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Sioux Hockey Fanatic

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Everything posted by Sioux Hockey Fanatic

  1. Tickets are cheapest if bought in the package and at the Xcel boxoffice. Otherwise you have to pay the Ticketmaster fees. The tickets went up a little last year so my guess is that they will go up again this year. Priority ticker holders can pre order tickets in Nov, packages then go on sale to the public I think in early March, single game seats don't go on sale until after the play in games are done. And the cheap seats sold out last year. So you may want to spring for the packages when they go on sale, even if you can't go to all the games it may be a cheaper route.
  2. Unfortunately this law was changed just recently, after this particular incident happened. Even with all level 3 sex offenders now being referred for civil commitment as a sexually dangerous person only a small (I was told the number recently for Ramsey County, MN but I can't remember the number) pecentage actually are taken to trail and committed under this statute. In repsonse to the other comments about the lawyers having background in mental health law--Usually if someone defense or procecutor but should be defense thinks that the person is mentally ill and can't proceed with their own defense it is referred for a Rule 20 evaluation and civil commitment court which are tow completely different things, people if found not competent then are ordered to be treated in a locked facility to competence, then can return for procecution on the criminal charges, then they can try to claim mental illness as a defense this also goes back to the Rule 20 and can also trigger a civil commitment, this is a very high standard, and the person has to be so ill that that can't tell right from wrong. Doubtful in this case. But I really don't know much about the specifics of this case. Most of the time (at least in MN) there is a panel of attorneys that deal with civil commitments and criminal attorneys don't really deal with that particular part of the process.
  3. Seems to me that if the Fighting Sioux nickname is hostile and abusive then so are all the other names that have gotten the approval to be used. I'm not sure why the groups that so strongly oppose the Fighting Sioux nickname have stopped there, if the Sioux tribes have endorsed the use of the nickname and the Seminoles, Fighting Illini, Utes (etc) have endorsed the use of that/those nickname(s) why has the NCAA ruled that Fighting Sioux is hostile and abusive while Seminoles(etc)are not? It seems to me that if one finds Fighting Sioux hostile and abusive then they would find all the references to Native Americans hostile and abusive. Has anyone asked the NCAA to explain that one...other than that they considered each case on its own.
  4. Yesterday I would have said Matt, today I have to say Mike. With Roloson out for the rest of the series I think Carolina will have the upper hand
  5. I would be interested plus a guest depending on which series it happens. Coming from St. Paul so I'd prefer a Sat. I haven't been watching the posts as close during the summer so if you could- send me a PM when you have the dates. Thanks!
  6. Once a Fighting Sioux always a Fighting Sioux. I won't be cheering "let's go Flickertails" that's for sure!
  7. Yeah and i'm mad cuz they beat me to it! Can I at least sit in the side seat?
  8. Only one mention of Chipotle?? GF definately needs a Chipotle or two! How about a bar/resturant with live music on a regular basis? Or is there one that I don't know about?
  9. Does anyone know the overall percent of college students that drop out, leave early, take a year off etc. I imagine that the percentage is fairly close to the number of hockey players that leave to play pro. Some come back, some won't. Getting a 4 year degree takes about 6 these days. Who can blame them for taking a once in a lifetime opportunity. UND will still be there when that is done. (and they will be able to pay for their own tuition.)
  10. Does anyone know if they are still planning to have the pregame party for Sioux Fans on Sat? And what time does it start. We are thinking about going down for the open skate and stuff and look for tickets to Sat game but wouldn't mind hanging out with Sioux Fans if we can't get tickets.
  11. Congrats to Matt Carle, but the guy that interviewed his mother should be slapped along side the head. What a jerk, the only thing he could think of to ask her was if she would be walking home. Of course that was before he was announced this years winner.
  12. I took pictures last year at the Frozen Four. I think they ask that you don't use flash. But my camera isn't very fancy just your standard 35mm.
  13. I'm going to guess Oshie or Duncan. But I also am willing to bet Stafford will get a short handed goal.
  14. We're driving in and plan to head straight to the Pep Rally. Hopefully they will have shuttles like they did last year.
  15. I have a single ticket available for all the games. Call me if interested 612-419-3719.
  16. Oh man I am so glad to hear I am not the only Fighting Sioux Hockey addict. I too dream hockey. It usually starts a week or two before the WCHA tourney and lasts a few weeks after the season is over. I am only working 2 days this week, good thing cuz I really don't think reading and posting on here counts as work. See you in Milwaukee!
  17. I think I'd rather my butt cheeks show than my beer belly. (if I were a cheerleader)
  18. Thanks for that update! Yes I was figuring about 5 hours, map qwest says 5 hours 13 min, but I drive fast and only allow emergency pit stops. But that 45 min delay thing will cause problems, I'm planning to get there in time to have a beer or two before the puck drops. Guess we'll have to leave a little earlier.
  19. HEY Everyone!!! I know you were all getting concerned that we weren't going to get into the Frozen Four but Alas! I got tickets on Ebay. And I didn't have to take out a second morgage on my house or waive my rights to future inheritances to get them!!! So we are going, we will have tickets and I have an extra! Watch out Milwaukee....here we come!!!! Let's Go Sioux!!!
  20. I got an email about the UND pep rally before the game on thurs. $10 covers food...ham and turkey sandwiches I think on Thurs and chicken strips on Sat. Last year it was pretty fun, band played, Eddy was there and signed a few (many) autographs. The employees were all decked out in Sioux jerseys. Door prizes. Who's going to that?
  21. I actually think it's called Spy House or something like that and Safe house is the password to get in.
  22. Hey he's coming with me....we're getting in! If we have to storm the doors or pretend we are band members. I have total faith that we will leave with tickets in hand.
  23. I know some people that submitted for Columbus thinking they wouldn't get selected until this year but got tickets last year and this year.
  24. I'm still looking for 3 frozen four tickets. If anyone has to cancel plans to go please let me know. Thanks. Edit: Now only need 2 packages.
  25. I was just wondering if the REA/UND atheletic Dept has gotten back to everyone that has put their name on the list for tickets, giving them the yeah or neah. I thought I had heard they would be done with that by today at 5pm.
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