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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. *drum fill>2 snare hits, pause, crash*
  2. Lee may be gone but I'd bet money that Chorney stays another year.
  3. Drats, I guess I was thinking about a SS.com member afterall!
  4. I wish we had run into you. You would have loved the UNH fans!!
  5. Second only to Google, Spell check is my friend!!
  6. I missed out on the name tags, too! Siouxmama said she never did run into UNDLAW. And, someone had asked me to bring her reward to the F4. I carried that damn dog biscuit around the whole day and never did run into her! Oh, well. HockeyMom were you there the whole weekend?
  7. Well, some say the bible is a 'plethora of porn'!!
  8. DAMN!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_James_%28hockey%29 http://www.cbc.ca/news/story/2001/04/26/james260401.html http://www.theglobeandmail.com/series/awar...001/hockey.html
  9. I got off work at 5p Friday. Drove 7 hours to Albuquerque. Normally it's only a 5 hour drive but traffic was detoured off the interstate. Don't know why. Took over an hour to go 15 miles and back onto the interstate where there was bumper to bumper traffic into Albuquerque. Slept fast in my hotel room. Up at 4:00am and was on time to catch my 6:30am flight to St. Louis. I arrived in St. Louis Saturday around 12:30P and left at 1:00P Sunday. I had a wonderful time!!! Spending time with good friends, making new ones and watching a good game of hockey was well worth the trip. It would have been so much better..... well, you know. Thanks again to forecheck for the great ticket for the championship game!! We were behind and to the left of the goalie on the glass!! When I squinted just right, I could almost, almost pretend it was us on the ice. I was so excited that Michigan State won that I was banging on the glass. I was told by an usher to knock it off. He was nice about it. After dinner Saturday night, we spent the rest of the night at the bar in our hotel, Adam's Mark. We met many BC and UNH fans that night. Wooo, I didn't realize these two fan bases disliked each other so much until then. I was talking to BC fans and UNH fans came up and the BC fans stepped back and when the BC fans came back the UNH fans stepped back. The UNH fans were MUCH more verbal about their hate for BC. Regardless, I met some great hockey fans that I hope to see again every year at the F4. UNH will be playing us at the Ralph in December so we'll meet up again there. Oh, and a BC guy who "know him well", said Bob Norton was a lush! How can he keep all that trivia from frying with his brain cells!?! I had a great 24 hours in St. Louis. Now if only the 2007-2008 season were starting next week, life would be good! *copied and edited from the BC/MS game thread
  10. How many accounts/user names can one person have? I've blocked some members and have received PM's from them from a different account/user name. Just wondering.
  11. Finish the semester, no in-completes and return at a later date for the ol' pig skin.* *the term pig skin refers to a college degree, not to any SS.com member.*
  12. Well now that you mention it, the Blackhawks are very interested in changing their name to the Fighting Blackhawks. And they have had 'logo envy' since the unveiling of UND's new logo and would like to acquire the right for it's use. Although this is in the negotiating stage, the 'Hawks have been donating heavily to the UND legal fund in their litigation with the NCAA as a sign of good faith. Oh, and they don't want to change their colors to the green, white and black; at this time. Changing the name to the Fighting Blackhawks and the use of the Fighting Sioux logo are simple changes aimed at not confusing the professional team from it's farm team.
  13. I heard from someone who knows someone who heard at the laundromat that someone from Planned Parenthood who has connections to the team and coaches said that TRIOUXP was taking up residence at Judy's bar. He will be the resident NARC! No more speculating who is turning in the boys, wooohoooo!!!!! His pay will be an endless pitcher of beer and ongoing deliveries from the Italian Moon!!!
  14. The Chicago Blackhawks are negotiating with St. Louis right this minute to buy the rights to T.J. They are also wineing and dining Dunc's mom, dad, girlfriends and close family friends. I understand that they are all on a private island off the African coast enjoying the hospitality of the Blackhawks even as we speak. Their goal is to acquire the DOT line before the day is out!!! On a side note, the Blackhawks are also confering with AZSIOUX's people. The offer for the DOT line (name and logo)rights are now in the multi-millions of dollars.
  15. Ok, I can't take this anymore!!!!!! The skulking Gopher fan who sits in the east cornor in Judy's bar told me that he knows for a fact (cause all the underage Sioux hockey players hang out there and after beating him up for $hits and giggles last night they told him,), Brian Lee is leaving UND because no one will play video games with him anymore. He always wins and the rest of the team is sick and tired of losing to him. He's going to Canada to play hockey and video games professionally. He's going to do great there. I think they just started promoting Sega in Ottawa.
  16. OMG, how could I forget!?! FABIAAAAAAAANNNN!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I admit that in November/December I said this team sucks!!! Because that was my opinion of how they were playing. I think it's wrong to single someone out time after time regardless of how he is playing. There are posters here who find it hard to point out good things that Lee did on the ice during some games without ending with negative comments similar to "yeah, he did fine tonight but he still sucks." That's bashing.
  18. Bye. I wish you the best. Thank you for all the great memories. You are going to be sorely missed.
  19. DITTO!!!!! This is a TEAM. When you start bashing one player, as far as I'm concerned you're bashing all of them. I look at them as a family. You start picking on one member you better be ready for his siblings to back him up.
  20. A week or so ago, I posted that Ryan Duncan won the Hobey. I got teased a bit for my 'presumption'. I love coming back and saying, "I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!" Congratulations, Ryan. You ARE the best man for the award!!
  21. I wasn't on the board for a couple of days and when I started reading this thread, I thought I had happened on some rag like the National Enquirer!! Mayhap all that's said here is true. I think I'll wait to hear from the player or his family before I believe someone is leaving or staying regardless of who heard it from the horse's/moose's mouth, who is sleeping with whom, who overheard it in the john or who heard it from the bartender at Judy's. Personally, I'm going to keep thinking everyone except the seniors will be returning next fall. A girl can dream can't she?!?
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