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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. Exactly. If Kupchella is going to believe everything in those letters, then I have a brige in Brooklyn I'd like to sell him. Perspectives get skewed when your team is losing and the opposing fans are celebrating. I've called opposing fans classless many times when I'm frustrated after a tough loss. It's quite possible that there may have been a few bad apples that crossed the line, but it sounds like there is going to be an overreaction that will keep the students from cheering at all. If the administration is only going to allow vanilla group cheers, then Sioux fans will be no different than Gopher fans.
  2. I wish I could share Goon's optimism. The game tonight was brutal...the inability to score reminded me too much of last year's team. I think the tie tonight at home against a very average Du team is terribly disappointing.
  3. When you're school starts circulating petitions to ban Indian nicknames in the WCHA, your entire school looks foolish, not just Saigo and the 20 protestors.
  4. Every NDSU grad I've met has been conservative...yet many side with the wacky liberals on this issue just because of their blinding hatred towards anything UND.
  5. The UofM is almost as bad as SCSU when it comes to this issue. The UofM will not print the word "Sioux" in their media guide and the public address announcer will not say "Sioux." However, the UofM is a little more subtle and doesn't go out of their way to broadcast their opposition to the name, like Saigo and SCSU officials do. SCSU takes it to the extreme, by trying to pass resolutions in the WCHA to ban Indian nicknames and bluring the blackhawk logo on their own alumnus. That's what makes SCSU look stupid. It appears to me that they don't care about "offending" people, but are just trying to make a leftist political statement. While I expect liberal lunacy out of leftist institutions like the UofM, it's sad to see it from SCSU. I don't believe most SCSU fans are in favor of the policy. SCSU students/fans don't strike me as birkenstock, tree-hugging liberals. I just wish more of them would speak out against Saigo's policy.
  6. Instead of a blind search, try setting it exactly on the coordinates that Pete posted. It worked for me.
  7. Just got back from the game. Everything pretty much has been said. I thought it was a gritty win for the Sioux, but will have to play much better if they want to achieve what hasn't been achieved since 1980. The 2nd period was tough to watch, the Sioux got outworked and lost many battles all over the ice. Overall, I had the feeling that the Sioux may have stole one, with Brandt being the main culprit. As far as the reffing goes, I'm so used to it I just have to laugh. It was great to see the Sioux play through it. To hear that Gopher fans are actually complaining about the reffing completely baffles me. Might be a good sociological study.
  8. Regarding tickets: it may be too late, but avoid the upper deck if at all possible unless you're sitting in the first couple rows. The sightlines are absolutely terrible. You won't be able to see 1/3 of the ice. If there's nothing else available, buy from a scalper on the way in. Regarding the trip: Madison is best road trip in the WCHA (so far...still haven't been everywhere). The fans are great (although like WPoS said, not very knowledgeable). And most importantly, the bars are fantastic.
  9. If it's not against the rules of this board, can someone please post the text so I don't have to register.
  10. It may just be my perception, but it seems like Lucia goes out of his way for every Sioux-Gopher series to downplay the importance of the series to his team.
  11. From Grandpa Sid's column today:
  12. I played last year and will play again this year. I hope we can get a few more players than last year as it got very tiring for those of us who might be a tad bit out of shape. I can probably talk our goalie from last year into playing again if doesn't have a previously scheduled tournament that weekend. I may have got a little chippy last year, but nothing real bad. It was about the same as a typical UND intramural game when I was there.
  13. How about Matt Jones? (i'm not a homer or anything. )
  14. I've always enjoyed UM's hockey press releases. They are very thorough and interesting. However, I noticed this year that the PC police must have found their way into UM's athletic department. They used the football logo and made no reference to UND's nickname anywhere in the release. Have they had that policy for a while? Do they have that policy against Illinois too? Looks like UM is taking a page out of SCSU's handbook.
  15. I wonder how many points Bochenski would have playing a CHA schedule?
  16. I was thinking about it, but with all the complaints about the Saturday St Cloud game, I'll probably just listen on the radio.
  17. I think it's relatively old, I remember something similar that they would show at UND hockey camps when I was kid. Did you see any recent fights on it? If it's what I'm thinking it is, I'm sure it's not in production anymore. Just a guess.
  18. Unfortunately it's fact. There's little doubt in my mind they'll end up top-3 in the league. There's no doubt at all that they'll get an NCAA birth (they're top 10 PWR...all they have to do is stay above .500 to get into the tournament). And if they're playing well going into the tournament, they have as good of chance as anyone to make a run.
  19. I think you're right. I heard Drew in a radio interview earlier in the year say that if he opts in to the draft this year, he'll lose college eligibility and either have to sign or go play major juniors. He didn't seem to indicate one way or the other what he might do.
  20. That's why I try not to complain about the reffing after a tie or loss to clearly inferior team...it just looks like sour grapes. But the complaints on this board are nonetheless valid. We, as fans, need to do more complaining about the mugging after we win so that our complaints are given more legitimacy. And to say "the good teams find a way to win anyway" is just an excuse for bad reffing. The statement is true to a certain extent, but that doesn't mean the WCHA (and its fans) should put up with bad reffing on a consistent basis. Something needs to be done about the style of play that is permeating this league. The WCHA needs to make a decision on what kind of league they want. With about half of the teams in this league, the mugging that goes on is just brutal.
  21. It sounds strange since UND is among the tops in the nation is scoring, but my biggest fear with this team down the stretch is losing puck-luck. The second half of last season was agonizing. Games where you lose or tie to a team while outshooting them 3 to 1 are some of the most painful to watch.
  22. After living in Minneapolis the last few years, I definitely view it as a compliment.
  23. I've never been to a game at SCSU...where are some good places to have a few beers before the games Friday and Saturday? Where are the Sioux fans congregating? I see that before Saturday's game, there is an alumni pre-game at DB Searles downtown. Anyone going to that?
  24. I'd be perfectly content with a split. SCSU is always tough at home even against UND's top lineup. Given what happened earlier in the year against SCSU at home and the players UND will be missing, I think predicting a Sioux sweep or even 3 points is a tad bit optimistic. I just hope we don't get swept.
  25. SCSU fans: Are the games on TV in the St. Cloud area?
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