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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I like Lee. He's not flashy, he's not a rabble rouser, he's not a hulking brute but I thought that the majority of the time he got the job done. It's unfortunate that some fans decided to focus their own frustrations on Lee. Many of our players had down sides this year. How many posts complain about T.J. being snake bit? How many posts wondered if Towes wasn't experiencing a 'sophmore' slump? How many posts prayed that the Finley would get called up? Kozek, Fabian, Porter, etc. all had criticisms from the fans. It sure wasn't a total love fest this year for anyone except Duncan. If Lee leaves, I hope it's because he and his family believe that moving now is the thing to do. I find it hard to believe that Lee is basing his decision to move because of disgruntled fans. There are dozens of reasons to turn pro, i.e. money, fear of injury, your team decides they want you NOW, getting away from a bad situation personal or professional, etc. I hope the players that leave or stay do it because it's in their best interest to do so.
  2. Sioux-cia

    BC / MSU

    You're right. You sure couldn't tell that he had a chronic respiratory problem by the way he was playing. Very impressive!!!!
  3. Sioux-cia

    BC / MSU

    I arrived in St. Louis Saturday around 12:30P and left at 1:00P Sunday. I had a wonderful time!!! Spending time with good friends, meeting new ones and watching a good game of hockey was well worth the trip. It would have been so much better..... Well, you know. After dinner Saturday night, we spent the rest of the night at the bar in our hotel, Adam's Mark. We met many BC and UNH fans that night. Wooo, I didn't realize these two fan bases disliked each other so much until then. I was talking to BC fans and UNH fans came up and the BC fans stepped back and the same when the BC fans came back the UNH fans stepped back. The UNH fans were MUCH more verbal about their hate for BC. Regardless, I met some great hockey fans that I hope to see again every year at the F4. UNH will be playing us at the Ralph in December so we'll meet up again there. Oh and a BC guy who "know him well", said Bob Norton was a lush! How can he keep all that trivia from frying with his brain cells!?! Don't know if this was posted or night, sorry if it's a repeat. We were told that Lerg, the Michigan State goalie is a very bad asthmatic. He gets nebulizer treatments before every period and during practices. For a little guy, he was impressive. My seat, thanks to Forecheck, was behind the goalie on the glass. I was a little surprised to see the number 1 and number 11 on the back of his helmut. Put me in mind of the Parise brothers. I guess you know number 11 is his cousin. As Mr. Siouxmama said, those boys will have plenty to talk about at family reunions for years to come. I'm absolutely beat today but I'm not complaining. I had a great 24 hours in St. Louis. Now if only the 2007-2008 season were starting next week, life would be good!
  4. YaneA is the best!!! You didn't say her name but I know that's who it is because she is a great fan and friend!!
  5. My ol' dog is a mutt. Once or twice a year I find pieces of bird in my yard, a wing, feathers with a leg, etc. I've never seen him do it but I have seen him stand perfectly still for the longest time and creep forward ever so slowly. Maybe he can find the trolls?
  6. BC and Holy Cross were seeded equally and UMtc and UND were, too?? You're saying comparing UND's lose to BC is equivalent to UMtc's lose to HC?? I'm saying UND, a giant, lost to another giant. UMtc, a giant, lost to David last year. No comparison, IMHO.
  7. Lucia has been to how many Frozen Fours in the past three years??? You go ahead and wear that BC game worn jersey. I might get myself one too. Can you post a link? One of the top four teams in the country beat another top four team in the country. You can't compare that to the #1 team in the country not making it to the big dance because they lost to the #14 (16?) team in the country.
  8. *censored by moderator; remainder deleted by me*
  9. Hmm, wait a minute now. Let's rethink this. Goon's Dakota can help us find this troll. You hold him down. And I'll put an end to him by sitting on him with my overpowering lard ass (reference to my anatomy by SS.com member who has never seen it). That'll surely keep any future trolls from skulking around SiouxSports.com. C'mom RW77, let's have some fun. There will be NO BLOOD. I'll just squish him into the darkness that is home to all trolls. *Man,I'm tired. Gotta go to bed.*
  10. I blame myself. I only planned to be in St. Louis for the championship game. I should have been there tonight. We would have won.
  11. My team, win or lose, they're my team!!! It's been a fantastic year for us fan's. I want to cry thinking about how bad the team must be feeling right now. I just want them to know, they have NOTHING to be ashamed of. The way they pulled out of the hole and ended up as one of the four top teams is the country is nothing short of phenomenal.
  12. I watched the game with someone who was watching her second hockey game ever. Something she mentioned, frequently, was BC's faceoff wins.
  13. And I really thought that Holy Cross and their 'God is on our side' cheer would help us as well. I forgot that Boston probably has more Catholics per capita than Worcester.
  14. Ok, enough of the feeling like crap!!! Geeze Louise. Our team has made it to the F4 three friggin' years in a row. We didn't win and it hurts. But fu@kin' A, we made it to the F4 three friggin' years in a row!! I'm going to St. Louis Saturday and I'm going to celebrate the success of our athletes. The best hockey players in the WCHA and as far as I'm concerned the best in the country. I'm sad but I'm damned proud!! HERE'S TO EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU, TO OUR FIGHTING SIOUX HOCKEY TEAM AND COACHES!!!!
  15. I remember talking to T.J.'s dad the fall T.J. came to the U. His dad said then that T. J. would be here four years. I recently heard an interview with T.J.'s dad where he said that the Blue's family wanted T.J. to stay in school for three years. I believe T.J. loves the Fighting Sioux program and his fellow players but agree, if he leaves it will be because of family.......
  16. Well, I'm still flying out to St. Louis Saturday morning. Friends are there, liquors there............ *Navajo Nation>>dry reservation*
  17. Gotta go, forgot my power cord. Talk you later.
  18. Philippe can't win this by his lonesome!!
  19. Holy Cross cheer comes to mind with that pipe save, "God is on our side!!!"
  20. For Christ's sake, Boyle's name is starting to wear on me like a boil on my azz
  21. I found Boston Burnt Beans and the Sioux will chew up Boston like I'm chewing up this candy!!!
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