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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. CC desperately needed a win tonight to stay in the playoff hunt...and played like it. UND desperately needed a win in the hunt for the McNaughton and (more importantly) to get on a roll after last weekend...and laid an egg. Instead of answering questions this weekend, this team just created more questions. CC is a good, young team...and losing a close game to them wouldn't be the end of the world. But losing like this is really bad. Hopefully UND can close the gap and make this game respectable and go into next weekend with some momentum. UND has had some chances but (per usual) can't find a way to score against a good goalie. Zabba seems unbeatable, but I take no solace in the "hot goalie" excuses anymore. Find a way to score or lose. It's that simple. This CC team reminds me of the Sioux in '01-'02, except much better. They're going to be downright scary in a couple years.
  2. This could be a new low for the team this year. They're getting destroyed this period. Let the sackings begin...
  3. Sioux getting thoroughly outplayed this period. It will be real tough to come back from 3-1 if Zaba keeps playing the way he has been.
  4. Typical "Blame America First" garbage. Maybe if we just hand over power to the U.N. like John Kerry wants, then everyone will like us again. The bottom line is that Mexicans should thank us for allowing their poorest to come into our country, reap all the benefits from our country, and send it all back to Mexico. It's a nice gig if your President Fox...why worry about your domestic problems when you can just ship them to the U.S.A.? Just the first step in "re-claiming" the American Southwest.
  5. Okay...defaulted out and started over again and now I have video. Close call...
  6. Anyone else not getting a video signal tonight (Friday 2/13), or is it just me?
  7. It's too bad they don't put the UMD games on the FSSN so that us satellite users could get it.
  8. Call me immature or socially irresponsible, but I don't mind a little vulgarity at hockey games, as long as it's creative and used sparingly. It's part of the fabric. I realize the presence of kids muddies the issue. I guess I think learning profanity at a hockey game is somehow better than learning it by listenting to rap music at a friend's house. (full disclosure: I don't have kids and I respect opposing opinions of those who do). Having said that, I agree there needs to be more coordinated cheers and they might as well be void of profanity. One way to gain student credibility is if a few of the new cheers are are edgy and/or funny despite the lack of profanity. They can't be complete vanilla fluff. Also, I think cooperation from the scoreboard operator would be helpful to "teach" non-students. And as another poster said, why not put the words to "Stand up and cheer" on the video board when the band is playing it?
  9. Just because the light wouldn't come on for the goal judge doesn't mean it wasn't in the goal on time. There is a reaction time to consider. For example, it might take .5 seconds for the eyes to tell the brain to tell the fingers to flip the switch.
  10. This team has won 5 out of the last 10 and 1 out of the last 5. Given last year's collapse, I think it's reasonable to be very nervous about where this season is going. I try not to trash individual players (although I'm guilty from time to time), but criticizing the team as whole does not make you any less of a Sioux fan IMO. If I stopped watching or stopped caring...now THAT would make me less of a Sioux fan. We've all seen how good this team can be and when they're not playing that way it is frustrating to watch. Immediately after a loss and for the next couple days, posts are going to be negative. As the week moves on, I would imagine most of the posts will turn to positive and people will be gearing up for CC. There is a "process" to deal with a loss as a college hockey fan. It usually takes me about 3 days to get over a regular season loss. If I were a player on the team, I simply wouldn't come on this site after a tough loss.
  11. I don't necessarily disagree with your assessment of the game. It's just that when you lose both games, I don't think "domination" is the best descriptive word to use.
  12. UND did not dominate Wisconsin. UND deserved to lose both games. However, Wisconsin certainly did not come across as a Frozen 4 type team (but neither did the Sioux). Judging from this weekend, I don't think either team has a real good chance to do anything in the post season. However, UND has WAY more upside and potential to turn it around, elevate their game, and become a Frozen 4 team (whether they will is a mystery). I don't think Wisconsin could have possibly played any better than they did this weekend.
  13. There are very few parallels. The 98-99 team was 24-2-2 in league play for 50 points. This year's team may not even win the league.
  14. The similarities are eerie. Last season, everyone thought it was just a matter of time before UND started to get the bounces and turned it around, but it never happened. LAst season was definitely the most frustrating season of being a Sioux fan that I can remember. Great starts bring expectations that cause high levels of frustration for fans when they falter down the stretch. It's frustrating because you've seen how good they can be. UND has only won 5 out of 10. They've only won 1 in the last 5. Things are not looking good. Of course they canturn it around and make a playoff push. I'm not giving up hope, but I have to re-adjust my expectations for my own sanity.
  15. If they play like this, winning 7 out of the last 8 will not happen...I don't care who they play.
  16. Time to re-examine expectations for this team. Thinking this is a Frozen 4 team makes watching games like this too frustrating for me.
  17. Parise goes down before the shot again. Blais better apologize to Brandt fast and give him another chance. JPar is NOT the answer.
  18. THis is just like last year. Good chances, but nobody can score. Other team gets few chances but capitalizes. This is a frustrating team to watch.
  19. Does that mean on KU satellite too?
  20. Certain bars carry Victory Sports. They will definitely need a "big dish" and be willing to plunk down whatever amount of money Victory requires to descramble the satellite feed. I know Joe Senser's in Bloomington is carrier of Victory Sports. Also, I've heard KFAN The Restaurant in Roseville carries Victory Sports. Just call ahead and make sure they have Victory Sports and that they will play the hockey game you want played. But unfortunately, you might be sol with the bars in California. They don't even let you smoke in them.
  21. Warroad recruited long before open enrollment started. Warroad hockey - "recruiting before it was fashionable"
  22. Not sure if this has been posted anywhere yet, but it's official: Oshie commits to Sioux
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