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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Good man! He obviously hasn't lost his 'boys' to any political party.
  2. They then would have jersey chasers AND band groupies!! What a bonus!! FABIAAAAANNNNN!!!!!
  3. I don't want to move!! But I don't think we're going to have a choice. My only hope is that they move the students behind the goalie on the opposite side or behind the bench. I've sat behing the bench and the Eau de Hockey Player is an experience I can live without!!
  4. Isn't that how long an elephant is pregnant? Think how she must feel! Congratulations!!
  5. Uhm, you do know that the Myles Brand quote I posted is my own rendition of what ever bull $hit he's going to spout on the webcast? (I'll fix it. )
  6. Myles Brand: "It has come to my attention that the current number of student athletes leaving early for the pros is directly related to the hostile and abusive behavior that is directed at them by their own fans and the fans of the opposing team. The lack of respect for and sensitivity to the dignity of every athlete is the reason these youngsters are turning pro before graduation. Once we get fans under the control of the NC$$ and are given the authority to dictate fan behavior, student athletes will stay in school and graduation numbers will increase 100 fold. " (Disclaimer: My personal interpretation of whatever form of cr@p Myles is going to spew out on his webcast.)
  7. http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6349
  8. Here's the entire email that was sent by President Kupchellato alumni. Lot's of stuff, easy to misspell a work or too. No big deal.
  9. Hockey, need hockey.... (Hello, my name is Sioux-cia and I'm a hockey addict.)
  10. Go get 'em Sparky!! I hope you do well where ever life takes you!! On another note, does anyone else think that the picture of Kessel on that page looks like something from the Planet of the Apes?
  11. Whoa, PCM!!!! (Oh, excuse my faux paux. I see now you said 'bono'. Ooops....)
  12. She's not blushing, . She's in love, . Yes, very likely 'cause he said 'pro bono'.
  13. Don't get offended or anything but I'm gonna wait until there's a link, the mite's release the information or his contract is posted in this forum.
  14. Buttershots are passe'. It's tequila time, baby!! Com'on down!!!! The day is still young!!
  15. I just followed the directions my computer gave me. Want I should make you a copy? I only made a copy of the highlights part. I could copy the game too, I think.
  16. No, with MafiaMan, there's only one set of cheeks!!
  17. Yeah, doesn't take more than that to numb up my cheeks!!
  18. As cowbell guys unofficial (and unknow to him) agent, I did contact SNL and while there was some interest initially, they have eleceted to sit back and see what happens with the name and logo issue first. If the issue results in things getting wild and out of hand, they will consider going to the table with any contract offers. But, please, this is all hush, hush, don't go telling anyone.....
  19. It's Cinco de Mayo, have a shot of my El Cuervo. That'll get those personalities in line!!
  20. Yep but The Triouxper is boss man now!
  21. I'm at work so I can't spend to much time researching how long all the players listed stayed. BUT I do know Eddie was only here for one year. He's still a strong supporter of Fighting Sioux hockey. I won't believe anyone is gone until there's an official statement. Would I post if I heard from THE SOURCE that someone is leaving/staying/retiring? Yep. And as been stated over and over again, these boys have been dreaming of the NHL their entire cognizant lives. Who are we to say they should stay here for two, three, four years. If Jordy has an offer he wants to take, GO FOR IT JORDY!!!!!
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