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Posts posted by homer

  1. It's gone already. Why is it so hard for Kelley, et al to put substance behind their verbiage and actually take steps that evince respect for the tradition and history associated with it?  Why is it so hard for Kelley, et al to actually be frank and indicate that they want a new nickname fast so that people are encouraged to stop yelling "Go Sioux" at games (because, what's wrong with you, we're not the "Fighting Sioux" anymore) sooner rather than later.  I'd say that it's Kelley, et al who have a hard time letting go of it because they are obviously trying so hard to get people to stop saying it.


    The state passed a law that did not allow them to move on.  Those same state leaders who put that law in place went and sat face to face with the NCAA and the message when they left was, the name needs to be changed.  Kelly has probably heard that same message but knew he could not attempt to change the nickname until two weeks ago.  Now as he begins to change it, new state leaders want to handcuff the process again. 

  2. My point is the name University of North Dakota is what defines the university...not some nickname.   


    Post #1246, to answer your question about the millions.


    I'm not part of the crowd thinking this is some way to keep using fighting Sioux.   I would be proud as hell if we forged our way without a new, worthless, nickname.   We are North Dakota - no further explanation necessary.


    I think you're kidding yourself if you think choosing a new nickname is going to make any difference in the minds and actions of those that chant Sioux at the end of the anthem, or do Sioux cheers, or wear Sioux clothing.


    Than why is it so hard to let go of the Fighting Sioux name?

  3. I doubt very few people attend a school because it has a "cool" name as opposed to the quality of the education it offers. Then again, not much surprises me anymore.


    I agree, they don't.  I will argue however that it is a quick way to easily identify a school.  Its an easy way to build tradition.  


    Listening to the band drown out any chants done at games now is getting rather old. 

  4. I think that's a narrow view.  Harvard has a brand, but it's not tied to their team name.  Same with MIT. 


    If you're talking about building a brand with a new moniker, it's for the athletic teams not UND itself.  The school's been around since 1883 in spite of Flickertails, and will certainly maintain its own brand separate from the teams' name(s). 


    As far as I'm concerned UND alums, students and other supporters of the Sioux moniker will allow it to live beyond the creation of something new for as long as they wear their Sioux gear and shout "Go Sioux!".   For example, on some of UND's Facebook feeds people write "Sioux" or "Go Sioux". I see very few "North Dakota".  The Sioux name may be officially retired, but it's not dead as long we carry it forward on our own terms. 


    When UND is on the same academic standing as Harvard or MIT your right, we won't need a nickname. 

  5. Is that what this is about... selling t-shirts and hats?  I'm sure having no name is a challenge, but certainly not insurmountable.  Shouldn't the debate be about UND the institution, and not some perhaps ridiculous catch phrase and print that accomodates so sales in book stores increase?


    Yes, ultimately a sports moniker is about building a brand for your school.   

  6. You mean the one that said: "If UND does not adopt a new nickname and logo ... UND will be returned to the list of institutions subject to the Policy." 





    They borrowed my car to drive back from the NCAA office with their tails between their legs. 


    You mean this meeting?




    Read the quotes from our state leaders in this story, right after they met with the NCAA.  Why aren't the Gov. and Al Carlson talking to these new state leaders and telling them how this meeting went?

  7. What do you guys not understand?!! Having no nickname is NOT an option. It says so in the signed settlement agreement UND officials signed!! So you can forget about any ideas of just being "North Dakota." Not gonna happen!!! The sooner you realize this the better. It sucks, but deal with it. Welcome to reality!!

    Was that the agreement that was signed after the state legislatures got told to pound sand in their face to face meeting with the NCAA?

  8. Terrible analogy! Not gonna go anywhere far or fast? What does that mean?

    We can be just like Prince. No name just a symbol; the interlocken ND symbol. "Here comes the university of North Dakota". It works now, let's just roll with it. If we have to have a nickname, it should simply be North Dakota! We will all know who we really are. It will be a way to stick our noses in the air to those PC zealots who started this nonsense in the first place.

    Brand building at its finest.

    • Upvote 1
  9. As soon as you concede that highschool and college sports followings are different I will be more than happy to tear the Sh*t out if this one...

    One at a time though. Its like A.D.D. land debating with you. Its 9 am and I'm tired already. uggg!

    High school sport following across the country?

  10. One illogical assertion at a time please.

    Regarding your highschool comparison. There are many ways I could approach this one but the quickest way to make the point is to say that with respect to high school sports the only people that have passion, and yes it is passion that we are taking about here, are effectively the kids who are currently attending there and the parents and staff. Before you go off arguing how you know this guy that still cares about his high school team

    admit to yourself how idiotic your comparison was as you think of the 50 people you know(just like the rest of us do) who are committed passionate fans of their college sports team. People take great pride in where they went to college. It often becomes a big part of their identity for the rest of their life. I lived in Kansas City for 5 years. There you are KU or MU. My father in law has a tiger tail on the back of his truck and a blow up tiger in his front yard for game day. I couldn't tell you what high school he went to to save my life.

    In any big metro area you can't drive a mile without seeing a miriad of bumber stickers or license plates with alumni or pride or some other reference to universities.

    I,as well as millions of others, fly once a year at least to go to my colleges hockey games. I have been to St. Loius, Minneapolis, Denver, Colorado Dprings, St Cloud and Philadelphia to cheer on my team and have been doing so for 25 years. Every time I do so I see thousands of others doing the same thing. I haven't been to one of my high schools games in 25 years. And BTW I was a huge supporter and fan of my high school teams when I was there and high school sports were big time at my high school, bigger than most. The basketball arena at my school was bigger than the old Ralph and I can remember it filling up an hour before game time back when we were top ranked in the state. People got into it but there is no lasting power in it. It's just to local and very little adult identity is deriven from it. It simply has no lasting power. It can be described as a phase or a stage. How often do you hear people talk about their highschool teams? I have lived in 5 big cities in the US in my life and I can say I pretty much never hear such.

    Given the transient and fleeting nature of high school sports passion it is very understandable that people transitioned to a new name because you're looking at a significant (about 90%) turn over in your fan base every 4 or 5 years.

    Therefore it is simply silly to compare how a collegiate fan base would adopt new changes compared to a highschool fan base.

    So is a new nickname going to change your experience of flying all over the country to support your college? Is UND being known as something other than the Fighting Sioux going to change that quality of hockey?

  11. Not to get off topic, I keep wondering where this "money tree" people think exists for all these wants for the rest of the athletic department at UND.

    Women's hockey coach doesn't need to be the second highest coach on campus. That sport itself is a money pit. I don't think some are looking for a money tree, just a redistribution of funding

    • Upvote 2
  12. I think some of the changes noted would improve the gameday experience so as we continue to improve in the win column and get people back, they look forward to going and games become an event.  They become something that people look forward to attending and making a day out of. 

  13. A new entrance video is a must next season.  Forget highlights, do something to tie the college to the area. 


    Also, watching the Patriots game on Saturday- on all third downs they sound the airhorn that is played at the Ralph when a goal is scored.  How about trying to do some things to tie the two programs/game experiences together. 

    • Upvote 1
  14. Please do, with one caveat: If it's your intent to do so, please spare us the histrionics of "they took our name".

    In the end, we chose to drop the name instead of suffering the consequences. (GFC, DL, and Wahpeton did the same: they dropped rather than suffer the continuing distraction.)

    We need to move on.

    This. The name isn't coming back so it is time to pick a new one.

  15. ND oil is as low as $32 / barrel once transportation costs are figured in. Most oil companies are hedge at around $90 / barrel til December. Watch out below if the price in less then that later in the year. Rig counts will drop massively.


    Crosby is really feeling a slowdown right now.


    Some companies are expecting $20 per barrel through summer rising back up to $50-$60 by years end. Drill out the leases that are up this year and that's about it at those prices.

  16. UND's athletic department and it's leadership (Faison) are the major issues for not only UND football, but also UND basketball, and even to a degree, the increase in support for NDSU athletics.

    UND's athletic department lacks innovation and drive, but most importantly, it does very little to influence effective fundraising and alumni support. There's no reason phase II of the HPC should be on hold; that should be funded by now if Faison knew what he was doing and had made even half of the alumni relationships available to him excited in the direction of UND athletics.

    I agree about the Phase II. There was more than $106 million raised in the spirit campaign that from my understanding was donated, but not directed at anything specific. It can be spent based on priority decided on by leaders. I have sent a few emails wondering about priority of this project. It's time some pressure is put on Faison and Kelly to get serious about this project and get it done.

  17. brown, columbia, cornell, dartmouth, harvard, penn, princeton, yale, bethune-cookman, delaware state, florida am, hampton, howard, morgan state, norfolk state, north carolina at, north carolina central, savannah state, south carolina state, alabama am, alabama state, alcorn state, arkansas-pine bluff, grambling state, jackson state, mississippi state, prairie view am, southern, and texas southern would all disagree.....

    And they would be the only ones. Those teams would be one and done in the playoffs.
    • Upvote 1
  18. how many more conferences not taking part in the playoffs is it gonna take to realize that there huge issues with fcs football (and the fcs to fbs step ups)....if the ndac would've done this ten years it would have been quite the feat but now its just a little watered down...

    The conferences not taking part in the playoffs add no value to the playoff field. The watered down argument is stupid.

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