faster than me this morning
  22. How can you come to this conclusion by watching a single program of the many we offer at UND. A program that has actually improved since the D-I announcement. I guess NDSU must not be committed to D-I because their women's basketball team sucks or SDSU must not be committed because almost all of their teams have underperformed since the D-I move.
  23. Agreed it is however a level with increased national exposure, has more peer schools, and doesn't feel the need to water down the quality of the division for the sake of a the have- nots (a la D-II).
  24. Another counterpoint to your previous statement. Do you honestly think a top I-AA team would dare schedule GVSU.? I have my doubts they would unless it was someone who didn't do their homework (like UNI's AD this year, or Montana's in 2003).
  25. What evidence to you actually have to support this argument. Nearly every time a top D-II has played a top I-AA (Look at the top teams in each division, not when I-AA's schedule some of the garbage D-II's) it has been a close game with many times the top D-II coming out on top. The only advantage top I-AA's have is increased depth created through a higher number of scholarships. It certainly is good your name is Lives-to-play Hockey rather than Lives-to-Play football, when your making statements like that.
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