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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. DVRd the game last night and watched it late. Fun game to watch. I don't think I have ever seen teams hit such a high percentage of 3's. Reading the box score, they both hit 63.2% on 3-pointers. The Sioux played pretty good "O", but now need to start working on the "D". Too many times last night the Broncs went right past the guards and into the lane. The Broncs also had 8 offensive rebounds. Still ....good to see a "W" With all five of the players in double figures being freshman, the future of Sioux BB is looking up. Go SIOUX!!!
  2. GeauxSioux

    Time to recap

    You and Dave Berger need to start a club.
  3. Faison's Press Conference The written statement was solid. The video adds emphasis to some of the words such as "never".
  4. Faison's response.... Edit: I like the last sentence the best.
  5. UND does not control this issue. SBoHE does. The SBoHE hired Kelley. Kelley hired Faison, so it woiuld make sense that since President Kelley cannot control the issue, his AD can't come out on one side or the other on the issue.
  6. Faison is emphatic that the UND administration did not do what Douple said they did. Faison isn't allowed to have an opinion on the nickname/logo issue. Listening to him, though, he likes the fan's pride in the name. I think if allowed to have an opinion he would keep the Sioux name. He also recognizes the revenue that is generated from jersey sales and that it will take a hit , if the name changes.
  7. Kelley denies pressuring Summit League on nickname issue
  8. Stop being so pragmatic and logical about all of this. Agree with points 1-6.
  9. True or not, why is this story coming out now? As was stated previously Doufus has already proven himself to be a liar, either he is lying now or was lying then. Which is it Commissioner Doufus? If Kelley/Faison were involved in this and were buddies with Doufus through all of this, why did they cancel the Summit League campus visit the Friday before the Big Sky announcement. If they were in cahoots with him wouldn't they have been working with Doufus to get into the Summit and the MVFC? All the blather from SDSU/NDSU folks said that USD played the patient waiting game and got what they wanted and that UND was stupid to jump at the Big Sky deal. If this nickname scandal was going on behind the scenes, wouldn't there also be Summit/MVFC conversations also. Then there was the scheduling statements/mis-statements between Taylor and Doufus, regarding the Summit schools not scheduling UND because of the nickname issue. While I agree that Kelley didn't do all he could to keep the name, I don't believe this story. It just doesn't make any sense. I do think Doufus better polish his resume, as either way this comes out, he doesn't look good to the Summit presidents. Edit: Thank God UND is in the Big Sky and away from this twit.
  10. MidcoSportsNet put together this very cool video from the Minnesota series.... Edit: Just noticed that Jim had this posted on the front page. Oops.
  11. Good news: Dropout rate is high And people wonder why America is falling behind in the world academically.
  12. Your letters need to be orange.
  13. Is orange starting to become more of a school color? I believe it just started out as the orange flame in the academic logo and if you look at the UND homepage., it is starting to get used a lot more. Mikejm pointed out in another thread that there are whispers about "Spirit" being the new name. Is the orange going to be part of the color scheme for North Dakota Spirits?
  14. I hadn't seen this name pop up before..... Gametracker: Waterloo Black Hawks
  15. Very frustrating game to watch. I can't believe the number of missed free throws. The last 5 minutes of regulation were brutal. The game never should have gotten to the first OT. With 5 minutes left the Sioux were up by 11. I questioned the call to foul UVU in the third OT with less than 6 seconds left. The Sioux had a 3-point lead. Why put Mr. Automatic on the line to make it a 1 point game. Then the technical foul fiasco. When the Sioux were trying to inbound the ball, I kept saying just get it in. All he had to was lob the to mid court. i know the clock doesn't start until the ball is touched, but the chances would have been 50/50 as to who got the ball and they would still have had to launch a prayer. It took me a half hour to fall asleep last night after watching that. I'm sure the guys didn't sleep much at all. This is one that the Sioux had as a "W".
  16. Kelley opposes bill requiring him to seek permission to use old REA
  17. Another UND sports blog popped up in the past few weeks.... UND Sports Sorry if this has already been posted and I missed it.
  18. GFAFB prepares for new mission, population rebound
  19. Kaiser commits with UND Fighting Sioux
  20. Thanks for all of the update on the MBB and WBB games yesterday. I was busy pretty much the whole day, but peeked to catch the scores occasionally. The men appear to be turning the corner and getting more consistent with their play. Keep it going guys. Go Sioux!!
  21. Another bill from the wacky world of the ND legislature... The older I get the more I can't believe the things elected officials come up with.
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