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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. I am currently completing my Masters online through another school. I looked at UND because that is where I got my undergraduate from but in the aviation department online courses are lacking. I think online classes through UND could be greatly expanded if that is a direction the University wants to take.
  2. http://forum.siouxsports.com/topic/25721-sjhls-humboldt-broncos-bus-crash/?tab=comments#comment-1008803
  3. Lol I thought it was a former professor named Sue Kennedy
  4. I can't get my picks to load either... Hopefully they saved!
  5. Woot woot! I am so glad I will forever be on this list
  6. I'd guess because Big Ten schools are generally a lot more concerned with March Madness than college hockey
  7. I like the song. It encourages participation, even beyond the student section. Keep it.
  8. What surprised me from the article is that he didn't attend graduation due to a family event. That must have been a HECK of a family event to not attend graduation at the University where you are the President.... Anyone have more info on the family event?
  9. I am finding it difficult to be optimistic. I hope the team surprises me... As for the fans, this has got to be killing the superstitious fans. When you do everything you've done for all the previous games but the team keeps losing. I may go to church tonight... We can always use God on our side! Ha
  10. So question... I see an article on Yahoo about what Maddie Rooney plans to spend her winnings money on... Does that not count as getting paid? It isn't a NCAA violation? Obviously it must not be because numerous people have played college after coming back from the Olympics
  11. Wait is it sudden death or best of something
  12. I got out of bed to watch... Can't figure out the sound but at least I have picture
  13. Keep the updates coming please!
  14. Why is there never a US player in front of the goalie? Their positioning is very odd...
  15. This is the first I've seen of the men's hockey... Not impressed. Can't even control the puck on a power play. As a team, Russia looks much bigger than us.
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