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  1. The tickets for Saturday night are sold. 2 tickets still available for tonight. Make an offer.
  2. I have 2 tickets in the top row of Section 306 available for each night of the Gopher series. Make me an offer by text at 701-739-2362.
  3. Make me an offer on these tickets.
  4. I have one season hockey ticket for sale. The seat is at the top of Section 306 at the end of the row. Will sell for $550. May be willing to sell Friday and Saturday tickets separately. Tickets are in Grand Forks. Contact me if you're interested.
  5. He was probably adjusting the sound system as he went. That can be done by wireless using a laptop or tablet. The new system is going to take some time to adjust. Sound reacts differently in an empty building than a building full of people. They could have had it perfect in an empty arena and it wouldn't sound nearly the same with 12,000 people. The sound bounces off hard surfaces like empty seats and is absorbed by soft surfaces like human bodies. You also have to keep tweaking all of the different speakers or zones until they work together. If you get it perfect in 206 and start making adjustments in 207 it will affect 206. You can sit in your car and hear this effect. If you play with the Fade and Balance of your car audio system you can hear how adjusting the volume from front to back or left to right can actually change how it sounds. Changing the Treble and Bass also changes the sound. If you drive alone most of the time you can maximize the sound quality for the driver. If you usually have people in the car you may try to balance it for the middle of the car, and then nobody has the best sound possible. But it doesn't take much to hear the difference if you adjust the levels. If they do it right they will save a preset when they get it right. The Ralph used to have problems after holding a concert. They would have to readjust the whole system every time and it could take a couple of games to get it right. Now they are able to hit the preset and usually just have to make minor adjustments (sound is different every time so you always have to tweak it).
  6. That series where they run, run, pass helps set up future series where they pass on first down, or play action pass on second down, or run a jet sweep, etc. UND wants to play conservative football on offense and depend on the defense to win. That is Bubba's design. Conservative football means running a lot. And it especially works well when you have quality running backs like UND has.
  7. They've been in town most of the summer.
  8. If you look at the UND web site it looks like the program is for all historically under represented groups. It is called the Cultural Diversity Tuition Waiver. That includes Native Americans, Alaska Natives, African Americans and Asian Americans. It isn't automatic, they have to apply. In North Dakota Native Americans make up the largest portion of those groups, so they get most of the available waivers. Most Native Americans do not receive tuition waivers. There are also some scholarships that are aimed specifically at Native Americans. People used to claim that Native Americans went to school for free, that is not true in most cases, but I'm sure there are some that do just like there are students in other categories that end up going to school for free. You can also find scholarships and waiver programs to reward many other groups including the families of service personnel that have died, people from certain towns or counties, people studying specific subjects, students with disabilities, National Merit Scholars, etc. You can find a lot of information on these sites, although I'm sure they are not complete, http://www.ndus.edu/students/paying-for-college/grants-scholarships/#NDCTES and http://und.edu/admissions/financial-aid/types-of-aid/undergrad-scholarships.cfm.
  9. Which is why I said "bigger physical presence".
  10. The rumor is that First International is planning a bigger physical presence in Grand Forks.
  11. For those of you that can't follow the entire thread. SJHovey talked about the contributions of the entire family, not just the twins. Several of you ignored that part of his statement and just made it about your argument. The entire Lamoureux family has been an important part of the UND Athletics family for many years, probably longer than some of you have been alive. And I'm guessing that the Lamoureux family has more national titles than anyone on this board.
  12. Actually, the Lamoureux family has 2 National titles at UND.
  13. UND was in the same league as Minnesota for 62 years. The same league as Wisconsin for 44 years. The same league as Michigan and Michigan State for 30 years each. The same league as Notre Dame for 10 years. Those would all be considered historical opponents. The only 2 schools from the Big 10 that UND hasn't been in a league with are Ohio State and Penn State. Minnesota and Wisconsin are just as local as Duluth, St. Cloud, and Omaha. As far as NCHC opponents, they have been in the same league as Denver and Colorado College for 66 years each, Duluth for 51, St. Cloud for 27, Omaha for 7, Miami and Western Michigan for 4. UND has plenty of history with schools in both leagues. UND has had more deeply heated rivalries with Minnesota and Wisconsin over the years than with any NCHC schools other than possibly Denver.
  14. There aren't any 2020 Winter Olympics. Winter Olympics will be held in 2018, 2022, and 2026. Summer Olympics will be held in 2020, 2024, and 2028.
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