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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Teachers are a necessary and important part of our society, just as the man who risks his capital to start a business. i am just tired of seeing the person who takes risks and scratches to make a successful business being penalized. I also tire of "the rich don't pay their fare share", especially when around 50% don't pay income tax. Welcome to America, the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Thanks for the book selection, Ranger.
  2. The theme from Atlas Shrugged is that success and profit are vile and to be looked down upon. That people should all be working toward the common good, an egalitarian society. If you listen to the media and politicians of today, they talk about oil companies making "obscene profits" and how that is bad and that they should be using their profits to fund "green energy". No, someone living alone on a desert island would not become wealthy, as there would be no one to buy what that person would provide. But I have heard it said and I believe, that if you took all of the wealth and divided it up equally, most of the people who were successful before would end up with the money again. They are the thinkers, risk takers and doers. They would naturally rise to the top.
  3. I watched a few minutes of a show that sounds something like that. They had took storage containers and built a fortified compound out of them. They had enough food stored for 20 people for 20 years. I am not a doomsday prepper, just someone who sees a government run amuck and trampling our liberties and I'm not real happy about it.
  4. "Now" is the key word. The article that I read also noted that they have been around since 2006, but that it wasn't mandatory. They will now make it mandatory. Incrementalism. Overton Window...
  5. I'm not throwing this out as a topic of one political party versus another, as I don't think it matters in the long run who get elected in November. The election will only determine how fast America continues down the wrong path. I have the had the book Atlas Shrugged on the shelf for about a year now and just now am getting around to reading it. It is 1100 pages long and I had some other books that i wanted to get through first before it, so I didn't start and stop. The weekend before last my wife and I watched Atlas Shrugged Part I on Netflix. Boy, was that an eye opener. I have since started reading the book. With responsibilities and demands of kids, my reading time has only allowed me to get through the first two chapters and, as always, the book is better than the movie. I listen to a lot of talk radio during the day and not all of it being right wing. I catch a little bit of Rush, a lot of Neal Boortz and lot of "local" stuff from Pensacola to New Orleans. I don't hear a lot of optimism out there and the book Atlas Shrugged seems to come up quite often. I have seen different places on the internet with the statement... Atlas Shrugged was a warning, not a "how to" manual, or something of the like. The federal government has clearly overstepped their bounds and I don't see much stopping them from continuing to do so. I read a report last week where the Senate passed a bill requiring all new cars be equipped with a "black box" and was expected to pass in the House easily. I discussed it with some of the guys at work and they didn't see a problem with it, as the bill stated that the data contained within the black box was the property of the owner of the vehicle, outside of a court order or pursuant to an investigation or inspection conducted by the Secretary of Transportation. This didn't scare them. It scares the heck out of me. I know how the government works.... incrementally. I have heard different talk show hosts talk about their escape plan for when America falls. I have even started doing my own research. Anyone have any input? Hey, it's the off season, I thought this would be a good time to get the opinions of others. Also, after I get done with Atlas Shrugged does anyone have any other good books along the same lines? I read 1984 a long time ago.
  6. Drop baseball and add lacrosse. College baseball with a North Dakota climate doesn't make sense. Catch the wave of interest in lacrosse and get ahead of the other schools in the area.
  7. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/highschool/football/ct-spt-0417-prep-foot-edgy-recruiting-notes-20120417,0,587949.story
  8. The 25 Healthiest Colleges in the U.S. Top 5 UCLA Stanford UND Colby College UGA
  9. Thanks for the info. Which of the QBs looked the best today? Looking forward to an exciting year of Big Sky football.
  10. Think Big: Ready to work I'm really hoping for an aerial show this year. Always nice to see the president taking an interest in athletics.
  11. Anyone catching the tweets from Tom Miller...
  12. It seems Sean Johnson is a finalist for another AD job. This one at Northern Michigan. Athletic Director finalists named
  13. I believe the exact opposite, but then again, I rarely agree with you.
  14. GeauxSioux

    Think Big

    It's been a long wait and we will have to wait a bit longer for the first game, but the Big Sky is upon us. Think Big: Day one in the books SFI 2012 Spring Ball Preview
  15. Dave, 5-3 Gophers? What were you thinking? Much to my chagrin, your prediction was nearly dead on. Every week my kids ask me what does Hamburger (their nickname for you) think? Your analysis of Sioux hockey is amazing. Keep it up next year.
  16. Hats off to the Gopjers on a well played game. Congratulations and thank you to the Sioux for a great season of hockey. My family and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks guys.
  17. I almost had a heart attack the last two minutes. One game down, on to the next. Lets Go SIOUX!!!!
  18. 0-4 on the day, but happy about it.
  19. Kind of what it looked like for the Sioux last year, but look what happened.
  20. Really kind of hard to like or dislike them from this picture. I don't hate them, though.
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