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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. My God, you're comparing NDSU schedulling to yours? You are high?
  2. Hey I didn't start anything. Just responding to a post. The AD's will work out the schedule it won't be done on any board.
  3. Loss to Sioux Falls!!! Last year last second FG to win. WOW what a team win....... I guess you don't have any teams that you know you can win....
  4. We have MSU coming in 2013 and the Griz in 2014.
  5. NDSU charges 10.00 more for a homecoming ticket and would have to charge more if UND is on the schedule to make up for the lost revenue of going there. Siouxperfan7 don't flatter yourself - as an old rival it would have a lot of interest but from a FB point of view a playoff team would be of greater interest to most NDSU fans.
  6. Very possible that he won't even be the starter when the season starts. What then?
  7. Love that you think NDSU is the gold standard. Thanks
  8. Did we lose To any of those teams Darrel? And the bigger question is are we still playing them? SD Mines!!!! You guys probaby have played the fewest FCS games than anyone transitioning during your transition.
  9. At least we beat the sh$t out of our cupcakes not losing to them! Darell you keep bring up Wagner - Morgan State - St. Farncis, They'll a hell of a lot better than the NAIA and DII teams you guys scheduled.
  10. Glad everyone is watching the Bison Media Blog. Problem is they have agreed only on one thing (some open dates) It's not a done deal as there are other details to decide.
  11. Better reread the article. They have only decided on 2 open dates that will work. Believe me there's nothing to be jealous of any sport at UND..
  12. Yeah we're all jealous of what UND has done. 2011 NC..........
  13. Doesn't matter what I think - since Faison decided to negotiate this in the media there's a good chance this won't happen.
  14. Actually it turned out fine (RT canceled all games) as the AD really worked hard and with a few rough spots had a very successful trainsition. You know as well as I how hard it is to schedule games during a transition as your schedules were less than good. The only "money ahead" in playing is on the side of UND. We're doing fine without playing you.
  15. Watchmaker49 please don't have any children. Oxbow6 was spot on in handling his 7 year old. When she's 16 she will know that her actions will have consequences not like a lot of kids today that think they can do what they want and mommy and daddy will cover their asses.
  16. Admit it - you just love the name. Without the name you think of North Dakota as just another college with sports teams. Sad to have fans like you.
  17. If I was you I'd worry more about the June vote than some hypothetical movement of conference teams. June vote is happening movement out of the Summit could or couldn't happen. By the way isn't the WCHA just the NCC with hockey?
  18. Can you really say it didn't turn out for the best? BB team went to the dance - NC in FB, VB and SB have several NCAA tournment appearances and wins.
  19. Always have to laugh at UND fans that love to compare themselves with NDSU as a measure of there success. I guess we should be flattered but I can tell you this NDSU doesn't use UND as any kind of measure of success.
  20. Might be more fun to watch what you guys do when the BSC boots you in June.
  21. Malik Rucker visit to Kansas http://throughthephog.com/2012/05/01/malik-rucker-visits-kansas/
  22. I agree - so you're saying that if Gene and Mr. Faison announce a fb game that would be bad?
  23. Trouble is they can't ask for help. After what RT did with NDSU starting it's transition. I know you don't want to hear it but maybe the chickens will come home to roost.
  24. I'm sure that will matter! Your over inflated ego is working overtime.
  25. You really think your fight is with NDSU fans? This whole name thing has nothing to do with NDSU. ALL the und alumni that I know are voting NO. They are hockey people and the name and hockey are what they care about. In winning any fight you need to know which battles to pick.
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