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Everything posted by teamsioux

  1. On coaches show last night, Lennon said it is possible Groeschl could play at UMD, also said Buisker will be back.
  2. I see where the current Stanford AD is leaving after 14 years. I wonder if Purpur will be top candidate. Curious if he knew the current guy was looking and was that maybe a reason he pulled out of the UND opening?
  3. If this has been mentioned, my bad, but did any see Ben Brien on the WDAZ news last week talking about his designing the logo? One detail caught my eye as to how far this name issue has come and select people saying it is racist, hostile, abusive, etc. He stated how when he was young (he was Chippewa) that the Sioux kids his age would hold it over him and his friends that UND used the name Sioux and not Chippewa. The Sioux kids were proud of it and he and his friends were basically jealous. He felt it should still be the same way. Just shows how the world is becoming way too PC, at least for me.
  4. Six of the top 9 are WCHA, it never gets any easier around here.
  5. Any know of any injuries out of the Winona game? Lennon didn't think there was much as of Monday morning, but did say there was a sprained ankle but failed too mention who.
  6. teamsioux

    Drew Thomas

    I have also heard that it is possible that he maybe able to play next year though.
  7. Trust me, I have some knowledge about this as I have worked within the local industry at different levels for many years. It would create a huge void locally for these charities. Sure they wouldn't lose someone who wanted to play a "couple" hands of bj. But most/all bigger gamblers would go to a casino.
  8. This is what I stated earlier...the BLC plus many other local causes will be blown out of the water by a casino. Why send local money out to a reservation when we have our own needs in town?
  9. Anyone know Maffin's status, if she is even trying to play this year?
  10. Exactly, a few activists with nothing better to do. A huge percentage of Spirit Lake still supports tha name. I wonder when they will address the real problems such as health care, alcoholism, education,etc. Probably not in the plans
  11. Good points. But how stupid is the Turtle Mountain tribe not to come out in favor of keeping the name/or at least strongly opposed, what a way to endear yourself to the GF area to get a casino. I realize that most tribes don't understand this and expect everything to be given to them without any in return. I also wonder if any of these tribes realize what the backlash will mean on the bottom line for the casinos. I think an awful lot of people will quit spending any money at these places for concerts, dining and gambling. No one ever said Indians were smart businessmen I guess.
  12. The funny part is that NDSU fans are too ignorant to realize UND is sitting back and letting them be the test dummies, which they are very good at. UND couldn't have asked for more than Fargo testing the waters first. UND has their own little lab experiment just down I-29.
  13. Lennon was on the radio this morning and stated that Bauer will not be back for awhile. He has mono that was only recently diagnosed, probably at least a month before he is back.
  14. teamsioux


    Anyone go to the scrimmage in EGF last night? Any updates?
  15. teamsioux

    Fall Camp

    What happened with Presthus?
  16. teamsioux

    Fall Camp

    The only one I know of is Braegelman. I heard a herniated disc that required surgery that he hurt lifting weights. I think the surgery was in the last month or so. No reason to think he will be playing anytime soon. I also heard that Thomas is pretty much done for the year, but I have no idea what the injury is.
  17. One fact that I know that holds attendance down is the price of everything at the Al. I know quite a few people with 2-3 young ones that don't go as often as they like to is because they can't afford it. Concessions for everyone is quite a chunk of change. It also seems the marketing of UND sports, not hockey, has really taken a downward spin. Less promotions for one thing. I also know the availability of things like the poster/magnetic/pocket schedules seems less and less each of the past few years. I realize its a budget thing but....in the late 90's they were all over in town, everywhere you turned they would be in your face. I think they really help remind people that Sioux sports are not far away even though it is 90 degrees out. There really hasn't been a reminder that fb season in now less than one month away. UND has a top 5 team and no one is really talking about it.
  18. Seems nothing goes right for the NHL, of course most of it is self-induced. Pitt along with Nashville, Florida and Atlanta had to be markets the NHL did not want him to start in.
  19. Just an observation....Fargoans and NDSU fans have so much more to do than UND'ers/GF'ers, but yet they seem to spend a lot of time on the internet trying to convince us and themselves that the big move is all happy, happy, joy, joy!
  20. teamsioux


    Anyone know how Prp's shoulder is coming along? I know the reports from the surgery were much worse than most had expected (or at least what the team was saying during the season). I believe his shoulder was broke in multiple spots and had a good tear in the rotator cuff. Hennessey has spoken about it a few times since the season was over, but has not really had any new recovery updates.
  21. Sue Fiero, a former All-American for UMD was hired as WBB head coach last week at UMD.
  22. Digger's stop on the pitch right in last Bison game wasn't too bad either.
  23. Yes, withold funding from schools that use American Indian nicknames, that'll show everyone. I wonder if these people realize all the Native programs at UND that would at least be partially cut.....geniuses.
  24. Anybody know the deal with Metro St....is there a return game or did they pay us for a one time shot?
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