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Everything posted by iramurphy

  1. I understood she had been recruited by the AC. They may have backed off at some time but I believe they were recruiting her at one time. Someone who reads this board knows the answer to that and could clarify but he is old and probably not up yet. (Maybe he wants us to visualize the answer). Anyway why would she give up going to a better school, with a better team, play for the D2 tiltle as opposed to going to the AC and playing in limbo?
  2. You are correct. Because of Lou's relationship with U of Mn., he was not allowed to contact any recruit who had committed. School officials also were not allowed to continue to contact Zach. Wouldn't the same rule apply to Ruley. In the long run who cares, NDSU had been recruiting Jossy before she committed to UND. So had other D1 schools. How ya gonna keep em down on the farm after they've seen UND???
  3. Not a bad thought. It was the Chippewa who kicked the Sioux out of Minnesota. Winona Laduke is leading the land reclamation project but they are not going to give Grahamkracker or any of the others their land back. I believe that is one of the reasons my friend GrahamKracker uses the derogatory terms and is very much against a Chippewa artist having success designing the Sioux logo. Did Kracker ever get back home? I hope they didn't forget him at the Legion or VFW in Bismarck. I will go get him if he needs a ride. I wonder if Puds is still open at Yates.
  4. Why did the U of Minn. have to report the contacts from Lou Nanne with Zparise to the NCAA? That was a violation fo NCAA rules because Zach had committed to UND. Is it different because this is now D1 vs D2?
  5. Considering what has been allowed at the AC over the years, there is no danger whatsoever that Ruley would be even reprimanded for this move. It is what the AC does and how they have operated for years. By the way, I will bet a case of your favorite beverage she will not change her mind. She likes UND and she will be playing on a better team here than at the AC. Her favorite uncle and aunt live in GF. One of our local kids who probably won't end up at UND but was recruited by Roebuck, the AC (Ruley) and others didn't care much about her visit to the farm. One of our Juniors who is a 6'1" very athletic forward is very interested in UND and also doesn't care for Ruley and the AC. Having said all of that, she is a hell of a coach.
  6. Joe played in the late 1960's and finished in 1970. He played O-line. He articulates the frustrations of a group of Alumni from that era who very much wish to take UND to D1AA. They have stepped to the plate with $$$. A couple of his teamates who are more vocal on the committee but maybe less so publically have given >$100,000 and continue to give. I don't think he will quit giving but the frustration is dealing with the president's office and the communication problems they have experienced. They are very frustrated with the lack of follow-up communication. (seems similar to some of the issues with the tribal council from Spirit Lake). Whether or not Kuppy is there, it will cost $$$. Until the NCAA changes the regulations it means bringing the other sports to the real D1 as well as FB to D1AA, which is very expensive. If UND could go D1 in football only the money can be raised and FB is ready to go. I wouldn't call for his resignation over this issue. His office could do better with working with these folks who want the best for UND and the ahtletic department with emphasis on FB.
  7. Isn't that the plays sent in from the bench though? The vertical passing game is often there and we are pretty conservative. I would like to see the Sioux take advantage of it but what they do does seem to work.
  8. Has nothing to do with who the starter is. Belmore is doing a great job and has had two very good games and there is no question as to who the starter is and should be . Both Dale and Roger have neglected their number two QB's over time and it has hurt them. Rislov left because he got very little PT as a backup. He was good enough to start at SanDiego and thus we lost a quality backup. We aren't going to lose Manke but I think he deserves better. Doesn't mean Dale doesn't have the best interest of the team, just a difference in philosophy. One of the reasons a lot of kids go to UND is that they will get PT as a one or a two. Doesn't happen at QB and I think it is a mistake. Mopping up in the fourth quarter with the 2's and 3's isn't the same as PT with the 1's when it still means something. It drove me nuts when Roger did it and it bothers me now whether it be Manke, Carney or whomever they ahve earned more PT beyond mop up duty.
  9. Hi Mom, I would not have been fired. I am part time and get only a stipend for mostly volunteer work but do hold a faculty position and do get a check. ( I donate it to UND athletics). I would not have spoken on behalf of the University. I did contact the NCAA web site when they first came out with their ruling. I asked for similar clarification that UND is asking for and also asked why they wouldn't give a grace period before enforcing the new ruling. Budgets for new uniforms etc. are already approved for the year and even if they were going to enforce the ban, another year to comply with the time to budget for change would have been less heavy handed. I got the canned response and when I asked for futher clarification, I got the same canned response. I do not agree the other faculty members should be in trouble for stating their position. I have a problem with how they misrepresent the truth. I also have a problem when they introduce the subject in their classes and the kids who support the use of the name seem to struggle to get the grades the had been getting. That may be a separate topic. If Grahamkracker wants to study with me, he will get an A if he earns it and maybe some extra credit for the entertainment value. His stance on the Sioux name wouldn't be an issue. I have read one of the papers graded by a marketing instructor and she was rude and inappropriate to the kid who documented some of the hostory and took a pro name stance. By the way, cute kid. Has she signed with Coke yet to do commercials?
  10. Even if he is playing well how can they not let Manke play? He has played well this year. He has earned it and there is no excuse not to get him time with the "ones" in the first half. They left Belmore in last year when he didn't play well against St. Cloud and Augie and it cost them one game and almost both games. I can't believe Dale is that thougthless that he doesn't understand what he is doing to the kid and the program when other QB's don't get in. Thomas did the same thing, then when he need the #2 guy they never had experience. Coaches don't send their HS kids to UND to sit on the bench during a blowout!
  11. Hey Kracker, Welcome back. How was Bismarck? The board wasn't as much fun without you. We missed you. You guys did a good job of "politicing" and pressuring everyone to fall in line with the hardliners. I would have taken you up on your offer to ride to Bismarck but I had to work. We could have had a good time debating. You forgot Hockey Mom, she wanted a ride. Would the tribal council people have let me speak? I am a UND faculty member among other things and work with Native American kids on a weekly basis. (most of them are "rabbit chokers"). Didn't seem like it was a good atmosphere for any open discussion. I was disappointed Kuppy didn't address the group on the logo issue but I don't think he was up to standing up and listening to the bull$%!# part of the argument. He got that the next day anyway. The comments about the parade floats in the 1960's and trying to make people think American Indians are getting beat up on a regular basis at UND is crap. The police blotters over the years do not support that claim. I wonder if the attacks on American Indians was down in GF while you folks were in Bismarck? There was no one here to get after the half Indians or hang around the fort Indians while you and Leigh were in Bismarck arm twisting the others to become "real Sioux". I see Jeonotte thinks the NCAA will cave in. I am not so sure. Kuppy was meeting with one of the other UND alumni (net worth well over $500,000,000) and told him he thought the NCAA would give UND an exemption. I guess we will see. Jeonotte also seems to think the UND response is full of mistruths. The "minority report he was part of had very little truth so I am not sure he would be a good judge of what the truth really is. Rob Bollinger had planned to set up a committee to work with the states American Indians on the name issue had he been selected AD. He may try to get Buning to do the same thing. Do you know reasonable people who would be willing to work together to either make the name acceptable to more AI folks or change the name if that is going to happen or are we stuck now with the abrasive I can holler louder than you folks (on both sides). Who is the go to person on campus and do they have any authority to communicate on behalf of the tribal officials? Anyway, have a good weekend and get your homework done. You don't want to break Quilly's record for years spent at UND as an undergraduate.
  12. Was Kracker going to call anyone of you folks with the good news that he talked the tribal chairs into supporting the name or do we have to wait until he gets back?
  13. If he has it reconstucted properly and most importantly, rehabbed properly, he should be working out in 4-5 months and able to play next fall. He won't be ready anymore this year and hopefully can still get a medical redshirt.
  14. Kracker, As a vet you should be more respectful. Most of our soldiers in the Cav units aren't even sure where North Dakota is much less care about the Fighting Sioux name. The Cav. units tend to be fast and deadly. Anohter thing would be I don't think you are old enough to have served under Crazy Horse (who happened to be one of the greatest cavalry leaders in the history of warfare) so your term "we annihilated them", is not accurate. I wouldn't think kicking some narcisstic, egotistical jerk like Custer who put his troops in harms way, against the orders of his superiors and the advice of his subordinate staff, when he was outnumbered about 10 to 1, is such a great feat. Nor was he a hero when he killed women and children or outnumbered and overmatched American Indian forces. Let's stick to the Fighting Sioux name and whether or not it is worth keeping for either UND or the Sioux nation. In your recent posts you have intermittently raised some decent points. It is hard to separate the proverbial wheat from the crap however. Same goes for the rest of us, I guess. What do you think our chances are against Winona St. Saturday??
  15. Great Photo. Who are they and what unit are they with? Are they still there? If so, we should arrange for game tapes etc. to be sent. They should blow that up and put it in the locker rooms. Nice way of keeping sports in perspective. If one of you who works for the university Athletic Dept sees this, send it to the new AD and the coaches.
  16. I thought Belmore had one of his better games. He had 3 passes dropped by receivers and other than the fumbles and two missed deep balls did a great job. UND's staff is so conservative it has to hard to get into any rythm with the passing game at times. The vertical passing game is there if they are willing to go to it. Maybe didn't have to because they got the run going and the spread short stuff was there.
  17. I hope you know that someone will accept this as fact and use it to send to the NCAA or bring it up to any tribal council as proof of how dangerous it is around ol' Grand Forks. . It can be fun to jerk someone's chain once in a while but if you really believe that you are having too many Bloody Marys for breakfast.
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