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I Ranger

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Everything posted by I Ranger

  1. I hope so. I thought the last time he played he looked good. Generated some offense and didn't turn the puck over but hasn't played since. Sorry but I am not a fan of what Panz brings to the table. No offensive punch and a couple penalties a game. Hard to be effective on the PK when you're the one in the box.
  2. No TSN is ESPN Canada and extremely hard to get in the US.
  3. NCAA Hockey: North Dakota vs Denver Tonight at 9:30PM ET / 6:30PM PT on TSN2 Just noticed this on TSN.ca. Interesting that tsn is televising an NCAA regular season hockey game. Good publicity/recruiting for UND to be seen throughout Canada.
  4. I thought they would have made a decision by now. Seems like I heard a while back that they would be making a decision soon. Anyone know if these guys are a package deal? Just seems like they are always linked together.
  5. I guess about what I was expecting as well. It certainly could have been way worse. Let's say best case scenario back Jan 30th at UNO and if not then we have a week off before Denver at home on Feb 13-14. Let's just hope he can get back to the level he has been playing at all year. Here's to hoping Mattson can step up and contribute now.
  6. I've said all along that he is Minny bound but I would love to be wrong.
  7. Tell me about it. We lost to a Paul Martin led Elk River team in the section final my junior only to have them be moved out of the section my senior year.
  8. I know Bemidji is kind of a rival and all but they are 4-10 while Lake State is 3-13 playing in the same conference and we all know how that first Bemidji game went. Air Force is 5-8-2 and we know how that went. I don't think these are games you can just sleepwalk through as we've learned earlier in the year.
  9. Exactly my point. Just looking at someone's +/- without digging any deeper doesn't mean squat.
  10. There's is a lot more that plays into a player's +/- than simply points such as team he plays on, line he plays on, teams schedule to date, etc. For instance if you took the same numbers from the previous year's Sioux team at this state in the season, most of the player's +/- I assume would look pretty bad. I think +/- is a very overrated stat.
  11. I believe he is still visiting Wisconsin this upcoming weekend but I still think he goes to Minnesota. From the moment I heard he de-committed, I assumed he was Minnesota bound and still believe that. Would be nice to be wrong though.
  12. They are not committed one way or the other as of yet but they would be 2016 recruits not 2015.
  13. That's better to hear. I knew he had injury issues last year but didn't know anything about this year. Just wanted to get an opinion from someone who has seen him play as I have not.
  14. I've heard the same. Would be nice to land him. It's been quite a while since we've won a recruiting battle against Minnesota especially one for a supposed blue chip recruit.
  15. Not going to happen nor should it. He is much too valuable at D and in my opinion has been our best and most consistent D all year. The kid brings way too much from the backend to move him up and he and Ausmus have been really good this year.
  16. That's good to see. I'm a little worried about Cakebread. Seems he got off to a great start last year and was a hot commodity and after he made his commitment it seems he hasn't played nearly as well. I think he plays one more year in the USHL.
  17. I agree. I've said all year Pattyn and Gaarder should play together since they are similar grind it out type players. Nothing flashy just hard work. I don't like spreading out grinders throughout your forward lines.
  18. I'm glad someone else noticed this. I couldn't believe how many faceoffs we lost clean in our own end. I don't recall winning one or even just tying up. Everyone was a clean loss and directly led to the 3rd St Cloud goal on the pp since we lost the draw and St Cloud controlled the puck and tired out our killers until they finally scored. This team needs to find a draw man as Mac is still our best with one arm.
  19. I think it has something to do with the fact that they haven't lost so they have a 0 in the loss column. Same thing with Wisconsin with the 0 in the win column. I think there is something about not calculating or comparing until a team gets a win or a loss? Probably not the best explanation but I believe it's something like that.
  20. That's a solid guess based solely on them already having a large benefactor. Not sure if Phil Knight would be game to contribute to add hockey though. He seems more inclined to keep the football program highly competitive.
  21. Based on my experience in Omaha for the outdoor game a couple years ago, I don't think Nebraska can support another Division I hockey team. Everything in that state revolves around Nebraska football and that is all anyone knows. We were out at the bars after the Friday night game a few blocks from the hockey rink and we were asked numerous times throughout the night what all this Sioux gear around the bars was all about. We said UND is playing UNO in an outdoor hockey game tomorrow and played indoors that night. Most had no idea the event was going on and even said we don't care about anything other than Cornhusker football around here.
  22. I guess I'm in the minority here but I really like what Mattson brings to the lineup. Sure he gets caught pinching too often, I like his ability to jump into the play and create odd man chances. He can also be an asset on the PP which obviously struggled this weekend without Nick Schmaltz. In my opinion, Thompson would be the odd man out and I actually thought he had a pretty solid weekend.
  23. Exactly my thought as well since Lucia came out and said he will not be abiding by the gentleman's agreement and we all know how York operates with recruits.
  24. I agree although I'm not sure that carries much weight as far as him coming back next year. He certainly has a lot to improve on in his own end but that isn't and never will be his strong suit. In my opinion he needs to get a lot stronger to be NHL ready. Hopefully playing with his brother one more year gets him to come back.
  25. I guess we will have to wait and see but when I read this I instantly thought he was headed to the Gophers. He would be a nice addition to our lineup next year especially with the forwards we are going to need to replace. Hope we can land him.
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