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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. No one ever said we'd be on top forever. But I doubt we'll ever be like you guys.......
  2. I'm sure you have your fingers crossed.
  3. Wow where to start? I think you have posted for the last 3 years how we were going to get killed by FBS teams. Let's see KU - win, CSU - win, Big 12 2012 champions KSU - win. Last year KSU beat ISU 47-7 so I like our chances this year. For you to even say "barely surpassed KU and KSU" only shows your ignorance in your knowledge of college FB.
  4. Really - you think there's something to report?
  5. Patience grasshopper patience. I know you're excited about it but give it time.
  6. You're right - That's why NDSU is concerned the Gold Standard for FCS and Mid-Major Schools.
  7. You did read his tweet when UND offered right? He wasn't interested.
  8. If it was close then it wouldn't matter which venue to use but it isn't close.
  9. Don't have to make a case, it's a simple fact that Fargo supports tournaments better than gf.
  10. Support the tournaments if you want them. Simple right?
  11. Poor darell so clueless... We only have so many scholarships this year so a lot of our offers are partials as are most FCS schools. You can only take so many DL or RB's and once you have what you want you drop your other offers for those positions. Every school has different needs but usually try to get the best athletes at those positions. NT kid looks good. Heard somewhere that his dad is a UND alum.
  12. Bison Dan


    Have to just love all the jealousy on this board...... You better get ready for the worst year in UND sports ever.....
  13. You forgot NDSU - we packed the Metro Dome twice.
  14. It was in the Fargo Forum a few weeks ago. A nice article on him and his business.
  15. Could care less if Whole Foods or Trader Joe's comes to ND in any city.
  16. Williston is not a Whole Foods kind of town. I doubt many there would care about organic foods. I noticed you skipped over the Swiss 500 million development project headed by a NDSU grad. Doesn't fit your narrative?
  17. How's that Denver market working out for NC and the BSC? Joke and so it all the talk about having to be in a large TV market. It helps but it's not the end all.
  18. No statement was made - we'll have to wait and see what's in the details - not hard to comprehend.
  19. There isn't any school that breaks down the individual sports.
  20. Add up your own attendance at 75.00 per person for the season and see what you get for money? Not hard to see that hockey & the students pay the bills.
  21. My definition is in the "NOW" if your talking about moving up to FBS, not 2004.. What makes you think that Sac St, PSU WSU and NAU will draw more fans if they go FBS?
  22. Figure it out - what's the attendance? It might be only the Montana's that make any money on FB. EWU doesn't draw flies either.
  23. Yes stay off - no one wants a different view. The BSC is going FBS even though 9 out of the 13 FB schools lose money have terrible attendance and small venues.
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