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Posts posted by homer

  1. 2-deep changes after the bye week from PSU game:


    Stockwell replaces Cox as #2 at LT

    Henson now listed as #2 Center, replacing Francis (Henson still starting RG)

    Walker listed as #2 at the WR-X, replacing injured McGill

    Young listed as #2 at the WR-Z replacing Seibel

    Seibel listed as the #1 at WR-B and Ivery listed as #2 replacing McGill/Walker from last week


    Seibel listed as #2 PR replacing McGill

    Walker moves up to the #1 KR from #2, replacing McGill with Tillman moving into the #2 spot.


    No changes on the Defensive side of the ball.

    Glad to see Stockwell back to health.  Hoping he gets some minutes in the last half of the season. 


    I'm guessing we have reached the point where the coaching staff has realized pulling Francis' redshirt is not worth it.  Hoping he has a good offseason and works into the rotation next year.


    Young is going to get his shot to again show he is a legitimate WR for us.  Hoping he has a good last half of the season. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. watched the entire sdsu-uni game saturday night. both are good teams. UNI is an undisciplined bunch.

    edit: no, I don't have anything better to do.

    All 3 qbs that played looked JV. Neither team looked good. Both would beat UND due to our lack if offense. UNI isn't making the playoffs and SDSU maybe wins a game if they get in. I could see them losing 2-3 more games.

    Edit: to be fair to SDSU I have no idea when Sumner gets back and that could change the offense.

  3. Coming off a buy I expect the team to be focused but with a huge matchup against EWU the following week and a SUU team hungry for a win it could be an interssting week.

    Remember the trip for the MBB team to Utah last season.

  4. Rooney appears to have committed. He just tweeted half hour ago that he is officially a member of the University of North Dakota football family. Welcome to the family!

    Welcome to UND.

  5. "High-Character"




    Jimbo Fisher describing Florida State football immediately after last night's game.

    That was about the third time I heard Jimbo say that in an interview the last few weeks. I thought coach, if you need to keep saying it, it's probably not true. That was funny.

  6. Anyone else feel a lot better about playing EWU when they squeak by UNC? We can beat them!!

    I feel good about how the remaining schedule plays out. We could get EWU at the right time and also have Weber and NAU at home. Besides EWU those will be the most challenging games.

  7. And spread the rest of the general public out? I'd completely understand taking student sections away if there was demand for them, but there just isn't enough demand in grand forks to justify it. Those sections that you propose moving are rarely full anyways.. And for the most part, the sections on the 50 are more full for students as opposed to the ones off to the side.

    You move us down you also take away us heckling the players on the bench too. I suppose you probably dont care about that at all, but that is part of the fun for us.

    I agree with this. There are open seats in the 40 yard line, same side. Once attendance increases enough that those sections are full, the discussion can be had with the students. Perhaps give the students the lower section on the 50 and other 40 yard line and the general public the upper.

    Now is not the time to do anything that could push students away.

  8. So who are the top recruits in this class? Not necessarily highest rated by rivals et al but who are the best players so far that we have committed?

    Welcome them all. I think Grady from New Town is a solid player.

  9. I wouldn't want to be the coach making this decision.

    Joe has improved as the year had gone on. Ryan seems to make better pre snap reads. Joe was moving the ball yesterday. Ryan put some life into that building when it needed it. Tough call.

  10. Wrong. I've said it before and I'll say it again. NDSU pulls away 1000 fans from out west and up north; those fans use to go to UND games.

    NDSU needs to be competed with. Yes UND needs to win, but having NDSU win national championships every season doesn't help either.

    Pretending NDSU isn't apart of the equation is just wishful thinking.

    It's not FU winning. It is last year people got tired of driving to see games over by halftime. Those fans need to see consistent efforts like the last few weeks before they start making the trips again.

    • Upvote 4
  11. Alan Patterson is 25? A little old to be getting chased around by the coppers, don't you think?

    Slightly off-topic: Beth Burdolski's most memorable moment at NDSU was being selected as the Theta Chi Fraternity dream girl? Aim high, I guess.

    Megan Michaelson: "Once a Bison, always a Bison." I've heard that saying somewhere, haven't I?

    He was wearing his FU football jersey. Following the example set for the student body.

  12. I would have to agree with the top 4 based on what they have coming back.  Surprised to see Montana all the way down to 8th and based on how tough Southern Utah was for us last year ( barely home win and road loss)  with them starting several freshmen last year I'm surprised they are picked last.  This is going to be one tough year and hopefully full of surprises for us.  We lost so much but I believe we have a lot of very solid new players that will contribute in a big way.


    The goal needs to be to make the conference tournament and anything can happen from there.  I really think this team will be playing its best basketball at the end of the year.  I'm confident, but not sure that it will be good enough to win that tournament.  Its going to be a lot of fun to watch them come together.

  13. http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=209705417

    Watching the highlights of the Montana game, it's even more apparent to me how close this UND team is to being good and winning ball games. UND only has ''self-inflicted' mistakes to really fix. If UND didn't have the 2 bad snaps, fumble the ball away within the five, and if Mollberg wouldn't have fumbled the ball away when sacked, UND likely would've won.

    Point is, if UND plays a disciplined, consistent four quarters, the offense will put up points. Vs Portland State for homecoming, UND's offense can score plenty if they are playing smooth. Hope to see more improvement from the Montana game to the Homecoming game.


    Lots of "ifs", I'm sure Montana found some of those as well.  The team needs to keep playing hard and improving every day.

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