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I Ranger

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Everything posted by I Ranger

  1. Anyone notice that Mac was the one taking most of St. Clair's shifts after he got his game misconduct? I think that's a good sign that a player out for a few weeks comes back and is double-shifted. He also took and won the last draw of the game. I think we may see him back at center tonight. Lots of comments about Thompson needing to be better but I thought he was alright last night. #24 has to be a lot better. That 1st period was as bad a period as he has played maybe since his freshman season.
  2. I think there was a good possibility that would have happened. Unfortunately, I just knew there was no chance UND would beat Minny two games in a row at the X especially after the way the first game ended.
  3. That makes sense then. I don't think we will see anything like the 11-12 team ever again. Four walk-ons playing and a D playing forward and still couldn't put out a full lineup. That team overachieved to win the Final Five and become a #1 seed and make it to the regional final.
  4. I'm going to have to disagree with you here. That season we had Dillon Simpson and Joe Gleason as our 7th and 8th Dmen and Cichy and Bruneteau as extra forwards who all played vital roles throughout the season due to injury. I guess maybe our D core has similar depth but the forward group is by no means as talented or as deep. Kristo and Nelson were on the 3rd line that year.
  5. This is the time when we are going to have to count on our depth at D and Zane on the backend to win some low scoring close games.
  6. Which is why is was important to get the sweep this weekend. Yes it was Wisconsin and yes it was at the Kohl Center but losing a game would have hurt big time in the long run especially with the strength of the big ten so far.
  7. Interesting. I'm surprised Panzarella is in still. Might be one of those cases where he has practiced well and deserved to get a game and with the injury this was the opportunity.
  8. No LaDue tonight and Panzarella in for him. No word on what the injury is. I take it that means Mattson didn't even travel. I would have thought Mattson and Thompson would each get a game this weekend.
  9. I like lines like this until Mac returns: Caggulia-Schmaltz-Parks Pattyn-Gaarder-Olson OD-Johnson-Poganski Chyzk-Simonson-St Clair I've always liked St Clair's energy and especially his PK ability.
  10. I think this has been our best pairing all year. I know LaDue and Schmaltz have more talent but Stecher and Ausmus have been really consistent. Stecher has just been flat-out terrific. I think if there is a chance for anyone sitting it may be Ausmus after last night. He got caught up ice giving up odd man rushes quite a few times last night. I really like him in the lineup but last night was definitely his worst game of the year.
  11. It's easy to say after the fact now but could you imagine the outrage fans would take against the third base coach had he sent him? I think he did the right thing but since we now know they couldn't get him in to score maybe taking that chance would have been worth it. Although you never want to make the last out on the base paths.
  12. Those are pretty solid picks for the worst. Those are the three I was thinking as well maybe since they are all so fresh and recent. I'm sure there may have been some stinkers further back but I can't think of any of the top of my head. I will never forget that Michigan game. I was nervous about drawing them in the first round and once Holy Cross scored in OT and the building was rocking with "Let's Go Sioux" chants 20 minutes before the Sioux came out for warm-ups I felt much more relaxed and knew Michigan was in for a rough ride. Get chills thinking about that day/weekend.
  13. I sure hope the boys realize they got embarrassed on opening night at the Ralph and will want to make up for that performance this weekend by playing 120 minutes of Sioux hockey!
  14. I think it's just a matter of time before he is officially a UMD recruit. I don't see any chance he goes elsewhere.
  15. Yep froze up for me as well. I keep refreshing and keep seeing the 4th goal.
  16. It will be interesting to follow his decision. As of now, TSN has him as the #1 player available for the 2016 NHL draft and he was mentioned in the same category as Eichel and McDavid. I would like to see UND as one school he is considering. Maybe with Eichel playing at BU, he will follow his progress and see how/if at all it effects his draft stock.
  17. I would guess this is more of a Panzarella replacement than anything else. Just a lower scholarship d-men to cover against potential early departures. It wouldn't surprise me if we are still after another top notch D recruit that could possible come in next year.
  18. I would say switch out Sanderson for St Clair and I like the lineup. I was not impressed with Sanderson in the exhibition but I figured he would be in the lineup tonight based on the comments Hak made after the game. I like St Clair due to his intensity and PK abilities.
  19. I just thought his hands and feet looked a little clumsy but that is to be expected in your first college game. I think he will settle in nicely.
  20. I agree with this lineup. I like St Clair as a 4th line center due to his aggressiveness and PK abilities. I agree with most that Poolman looked green last night and looked to have some troubles with his feet. He will no doubt get better but I think he is the odd man out at D after last night. I could see Olson sneaking in somewhere but it's hard for me to say since I have never seen the kid play. My guess would be with Pattyn and Gaarder. I don't see Sanderson staying in the lineup. I thought he seemed a step or two slow on most plays last night. There are just too many better options especially if it's between him and St. Clair.
  21. I think these are pretty spot on all the way through. Lots are speculating LaDue jumping up to play with Schmaltz on that top pair but the way you have it here is the way I see it. This has a lefty/righty combo throughout the D-pairs which I would think is something the coaches would like to keep.
  22. Just saw that Heisenberg had him off his list. I guess that doesn't necessarily mean its accurate though.
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