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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Once you've been on here for awhile you'll realize that disagreements are the nature of the beast. Can't have sports without rivals and, speaking for myself, if everyone agreed with everyone else, life would be pretty darn boring. If you don't like "Sioux Fans were fighting with other Sioux fans" this isn't the forum for you.
  2. Here ya go, http://s2.excoboard.com/exco/thread.php?fo...threadid=767931
  3. http://www.pomeroy.house.gov/ Here ya go.
  4. Just sent this to Earl,
  5. No one ever ousted you! I don't know anyone on this forum who agrees with anyone else 100% of the time. Those of us who want to keep the name and logo don't even agree on many aspects of the issue. That's what it's all about bro'>> freedom to express yourself, have your own opinions and make your own decisions
  6. I don't believe this issue was ever discusssed on this forum. Great! Fantastic! I need to spin that 'wheel of adjectives'!!!
  7. I don't believe this issue was ever discusssed on this forum. Great! Fantastic! I need to spin that 'wheel of adjectives'!!!
  8. If you read the Miles Brand (sic) is an International Idiot thread you'll see that it went no where except to Goofyville.
  9. Survival takes the back seat in a name and logo issue. We know that were they retired, poverty, water, etc. would no longer exist. Amen, hallelujah, praise the Lord!
  10. UND isn't asking for donations. Wayne Stenehjm, ND States Attorney, said he may ask for donations. UND was told by the SBoHE that they would support UND in a legal fight with the NCAA. But Wayne is concerned about asking students and tax payers to pay for this fight. Yes, it does come down to put your money where your mouth is.
  11. Congratulation to all our University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux athletes!!!! You're the best!!!
  12. Yep, that's talent that has yet to be used to it's fullest potential.
  13. Think the game will be at any of the bars in town (GF)? Would be fun to watch it with some fans.
  14. We are very attached to our hockey players especially if they're successful. We're going to lose them to the big time sooner or later, that's reality. We don't like it. But having a player turn down an opportunity to play in the pros to stay here for our benefit is ludicrous! I'm one of those who wants an official statement before accepting the loss of a player but that doesn't mean I begrudge them their dream. Some will wait for the 'official' word and some will accept speculation. That's human nature. We don't have to get nasty about either stance. Play nice or Jim will send you to your room.
  15. Thanks Chris. Gotta tell ya the clip is my favorite driving to work CD! Listened to it in Milwaukee too. It helped me feel better.
  16. Your right. Whenever I donate money, I always research the 'cause' to make sure the majority of the money goes where it's needed, not to pay for big salaries and 'overhead'. We've heard that there were alot of attorneys who wanted to get on board this wagon. If they're donating their fees or doing it for 'contingency', that may explain why the costs aren't higher. We'll just have to wait and see.
  17. On the 10 o'clock News tonight Wayne Stenehjem said he may ask for donations to fight to keep the name. He thinks the cost would be less than $100, 000. He doesn't want the students or state to pay for the cost. I will go on record here and now: I will donate the same amount of money to the fund that I pay for my football and hockey season tickets including the Club fee if the States Attorney asks for donations to fight to keep the name.
  18. This is a great site!! Good people, borderline people and trolls all make it fun! Thanks Jim and everyone else involved.
  19. After the 2004-2005 season we had HUGE losses and started the 2005-2006 season with 13 Freshmen. We made it to the friggin' Frozen Four!!! I look forward to another successful season.
  20. Hmm, I don't remember mako being this hostile. Could someone else be posting using his log on information? Someone perhaps whose initials are GK?
  21. Have you looked at our roster lately?! Even with these players gone, we still have a $hit load of talent on this team.
  22. That response was intended for KnowTheFacts, not you. You are certainly entitled to your opinion!! I don't agree with much of it but I will not berate your for our 'difference'.
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