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I Ranger

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Everything posted by I Ranger

  1. This tells me they plan on signing Celebrini as well. My thinking was they would either want both to sign or both to go back to college for one more year. It will be interesting to see if this changes Ryan Leonard's mind on going back as well.
  2. Chris Heisenberg's recruiting sheet has Grayden Slipec crossed off of UND and listed as un-committed now. I'm not surprised but has anyone heard anything on this?
  3. Yep I'm with you. I had heard around $200K.
  4. ASU must have some serious NIL if this is the case as I had heard when he first committed to Mich St that he was receiving one of the larger NIL deals in hockey. Not sure how accurate but heard much greater than $50K at the time.
  5. This has to mean we pick up another portal forward right? And Littler comes in as well? We need 2 more forwards to get to 15. Sure seems strange it's been so quiet which has the feeling our portal forward will be just a depth guy so maybe waiting it out for a guy that doesn't have really have another option but to be a depth forward.
  6. Listened to his interview on Chiclets and I hate to say it but it's not going to be easy recruiting and playing against this guy for the next how many years. I could definitely see why kids would want to go play for him. Seemed like a really good dude and his age would certainly be appealing to 18-24 year olds.
  7. But he is a center and a talented one that has gotten buried playing with less talent than he should his first two years (at least last year for sure). As others have mentioned, he needs to get more ice with more talented skill players.
  8. So Omac goes from 1C to playing wing next year? I know he struggled on draws and a bit in the D zone but are we certain he's not a center next year? It seems we have a ton of guys that are natural centers on the roster; Omac, Berg, Wilkie, Strinden, Jammer, Schmaltz, Boivert. I get someone is going to have to play wing just not sold it's Omac. And like others have mentioned, Strinden needs to play with more skill next year. I mentioned this for this years squad but I'd love to see a James-Strinden-Perron line. Don't think we will though.
  9. I would guess no since Hastings was the coach he committed too
  10. As has been mentioned in another thread, if we could get Whitelaw to kind of even out our forward classes I'd really like the forward group. He would be a nice replacement for Blake.
  11. This is who I wanted to target to replace Blake when I first heard he hit the portal. He was Wisconsin's best player in the Quinnipiac game and really stood out to me. Hope we are after him as he would be a nice replacement. I would think we need at least one more maybe two portal forwards depending on if they bring in Littler or not.
  12. Definitely but I would also like to be after Whitelaw to replace Blake if he signs. Think he could be a good replacement only if Blake leaves.
  13. I don't think it's is any secret that the hot commodities that are hitting the portal already have their "advisors" working the phones so they either know where they are going or at the least the schools they are choosing between. And now-a-days what they have to offer in NIL.
  14. I've also heard there are rumors swirling in Bemidji about this as well and people there are quite worried. I've heard this second hand so not sure how reliable.
  15. I agree he has great edges and is extremely shifty laterally but isn't overly quick in a straight line. He isn't blowing by anyone that's for sure. We can agree to disagree on this. Like I mentioned in my previous post, you can really notice Blake's inefficient skating when he is tired. He is really leaned over battling to stay upright.
  16. Kawaguchi was definitely not a great skater but neither is Blake. This is another reason why I don't think he is near NHL ready. You can really notice a not so great skater when they are tired and that is exactly when Blake shows he isn't a very efficient skater.
  17. 100% agree. The first 10 minutes of the game last night he got knocked on his ass about 5 times and I made mention how this is showing he is no where near ready for the next level physically! His skill is off the charts but I don't recall ever seeing a player of his talent take so many crushing hits. He gets crushed at least once per game.
  18. I don't know if I have ever seen a UND team get so manhandled physically by a team not remotely known for that type of play. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but I think Michigan's physical play was one of the reasons we looked totally gassed in the third. Other than Johannes, every forward seemed to take a beating and I think that won the game for Michigan.
  19. We must have been watching different games as this was by far way more entertaining than anything that was being played at the X this weekend.
  20. It's going to be Michigan or Quinnipiac as it lines up now. Not a great draw to say the least!
  21. So this loss looks like it means we get Michigan or Quinnipiac in the first round rather than potentially the ECAC winner. Lovely!
  22. My analysis and this has been all year even when they have been successful is too much player movement and not enough puck movement. I get everything runs through Blake but we need to move the puck quicker and not just have Blake skate around trying to find a play.
  23. For those traveling to the cities this weekend, be aware Sunday looks like an ugly day to be driving back as of now!
  24. The one stat that really jumps out at me because I've mentioned it to bunch of different people over Blake's first two years is that he will never dump the puck in even though sometimes that is the correct and really only play he has. I know he doesn't do it often but to only have dumped it in 5 times all year with how much he has the puck is absolutely crazy to me!
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