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Everything posted by teamsioux

  1. If true, would it be because of his foot injury or has that completely healed.
  2. Ralph's gift gets a brief mention Same donor now has donations of $70 and $165 mm and says it won't be last. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncaa/news/story?id=2286820
  3. A former Bison player (Steve Lacqua) who coached at UMC last year I saw the Bison-Valpo game and said the exact same thing.
  4. -I understand (and agree) with these points, but most gripes on these posts are about the planning and poor use of space at the Betty. When one spends this kind of money, why not do it right? -If the crowds do get large enough to facilitate a change of venue, the Al has to be the choice. It is too tough to schedule around hockey, not even games but practices especially.
  5. -I too agree with 92,96. For how large of an investment the Betty is, it was very poorly planned and thought out. I have said all along that the project was rushed (coach dags might have a point about the juniors). There was no way that it shouldn't have more seating....I realize the price skyrocketed with just adding a couple of thousand seats, but why not wait then. The Hyslop would have worked for a few more years...why not wait and see if the DI move happens, because if it does, the Betty is already obsolete, or if the mens' team ever draws well again...which I also wonder about because there should of been more people out every night when the Beas' was here. Saturday's attendance of 2700 (which I don't agree with that low count) made everyone feel like sardines the way it was. Both ends were packed (with very few students), just wait until they are back from break against a team like StCloud or USD. Just adding 250 students will force many of the non-students who sat in the general admission into the reserved seats and then it will be even more of a mess -As far as concessions, now the north end is roped off during the pregame with it being a pre-game area for the FSC members. Even after the game starts it was a mess with tables and chairs all over and not being taken down. The facility and game management there just seem very unprofessional and unprepared. -On a earlier post somenone said most of the problems were correctable, really they are not or at least financially possible. The lobby can't be enlarged, wow was that poor planning. Shouldn't any designer/engineer/architect/drunken hillbilly have figured out that concession stands were not intended for hallways/walkways that are only a few feet wide(especially hallways which are the only way to get around from side to side without going on the court). -One other thing is the scoreboard that is worse than many high school boards, I realize it would tough to get the more advanced ones, because the scorers table has a tough time from messing up on this one and most everything else going on....anyone see the new one down at the BSA in Fargo, nice. Even after all the complaints about the Betty, please don't make us go back to BB at the Ralph.
  6. Wasn't that Richie's first season? Wouldn't that be appropriate that his last season ended that way too.
  7. The only part of that statement that is not completely true is that he ran the program into the ground himself, it was headed there when he took over as Gunther's philosophy didn't work any more either.
  8. I hope he is in the "getting fired mode" then.
  9. teamsioux

    Canad Inns

    Hal better tell this to everyone in Fargo and over on Bisonville, they sure are worried about us and our little hillbilly town. According to them, everyone in GF is going to have to pick up a second job to pay for all the Canad subsidies.
  10. Women up by 3, 42-39 on Moorhead at half. Sioux have 12 turnovers compared to 6 by Moorhead.
  11. Roebuck stated on the radio this morning that Val Sannes will be back sometime start of next semester...also stated Guinn will rest tonight as she tweaked her ankle in warmups laste week, but still played through the pain. Said if it was a big game she would probably play tonight.
  12. For Sale-Friday night is lower bowl, Sat is upper bowl.
  13. As soon as seen it was a Jewish reporter, I knew it was going to be worse than usual.
  14. North Alabama talks abut staying D2.
  15. I caught the game on HDNet on Sat night. Matt played quite a bit through two periods, was on the ice the for the first Phoenix goal, which was even-strength. Even had a shift on the power-play, because it was a 4:00 power play. Also got to watch Scorin' Goren that game.
  16. teamsioux


    On Wednesday nights coaches show, Lennon stated he had pulled both qb's in to his office and told them he would not rotate qb's next year and he expected one of them to step up to take over the staters job. He stated that Manke would be the #1 going into spring ball though. He also thought that if UND/GVSU played 10 times this year, they would split. He was quite disappointed that the weather prevented UND's special teams from being a factor. As far as recruiting, once again a little of everything, especially secondary help being last years was small in that area.
  17. What's amazing is the percentage of posts on Bisonville that are about UND?
  18. I did not mention any names because of the fact I couldn't be sure who it was, but I will say that one of the sources who told me was a parent of a RR student involved in the hockey program.
  19. Wondering if anyone knew how many RR varsity hockey players were involved in this past weekends party raids? I heard from numerous people that as many as 6 were charged with minor in possession, the # depending upon who makes the big team.
  20. I also need two for Sat if anyone has any available. email: teamsioux@gmail.com
  21. Am I correct in presuming the FB game will be on at Senser's on Sat?
  22. LB Matt Bodoh is recovering from pneumonia, he had just started to get some playing time.
  23. I heard a rumor that Kelsey Maffin is back and will not take a medical redshirt this year, can anyone confirm this?
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