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Posts posted by homer

  1. I have no sources and won't pretend too. I'm wondering what this has to do recruiting and why you put it here.

    If you want to speculate, start a new thread and also put a name to it. Sounds line someone's feelings got hurt and they should probably address it internally instead of running to a message board to whine about it.

    My opinion is move it to another thread or delete it out of the recruiting thread.

  2. Appreciate the info all of you that are in the know have put into this thread, thank you for that.

    With about a week left til signing day, assuming no one jumps ship, How many spots remain to make this a full class?


    I assume we have a hand full left assuming everyone who has committed, signs next Wednesday.


    I think MLB and DL will be a couple positions we see some late commitments along with possibly the CB from IL (hopefully).

  3. They were courtesy calls. They want to keep a relationship with Davies, they have a good looking d-back that will be a senior next year, That is their real target.

    Haha. This !@#$ keeps getting better.

  4. I've never seen a fan base so fired up on a couple of PWO. But compared with the rest your class they must look pretty good to you.

    I am happy we got them. They are solid players that could develop into real nice players.

    I've never seen a fanbase so set obsessed with another schools recruiting class.

    • Upvote 2
  5. Burgundy Bartley has issues. Hedberg has been in Davies twice in past week.

    Don't know why he is so ashamed to admit they are recruiting them?


    Because there is a chance those meetings didn't go so well and its easier when they sign on with UND to not have to admit they turned down the same offer from FU.


    Anyone who knows someone in that school knows that Hedberg has been there very recently to see them. 

  6. If NDSU was really interested wouldn't they have them it for a visit?  Like Ron said back in Nov they talked with them, that's it.  Glad they're happy with the PWO to UND. 


    Have Burgandy ask the coaching staff why Hedberg was in to see them yesterday.  If he denies Randy was there, he doesn't know what he's talking about.


    If FU wasn't really interested, why make the trip and schedule the meeting with both kids?

  7. I understand this viewpoint, but the P5 schools and the NCAA do not have an option to not start providing full COA. The dynamics for those schools is that they have a large percentage of athletes coming from backgrounds of extreme poverty who are now participating in athletic events that are multi-million dollar revenue generators for the university. The athletes are more or less disallowed from any other outside employment in both the season and off-season and come from families who do not have the luxury to cover additional expenses that their athletic scholarships do not cover. All this creates a situation where boosters and other nefarious individuals will cover those shortfalls underneath the table and in violation of NCAA regulations. This is a situation that would only continue to get worse if not addressed and lead to more and more frequent scandals (Miami, USC, etc.). This is a dynamic that doesn't exist at anywhere near the same extent for FCS football programs or for college hockey programs.

    The rule has changed and they are not disallowed. They can have jobs that fit their schedules if they need them or want to get them.

  8. Football went from 36 to 63. That is 27 more scholarships. WBB went from 12 to 15. WH added 18. If you drop WH, seems like football awards would have to be cut to DII levels.

    The Engelstad Foundation has been endowing a couple of women's hockey scholarships a year. Should be tell them to stop and ask them to take the endowments away.

    We have other women's sports that would gladly use a few more scholarships.

    I'm also all for keeping women's hockey, I just question coaching salaries.

  9. Women's hockey can't and won't be cut.    Baseball doesn't amount to that much and probably isn't worth the hornets nest it would stir up.


    Travel budgets and coaches salaries for some of these sports could cover a number of $1500 - $2000 stipends. 


    I'm not specifying what sports.  I would leave that to the administration.

  10. Why? That would be like the golf team suing because they aren't funded to the scholarship maximum while FB and MBB are. If there were a case to be made, it would have happened long ago.

    Appreciate the Q&A post. Answered a few questions. You should probably send that to your AD. I'm don't think he fully understands how this works.

    I still have the opinion that when you are giving money for things above and beyond tuition, it's not going to be as easy to say we are doing it for football and nothing else.

  11. This will be the death knell for FCS football at a lot of schools. For us, it makes sense for hockey, even considering that the men are going to have to subsidize the women's COA stipend. I don't see how UND can possible afford to do this for football, especially if we have to pay for a women's equivalent. Just for football, ticket prices are going to have to increase by something like $12-15 and I have no idea where the money comes from for a women's equivalent.

    I'm not saying we should drop the idea, but I think it's going to be very, very difficult to pull off. The money simply isn't going to be there.

    Money is there if UND cuts a few sports.

  12. It's just going to stratify programs more. Hockey players will still want DI. It could lead to leveling the playing field vs major juniors. Union doesn't even have scholarships, so how can they compete now?

    That's my point, the programs doing it get better by getting a few players who are now going the junior route. The schools that don't, can't compete. It will apply to every sport, widening the gap between the top and the middle.

  13. My opinion- This thing doesn't stand a chance when it's taken to court. Not a chance schools are going to be allowed to pick and choose which sports these are offered in. This will be the death of non revenue sports at schools, including hockey at a lot of colleges.

  14. Anyone want to guess what % will get redshirted? I would think Bubba would get a good chunk of guys playing right away in positions we are very thin, and at key positions too. WR, RB, OL, maybe even the QB spot depending on how Mollberg and Bartels are recovering (hopefully those guys are 100% by summer). Looking at this class, and seeing what Bubba did last season with the players he had to work with throw in the injury bug as well and this team could be kissing the playoffs this season. Things are looking on the up for the first time since the DII days.

    Hopefully very few play. I don't think the recipe to playoffs is playing a bunch of true freshmen. The guys that played last year need to continue to improve and a JUCO or two need to be ready.

  15. Another good recruiting weekend. I've liked Smith since I first saw his film. Liked him even more when Oregon offered the PWO. Really like that there are about 3 positions he could play at. Kid is a great athlete.

  16. I think the problem w/ Muss' staff was always player development... They landed some pretty good recruits, just failed to develop them into quality FCS football players. Look at Bubba's defense last year... filled w/ recruits from Muss that made pretty significant contributions & played at very high levels... (Labat, Rich, Ratelle, C. Brown, Idowu, Reyes, etc, etc) & most of those guys didn't "earn" much playing time on that atrocious 2013 defense.

    I'll agree w/ geaux_Sioux, in that the Muss staff did bring in some quality recruits the last few years & seemed to improve in the talent they were getting... how they developed them was a different story... & ultimately, those classes were (& should be) judged by the W-L records. Overall I'd say there were quite a few more "misses" than "hits" in the Muss recruiting era.

    The option of staying in GF for the summer needs to go away. Muss didn't force commitment from his players to the year round training to develop to full potential.

  17. I was at the Carrier Dome last year to watch a Syracuse basketball game and I wore an NDSU T shirt. I had a few people say go Bison to me as I passed in the hall. The guy I sat next saw my shirt and started up a conversation about ESPN Gameday and what an awesome representation it was by the NDSU fan base. He was from NYC.



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