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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. PCM points out what I noted as part of my answer to this thread's question We know that the number of American Indian naysayers to the name and logo is small as witnessed by the number of protestors and the higher than any other number of Native American students who attend UND as opposed to any other school in ND or SD. The number of Native American students is encouraging not only as suppport for the name and logo but for the Native American population as well. These students are role models for others in their tribes. Three absolutes that the Spirit Lake resolution includes are 1. ....a policy of zero tolerance when it comes to racist activity 2. ... Kupchella establish a cultlural awareness course for all students, 3. .... since the University is representing the "Fighting Sioux" the students be made aware of the unique culture they are representing. So while the contact between the U and the tribes may be there, I don't know how much the U has done regarding #2 and #3. We shouldn't debate whether or not we agree with the requests, the University agreed to the terms of the resolution when it accepted Spirit Lake's non-opposition to the use of the name and logo.
  2. I responded to this>> (emphasis is mine) with this>> Generalizations such as these about an entire ethnic group of people is offensive to me and I do believe that statements such as these are racist. If I had seen any 'hostile and abusive' behavior tied to the Sioux name and logo, I would not support it. I believe it is used with respect, honor and dignity. I do find statements like the one above hostile and abusive. Racism is alive and well living in our midst as self rightous citizens. My opinion. You are entitled to your own.
  3. The NC$$ is telling us we have to do as they do, think as they think or else suffer the consequences. If you read my post you'll note that I clearly state, If you read my first post in this thread you will also see that I say, . I don't think that means we're living in the past. It means that as a country, as decent people, as caring, compassionate people who care for our fellow human beings, we have a responsibilty to help those in need. I don't demand you feel the same. Unlike the NC$$, I do not expect persons to change what they think or what they are because I say so. Freedom of speech is something that the NC$$ is attempting to deprive us of. You or anyone else can do and say what they wish as long as it doesn't incite violence. I just don't have to like it.
  4. No need for name calling! Only makes you look bad.
  5. OK, I'll give you this one. There's just no accounting for some people's children.
  6. I am offended by your post. I believe the views expressed are expressed by persons who are racists and are often used by some as a reason to hate another group of human beings. Sorry if I offended you but that's my opinion and no one is going to change it. I would never presume to change your mind on this or any other issue. As a person of Mexican-American descent, I've personally been a target for similar views, generalized to fit an entire ethic group, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah,.... When I first responded to the question, I had no idea that this thread was going to turn into an Indian hate fest!! Please someone close this thread!!!
  7. I refer to to the Kupchella Says thread, I agree with Kup. And to PCM's http://areavoices.com/hottalk/?blog=2222 (I was born and raised in Chicago; family, friends and environment resulted in my not willingly bending over for anyone!!! )
  8. Off topic. You can start here, http://www.swagga.com/reparation.htm
  9. You 'don't get' why we're using the name and logo or why we're fighting to keep it. I do. If and when we change the name, it won't be because some small minded, egotistical, self important, self serving, self rightious, reverse discriminatory group demands and dictates that we do or suffer the consequences.
  10. I know! He looks like Stephen King's Pennywise the Dancing Clown from his book IT.
  11. http://www.tvparty.com/lostlachucko.html
  12. The Sioux people we are honoring are the Sioux who lived in the Great Plains, survived the harsh elements of the region, maintained as the most important part of their life-their children/their family, they had a strong committment to their religion, they were strong/fearless warriors who fought for what they believed while facing insurmountable odds. Many Sioux people today maintain their culture, learn their ancient language in addition to moving forward with the times. Many Native American tribes of today are facing different enemies that are killing them; disease, alcoholism, drug abuse, a greater than 50% high school drop out rate. The University of North Dakota is one of the few institutions in the country who have programs to help Native Americans fight these enemies. Indians into Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, etc and new programs such as Elder Health and Health promotion. American Indians were almost entirely responsible for the grant money that makes these programs possible. They have the choice as to where to house these programs. They chose the University of North Dakota. It's my belief that this country did do harm to the Native American and that we should help them help themselves. I also don't believe that the Sioux name and logo should be tied to that help in any way. American Indians are not a school name and logo. They are their history, their accomplishments, their culture and they way they live their lives. American Indians believe this also. There are American Indians who believe so strongly in a name that they oppose anyone other then themselves using it. That is their right. Our right is to use any name and logo we choose. We choose to have a Native American name and logo and we use it in a non-hostile and abusive manner.
  13. Heavy sigh!! Not fair. Dirty gets any game worn jersey he wants. OK but I get one of the eight center ice REA season tickets for life, I get to visit my (yes I can be bought..I'm a whore, )your signed, game worn jerseys anytime I want without restrictions, and I get a BMW, Black, hard top, Z8.
  14. I have the game on DVD, thanks to another SS.com poster but I have no idea how to pull out a part and post a clip. I don't even know how to post pictures (links I know), someone else has to do that for me, too. Wish I did though.
  15. And that's why, 'you da man', PCM. Well said, bravo.
  16. In this case, I'm sure the only right decision is the NC$$'s decision. Humph...
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