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Everything posted by sultan

  1. The coaches obviously looked at how UND played against 2 FBS teams on the road and made their assessment based on that. We were leading Idaho at half on the road. We were leading Fresno late in the game on the road. We very easily could of beaten Fresno. It must of gotten their attention. At this point UND will take what ever we can get. We just need to keep bulding on that. This has got to fry NDSU fans. UND is ranked. UND is coming!!!!! Next year we are playoff elgible. Hopefully we will be in the playoffs. Fun times.
  2. I agree. We have a lot of California kids on our roster. It is our prime recruiting area outside of the immediate area. The game we played at Fresno State last night has got to help our recruiting in California immensely. What a huge positive that game could end up being. I think it could be recruiting Gold for UND.
  3. Sioux were in big trouble in the 4th set but made a late surge and won set 4. Then they went on to bury Rice in the 5th set. The volleyball teram is incredible. They just don't l;ike to lose.
  4. The Santa Barbara website shows UND losing all 3 games. Somebody must be wrong on this.
  5. Last year when the volleyball team played in Fargo there was a lot of excitement for the game. People were wondering why NDSU didn't play the game at the BSA which holds more people. NDSU said that they will always play their games at the Benson Fieldhouse because it is their home for volleyball. Benson Fieldhouse will not hold 2400. Now that UND holds the attendance record I will be willing to guess that NDSU in the future will all of a sudden be willing to move the the Bison/Sioux game to a venue which holds more people so they can recapture the attendance record for the state. Of course that is if NDSU is wiling to play UND. NDSU might not want to play us anymore. I am sure in hindsight they are wishing they hadn't played us last night.
  6. I'm not exactly sure what NDSU is complaining about but all I know is UND has the best volleyball team in the state. UND also now holds the attendance record for a volleyball game in the state. NDSU did hold the record of 2200 for a match. Great showing by the UND fans.
  7. Eastern Washington should of beat Washington today. They were the better team but turnovers killed them. The Big Sky doing very well.
  8. Do they still have those Wednesday live chats online?
  9. I am all for conversation on a topic but there are a few posters that just keep saying the same thing over and over and that is boring. Faison could very well have made mistakes but without knowing what went behind each decision it it is careless to assume. Scheduling is 2 way street. I just have this feeling people are quick to condemn and maybe don't know everything that went into each decision. Maybe Faison doesn't have the financial freedom to do everything the way everyone wants right now.
  10. And in case Bison fans are curious, UND is playing Michigan next week on ESPN. That is not Michigan North Dakota. It would be Michigan of the Big Ten. Anything going on in Fargo these days. It sure has been quiet down south of here.
  11. I heard that at the next conference meeting the Summit League is thinking about changing the name of their league to the NCC. The NCC name would better represent the region of the country they are from. It is rather laughable that NDSU left the old NCC to separate themselves from D2 and the schools in the NCC and here they are right back together with the schools they didn't want to acknowledge before. And the real irony in the situation is that low and behold UND ends up in the premier conference in FCS the Big Sky. The Big Sky is more of a national conference than the regional conference like the NCC. It is funny how things can come back to bite you like what happened to NDSU. Some people at NDSU must be scratching their heads saying what has happened. It sure did a 360 right back to where they were.
  12. Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.
  13. I think anyone who is so disgusted that they say they will never go to Sioux football games and will cut off any support for the team should do just that. We don't need fans like that. This is indeed a difficult time to try to schedule games. But to go on and on rehashing the subject when all they are doing is repeating the same thing is boring and unproductive. It just creates a totally negative atmosphere. I for one will support the players and the program by going to games with the attitude that things are going to get a whole lot better with the schedules in the future. I think it is really careless to rip on Brian Faison unless you really know the facts behind each situation. I think we need to trust him.
  14. Are Carrasco and the other 2 young players any significant loss? Did they leave because they weren't going to be good enough and the writing was on the wall or did we hate to see them go?
  15. I heard that NDSU is thrilled to be back with their long time rival in basketball and volleyball Nebraska Omaha. Actually NDSU had even a better rivalry with Omaha in wrestling and football so that will be exciting. Oh wait, Omaha dropped wrestling and football. Oh well.
  16. Why is anybody even bringing this up. The Big Sky is a tremendous conference and UND is thrilled to be in it. Personally I much prefer the Big Sky over the NCC/MVFC combination.
  17. Is Bison Dan really worried about the costs for Big Sky members to come to Grand Forks? Shouldn't he have more important things to worry about than just UND. He certainly has an obsession with UND. UND's fan base is certainly huge. No wonder there is such a long line of cars coming from Fargo whenever there are sporting events at UND. I guess we should just apprectiate how loyal Bison Dan is.
  18. The answer to the question is Jack Maughan I believe. His Dad is Bucky Maughan the wrestling coach at NDSU. He also wrestled for NDSU. His family has a deep hatred for UND. I guess that qoute doesn't carry a lot of weight. That was some real weak information you provided there. That was actually a real weak and unprofessional statement from the former Bison Maughan. You have to wonder what Northern Colorado was thinking when they hired Maughan as director of devopment .
  19. Does Northern Colorado's director of development have any connection to NDSU? What is his name? He wouldn't be a little bit prejudice against UND.
  20. I would trust Bison Dan on this. He is a huge Sioux fan and would know for sure. He knows everything about UND. He is always talking about the Sioux.
  21. I can't imagine the MVFC would offer Omaha football without some other team also being offered cause their commissioner said 11 teams wouldn't work. Otherwise they could of offered both USD and UND football memberships from the beginning. That is if Patty was being honest about everything. I might be wrong but I don't think UND would even consider the Summit/MVFC option because they are very excited about the Big Sky. The Summit would very much start looking like the NCC though wouldn't it.
  22. Once again the Sioux played a very good game.. We sure lost 2 heartbreakers to Utah Valley though. I kind of wondered why Mathison was in there too. It sure is fun to see our Men's team play good ball and be competitive. In the last 2 minutes of the game I would of liked to have seen Anderson in the game. For the most part he has been our money man at the ends of games. I still marvel how good our team has played with a bunch of freshman. The future is very exciting. In the post game did I hear the Utah Valley coach say that his team has beaten a couple of Pac 10 teams? Schuler had a great game except for the 2 free throws at the end.
  23. I agree with you. He is criticizing the Grand Forks media for not doing more research on the Kristo story when at the same time they ran with a story putting down Faison and President Kelly on the word of Douple against Faison and Kelly without doing any research to verify their story. The Fargo media is something else. Mc feeley should think a little more before he says stuff. He gets himself into a corner once in a while.
  24. In the redshirt class what was the runningback situation?
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