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Posts posted by homer

  1. I don't think we have experienced this before. Knowing our staff, they will/are going to bring in kids that fit what they are looking for and want the program to be.

    The culture if the program will change. This staff is set on doing things like uniform deals, meeting with area coaches, and encouraging staying together in grand forks during the summer. Coaching salaries do not affect that effort.

    Things like the IPF and improved facilities will help the players who want to commit themselves. The coaches will expect the same effort and commitment from the players that they are putting forth and that is a huge upgrade from the past.

  2. I believe a lot of those problems recently had to do with concussions. If that's true, then that would be a legitimate reason to quit if he didn't want to deal with that. In either case, we're getting pretty thin if Young is also gone.

    Wish him all the best. Serious deal if concussion related.

  3. from SFI this morning             


    oskie says: November 5, 2014 at 8:34 am


    If a twitter account is accurate, Dev Ferguson is one of them. Our other guess is Casey Young. Young was in a logjam at WR and never beat out anybody ahead of him. We have no idea why Ferguson would quit but to each his own. He is a talented player but had trouble staying on the field. - See more at: http://siouxfb.areavoices.com/2014/10/31/week-9-preview-6-eastern-washington-eagles/#comments


    I liked both guys.  Hopefully it is a rumor, it would be nice if they could stick it out for 3 more weeks and than evaluate the situation after the season is over.  For Dev, the first year is a whirlwind plus he's been dealing with some injuries.  Let things settle down and evaluate.

  4. Pretty simplistic thinking but the government and insurance companires don't have a hold on grocery stores and hardware stores like they do on prescrition drug coverages and what pharmacies are able to charge, bill and collect.

    So will these small town pharmacies survive evening the measure fails?

  5. Obamacare/ACA and this measure passing is a death sentence for locally owned rural pharmacies IMO. Good luck to the 85 year old grandma living on a cattle ranch outside of Bowman who has to race into Dickinson in mid January to refill her meds at Walmart because that's her only option...but wait the meds are now "cheaper" in Dickinson.

    Is that 85 year old making that trip in July? If people in rural towns want to keep their pharmacies open, continue to support them. No different than their grocery stores, hardware stores, etc.

  6. It's just a Internet feed like every school puts out and anyone can watch by signing up at the schools web-site.  The BSC does do it better by having one location for all it's members & fans.


    You left out that it is free, and they also have an app that streams in good quality.  So, really it is not like what every school does.

  7. Let me put it this way...I know that a locally owned pharmacy in Fargo has lost money for the first time ever last year due to changes in healtcare, i.e. ACA, and if measure 7 passes I have no doubt this state will see a number of small rural town pharmacies go under.


    If they are already losing money, how long will they stay open regardless of the outcome of this measure? 

  8. its about supporting small business in ND. What do you want it to be....id rather pay a few extra bucks and know that money stays in Grand Forks/ my hometown to continue to be spent in the local economy, not to corporate headquarters in Arkansas.

    You'd still have that option if it passes. No one would be forcing you to buy you prescriptions at a large, out of state owned pharmacy.

  9. The more I think about Studsrud's shirt being lifted, the less of a problem I have with it. A month/four games of taking every offensive snap, plus all the reps with the number one offense in practice, is probably as much or more experience than any of the other true freshmen who have played all year, simply because the rest are mostly just rotating in every third series or so. If Studsrud is "wasting" a year, couldn't you make the same argument for nearly every other true freshman who has seen the field this year?


    The way I look at it we enter spring ball with 2 players with starting experience at the position and there is a chance we enter fall camp with 3 guys.  Its time for one of them to pull away and I feel gives the team the best chance to be successful next season.


    Now time to fix the o-line.

  10. www.grandforksherald.com/content/ndsu-students-death-remains-mystery-0

    A lot of rumors floating around Fargo on this. I understand keeping things tight lipped for the investigation but I don't think the Fargo Police Dept has a clue on this. I really can't believe this is the only coverage given to this in the last couple weeks.

  11. I'm fine with pulling the redshirt. I would guess they had a conversation with Studsrud and he was fine with it.

    With no consistent running game all year long we put him in a tough spot. Lots to ask of a true freshman, playing without the top two WRs to be effective yesterday.

    Disappointing outcome yesterday. Finishing 2-1 down the stretch is a realistic goal.

  12. Anybody have any insight into the conference tiebreakers?  It looks like a possibility that Poly and EWU could win out and end up with identical conference records.  You could also throw MSU into that mix as well.


    I'd prefer Poly not be conference champs after getting blasted vs the bunnies.


    I'm confused by some of your posts.  In the past, when UND wins a game, you will say head to head doesn't matter.  But when comparing other teams and conferences, you use head to head all the time.  It really can't be both ways.   

  13. Defense needs to be more locked in than it was on Saturday.  I hope EWU is expecting the defense that is on the SUU tape.  I know our defense is better than what showed up last Saturday.


    Offensively, need another 100+ day from our running game.  If Studsrud gets the go, I'm sure the offensive game plan will be simple.  Hopefully it can be effective vs. the weak link of the EWU squad.

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