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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I'm not going to open anything that has bisonsports in its address.
  2. http://12angrymen.wordpress.com/2007/03/02...and-favoritism/
  3. Cool!! I'll look you up when I'm back. I've only golfed once a year five years running in a golf tournament in Fargo. My ten dollar golf club set in their five dollar golf bag, driving around in the golf cart, following the beer cart. Oh yeah, and watering the cat o' nine tails in the bushes surrounding the water traps on the golf course because the club house was too far away!! Ah yes, when I was young and didn't care if anyone saw my tushy............
  4. http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/6689250?MSNHPHMA Just thought I'd liven up the off season
  5. Reading about Brian leaving and signing brought some questions to mind. I don't understand how contract offers work when a player is still a student. I apologize up front for my ignorance. How does it work? I thought students couldn't have agents or be approached while they're still amateurs? The team that selected the player can make offers to the player to entice him out of school and into the professionals? Can a student who is considered a free agent be approached with offers? I don't know how or if it does affect their amateur standing. I seem to remember talk about this a few years ago but forgot how this works. *No, not my mind, well, maybe that too, a little bit*
  6. ....with a hockey stick, upside the head!!!
  7. Consider yourself slapped, HARD!!
  8. I am jealous of everyone who was there last night. As for the waits for autographs, I'm glad I got the entire teams autographs last fall!! These guys are all great when it comes to signing and picture taking. The reason it takes so long is those little things that they do for individual fans that we so appreciate!! We are truly the luckiest fan base in college hockey!!!
  9. I'm too lazy to go back and check but I seem to remember TJ and Jonny getting little love from some 'fans' early in the season. No, not to the extent that the 'fans' have given Brian and Joe crap but all was not roses and boxes of chocolates for most if not all our players before Christmas. Duncan didn't take abuse but there were those who questioned his Hobey Baker credentials. Anyway, what I meant as my point is there is criticism and there is criticism. The criticism some have received is not as bad for some as others. The criticism some have received has been respectful. While others have received spiteful, mean spirited criticism. I just hope that the boys stay, all of them.
  10. This was an icredibly young freshman team. To expect anyone of them to take on huge role as freshman was insane!! I hope that they stay because I truly believe that as Juniors and Seniors they will prove all you naysayers wrong!! This fan base has criticized every single player including the DOT line. Finley and Lee are two that were singled out and raked across the coals on a regular basis, deserved or not! We should refrain from making judgements on our players' character based on 'what somebody told me about him, his family, mom, dad, etc.'.
  11. Duncan - C Chorney - A Oshie - A Bina - A Or better yet Duncan - C Chorney - A Towes -A Bina - A
  12. Thanks PCM. I'm laughing right now imagining the coaches doing a 'happy dance!
  13. Forecheck is living there, too. Maybe they can be our 'F4 party coordinators'.
  14. Cheers is a lot smaller than the television bar. You get THETRIOUXPER and his entourage in there and it's full!!!
  15. OK, where are the SS.com faithful staying? We should make our reservations ASAP!!! It's gonna be a great F4 in Denver!!!!
  16. Enough folk buy your oshie shirt, maybe you'll have enough to buy a Schneider game worn jersey!!
  17. I don't want to know!!!!!
  18. We're going to win this thing and when we do, it will be the NC$$ that will be reimbursing us the cost of our legal fees.
  19. That can't be right!! I heard Fabian was taking his tests and writing all his papers!
  20. There's a reason we drive the way we do!! Those damn overly defensive drivers turn what should be a half an hour drive into a two day drive, the interstates would be clogged with out of state cars and we'd never get to where we're going!! (I live in ND now so you haven't run into me lately.) *one of my son's ex-girl friends was terrified to drive with me in Minneapolis. hmmm, maybe that's why she's an ex?? Nahhh...*
  21. It's the DOT line, Dunes-Oceans-Towels!!
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