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Posts posted by homer

  1. This rule is being looked at by commisioners of other conferences as well.  IMO, this rule would have an effect on small schools for basketball and FCS football (if that is the only sports chosen).  If for some reason they would decide to do this, you can bet scholorship limits would be raised for P5 schools to help with concerns about depth.  The recruiting pool becomes smaller for smaller schools.


    I feel that is what is driving this.  Raise scholorship limits, gobble up more of the talent and further widen the gap between P5 and everyone else.  For football and basketball, there is no harm in sitting on the bench for a year if everyone is doing it and the NFL and NBA have age limit restrictions.

  2. With regard to the non-conference schedule, we seem to play the xDSU's every year, with both being on the same rotation, so that they are either both at home or both on the road in any given year. Ideally, it would be nice to have the opposite rotation with USD and UNO, so that every year we know there will be at least two non-conference home games against division I opponents.


    How about Denver?  I don't understand how the hockey relationship can't be used for getting together for a basketball matchup.

    • Upvote 1
  3. You know, it's a good thing NDSU didn't try to use this program to buy art for the new STEM building. Can you imagine the outrage?

    When can we expect the first scholarship offer to the athlete based on ACT score?

    • Upvote 4
  4. "We're bringing in that top-rated freshman recruit at center* because we're sure they'll be able to improve the quality of scholarly research in the physics department."



    *BB, hockey, or FB


    Said by no coach ever.

  5. One just has to take a look at the list if donations that were used to get the additional funding. They are tagged- basketball, athletic and football. No where on that list does it say academic endowments.


    So if Wrigley really needs to question whether these were awarded based on athletics or academics he should look at scholarships used to claim the money at the three schools.

  6. My follow up question to Wrigley stating he is not sure if these "athletic scholarships" are given based on academics or athletics-

    Are you serious?

    How dumb does this guy think people are? How dumb do our state leaders think the people are?

  7. I gotta think UND would've used the money for athletic scholarships if they thought they could. Otherwise why would UND be the ones asking about it? Plus it was 10 million, they could've said here's 1-2 million for athletic scholarships and the other 8-9 million is for academics. I just don't see why UND would care unless they would've also raised funds for athletics. Plus I think with the money the foundation has been given/raising lately for the Engineering, Aerospace, Business, Law, and Medical school 1-2 million for athletic scholarships would've been fine.

    I get around the state and region a lot and NDSU is killing UND in PR right now across ND and the Twin Cities because of football and basketball. There is no reason their enrollment should be close to UNDs when you consider how much better UND is academically and the reason is because of FB and BB. 10 million in academics is awesome, but so is 4 NCs, 2 ESPN Gamedays, and 2 NCAA tourney appearances. Not saying the challenge grant is the reason for that, but I can't help but feel like it's a microcosm of why they are where they are and UND is playing catch up.

    If NDSU, MSU, and DSU get that money taken away for athletics hats off to UND for following the rules, and if not they still got 10 million for academics so either way great job UND. It just seemed to me like they would've fundraised for athletics if they thought they could and other schools getting away with it is disappointing. I'll leave it at that

    So we are in agreement they are athletic scholarships?

  8. So it wasn't for "money games" and the 1 million they get from the Sun Belt their football program would have folded.

    My take away was that he is saying it's going to get harder to balance an athletic budget with an FCS football squad in your athletic dept.

  9. But how do we fund it? Those 22 schollies added to the 85 stipends will probably put the financial picture over the tipping point. Plus, we are going to be looking at having to pump more money into mens basketball soon as well. And no, we aren't defunding womens hockey, that's pretty much a sacred cow due to Title IX.

    I'm not saying we won't ever move up, but the money has to come from somewhere, and right now it's not there.

    I believe he mentions where a good chunk of the money comes from in the article. That money is the reason schools like Idaho can make it work.

  10. he must not see UND as a high-end Big Sky school.

    It is in their contract with the big sky that they can void their contract if either Montana school or UND leave so there's that. One of only three schools they specifically named in their contract.

    As far as the rest, I think a handful of FCS conferences see themselves in the middle tier.

  11. My thoughts on the matching funds. Hats off to NDSU leadership for recognizing this and getting after the fundraising. This is completely UNDs fault for not looking into this further. $250,000 in scholarship money could sure go a long ways. Somebody should've did some double checking on this for UND right when the grants were first announced. NDSU obviously did and they have been rewarded to the tune of $250,000 plus in football scholarships...

    UND should be looking in the mirror instead of complaining to the state. Disappointing to see from a UND perspective.

    When the last time an athlete was given a scholarship to play a sport because of their grades.

    Also, below is an article about NDSU leaders, including their president and their complaints regarding funding. In the article, they want more money for their students and academics. This money could have been used for that but at the end of the day they spend it on athletic scholarships. It's fine if they want to bend the intent of this bill but any future complaints of funding should be disregarded.


  12. Your fight is with state of ND and the people who approved it. Too bad no UND alumni thought enough of your athletic dept to donate funds to it for this purpose. Are you going to whine about the 4 NC's too as it's a great recruiting advantage.

    What? UND used up all if it's funds because it was able to get donations. FU had to claim athletic funds to get all their money because no one thinks enough of the academics to donate to the school.

  13. I'm waiting for the legislature to say that the funds were misused, and that a violation occurred related to how these funds were specified. I'm not going to hang my hat on a Rob Port article. What do you thinks Portly's intentions were in writing this article? No way he writes that article if UND were involved, and everyone here knows that. He's the head of propaganda train for everything und, and is without credibility from what I've seen him pen, and not pen.

    FU can't be too terribly underfunded if they can spend funds that are supposed to be used on academics to fund athletics. I hope this gets thrown back at your president the next time he starts whining about funding.

    If FU would stop misusing funds, Port would have nothing to write about.

  14. So you enjoy negative conversation more than positive?


    I don't think its negative to keep that conversation alive.  With the upcoming change in the college athletic landscape (full cost of attendance), every dollar is going to be important for recruiting, etc.  If we have another college whom we are recruiting against for every sport that is going to bend every rule they can to put additional dollars in their athletic budgets, we better be willing to do the same or call them out because if they keep doing it and we do nothing, it will change the 2 deep for spring of 2016, 2017, etc.

    • Upvote 3
  15. Those dollars don't affect spring ball this year. Or next fall. Besides that's going to turn into the same old circle jerk. This on the other hand is so far free of bs.


    Your or my opinion of a two deep won't affect spring ball either. 

  16. The recruiting advantage one has become dilapidated.

    I'd say that thread has more of a potential impact to how UND does things or should be doing things than discussing a hypothetical two deep in February.

    • Upvote 1
  17. This. They couldn't secure the proper type of donations and did an end-around at the end otherwise the leftover funds would have been available for other schools to compete for.

    If that's the case, I say this total is not awarded to FU next go around.

    Aren't they the same college who complains about funding consistently? When they have the opportunity to get it they spend it on athletic scholarships. Some questions need to be asked

  18. Phase 2 of the IPF will do more to further academics than more athletic scholorships.  If what FU, Dickinson and Minot did is OK, UND better get on board and take advantage to the state gov't mismanagement of these funds.


    Also, how much money will this free up for the addional cost of scholorships. 

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