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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Duhhh, everyone knows he's going to be gone next week! He's playing in the U.S.A. Men's National Hockey team in Lativia May 5-21. I'm sure he has to get with the team before then!!
  3. Wayne Stenejhm, ND State's Attorney, was quoted on the 9 o'clock news as saying the NC$$ is on shaking legal ground and he is going to speak with UND officials about taking legal action against the ba$tards. OK, ba$tards is my word but the rest is from Wayne.
  4. (psst, AZ, you gave Goon a sports card, didn't you?! )
  5. I agree with you. I don't take this statement to read, "Ok, we lost, better change the name." Much as I hate to admit it, we could lose this in court. That's what Kup is saying. If we lose this, we'll change the namd and do it preserving history and tradition.
  6. Siouxdonyms, I think I love you!!!
  7. So if THE SOURCE was wrong about the bonus, maybe THE SOURCE is wrong about his leaving. Maybe, ?
  8. Well now!! This is certainly different than the little blurb we read elsewhere. Kupchella is NOT GIVING UP. Certainly pays to hear the whole story rather than that little bit taken out of context. GO KUP!!
  9. Sounds to me like Myles is threading deep water and barely keeping himself afloat.
  10. The fat lady ain't singing yet. I'd hold off on the gloating until then.
  11. The NC$$ is subject to an anti-trust case. If they themselves didn't think they were, they would never have settled with NIT to the tune of 56.5 million dollars. Freedom of speech goes both ways. If the 6 to 24 persons who have protested to date want to continue to do so, that is their constitutional right. The money they pay out for lost lawsuits doesn't come from their own pockets. There are more people who are not offended by the Sioux name and logo including Native Americans. What about their rights. This isn't the a battle, this is a war. Wars are littered with those who would rather die than retreat, thereby giving up the rights allotted to them by, in this case, the Constitution of the United States. No, you're more like the assassin hired to wipe out the competition. Terminal illness is not the definition of qiving up. But, then again, we're not terminal either. You're a thief and have a higher chance of being prosecuted than being let go. The NC$$ is stealing our rights of free speech, free trade, freedom to goven ourselves, ergo there is a higher chance of their 'being prosecuted' than going free. We're not going to lose. The money to defend our rights will not be 'wasted'. Surveys have shown that very few believe the use of our name and logo is racist. Those that believe it won't change their minds because a name and logo no longer are used. Again, freedom of speech. I can't defend one side and deny the other. Yes, they are. I read the University's response to a NC$$ committee recommendation in December and the University's appeal. I have no doubt that this will go to court. So, sir, these are the things your are wrong about.
  12. And that would really pi$$ off us mothers!!!
  13. I am not just a Fighting Sioux hockey fan. I am also, admittedly to a lesser extent, a Fighting Sioux all athletics fan. So what do I think of your suggestion.... Pffffttttt. But, that's only what I think.
  14. NIT filed an anti-trust lawsuit against the NC$$. Rather, than going to court where they were sure to lose, the NC$$ bought out the NIT for 40.5 million dollars and paid them an additional 16 million idollars n settlement. A poll taken in ND found that the majority of Native American do not find the Fighting Sioux name and logo to be hostile and abusive. Yes, it is better to fight for what you believe is right than to bend over and take it because it will cost too much time and money and there is a possisblity of losing. The NC$$ in the past several months has changed it's own rules, regulations and policies to fit whatever drivel they are spewing at the time. aff, you're wrong. The majority of people here believe you are wrong. Nothing you can say or do will change that. So, bend over and take it... How do you like them apples?!! Very rude and wrong of me to state those things and demand you do something you don't want to do. Now you may know a bit how we feel about the NC$$ ruling.
  15. Is there a rule that prohibits players from marrying? If not, heck, marry her and bring her back here!! There are a lot of us who would take her under our wing and help her adjust to ND living.
  16. You, too! My favorite player's dad emailed me and we actually met in Milwaukee. Met his mom there, too. I saw first hand the 'basics' their son started out with that resulted in his becoming the gracious young man he is; good character, excellent work ethic, and tenacity equal to none!! (Gonna miss him, .)
  17. Reading when no one else is looking over your shoulder is one thing (I'm not naive', I know they check us out!) but posting messages, where it's out there for everyone to see, is quite another.
  18. A couple of Matt's told me 'straight from their lips' they were staying.......
  19. Woo hoo, no more curfew!!! Happy Birthday, Jonathan. Let's celebrate next year with #8!!!!
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